Ch. 59

"That shouldn't be the case. We didn't see Lao Xiao along the way, and there was no sign of Dong Chengyi's men either." Lin Ze frowned and said, "Xiao Zuo didn't drive when he left, we should have met them a long time ago."

"Let's wait at the entrance of Dacheng Village. Maybe the people behind us haven't arrived yet." Lou Ai said.

"Okay, I'll just let the people below take a break. We left in a hurry and didn't have time to take some things with us." Lin Ze said.

Lou Ai nodded, and jumped off the pickup truck the moment it stopped. She glanced at the little soldiers in the car, who were in a very depressed state due to the rain power. She looked at the small peach tree grove in the distance and couldn't help but said, "You guys take a rest first. I'll go over there to take a look at the traces around. Remember to be alert." Lou Ai emphasized the word "alert".

"Okay." Lin Ze nodded, accepted the suggestion immediately, pointed out a few soldiers who were in better condition, and asked them to stand in position and strengthen vigilance.

The others sat down on the spot, replenished their food and water, closed their eyes and rested to recover their spirits.

Seeing this, Lou Ai took out a machete, held the handle, and walked into Dacheng Village. After walking for five or six minutes, she arrived at the bushes that Lou Ai saw when she was at the door. A strong pressure came out from the woods. Lou Ai felt the zombies gathered all around her, more than thirty of them. This pressure acted directly on the zombies, and it was so strong that people admired them and obeyed their orders. Lou Ai suppressed the urge to surrender in her mind.

Is this the powerful zombie on the map? The location marked on the map is separated from Dacheng Village by Zhongcheng Village, so how did he get here?

Lou Ai tried to take control of the ownership of a zombie from this high coercion, but failed.

This high-pressure zombie has been trying to control her ownership, and the order he conveyed was for her to help catch the traitor.


The high-pressure zombie was getting closer and closer to her, and the rustling sound of leaves in the woods being disturbed by the movement was getting louder and louder.

"Help! Help!" "Wow!" "Hoohoo...Gahhh!"

Suddenly, in addition to the rustling of leaves, the sharp roars of humans, the excited roars of zombies, and the crying of a child all appeared at the same time. The sound came out suddenly, and the little sparrows on the branches were startled and flew away.

Lou Ai's face paused. This was Xiao Zi's scream and Xin Xin's crying.

According to the map she gave Xiao Zuo, they would never encounter this zombie, so how come they ran into it in advance? 

Lou Ai quickly took inventory of the weapons in the space, making sure that even if she couldn't save Xiao Zuo and the others in the end, she should have enough strength to escape. Then she stepped into the bushes and walked carefully in the direction of the crying.

The powerful zombie might have discovered her presence a long time ago. As soon as Lou Ai entered the small forest where Xin Xin was, she made eye contact with the powerful zombie. This zombie was very clean, wearing a white coat without any stains, its hair was neatly groomed, and its skin was just a little bruised. If you didn't look into its eyes, you would even think that this was still a human being. Lou Ai looked at the powerful zombie in front of her, the mung bean-sized pupils turned several circles in its eye sockets, and it gave her a roar of allyship.

Lou Ai paused for a moment, but did not refuse the alliance invitation from the powerful zombie.

She stood silently behind the zombies, looking at Xiao Zi and Xin Xin who were fleeing in the woods.

The zombies were only chasing these two people. Where were the others? Were they separated?

"Plop." Xin Xin was tripped by a branch while running away. She glanced at the large group of zombies chasing after her and started hiccuping in fear.

"Stop crying, you little brat, run faster!" Xiao Zi's tone was very impatient. She muttered as she picked up Xin Xin and ran out. "If it weren't for the fact that you are the most valuable member of our team, I wouldn't have come back to save you."

Lou Ai silently retreated behind the powerful zombie. After just two glances, she understood that this zombie was not trying to kill these two people, but was just keeping them hanging for fun.

She wondered when this zombie will have enough fun. When it has had enough fun, will it start killing people indiscriminately?

"Roar!" Lou Ai had been on high alert for more than ten minutes. The powerful zombie in front of her finally showed signs of impatience. When the zombie's attention was all drawn to Xiao Zi and Xin Xin, Lou Ai instantly clenched the long knife in her hand and chopped hard on the zombie's thigh.

With her strength, it would be a sheer daydream for her to kill a second-level zombie with one blow.

Lou Ai sharpened the blade of the machete hard against its thigh bone.

This zombie's skin is not as hard as the one with power that she encountered during the second purple moon.

The zombie turned around in disbelief, and its pupils, as big as green beans, seemed to have widened.

"Roar!" Traitor, the zombie's eyes were full of hatred, and the overwhelming pressure coming from the zombie in front of him made Lou Ai breathless.

When Xiao Zi and Xin Xin saw Lou Ai, they were shocked at first. Then Xiao Zi said happily, "Lou Ai, help us hold them back. I'll go find reinforcements right away. We got separated from Xiao Zuo and the others in the village ahead. I'll carry Xin Xin and leave first."

"How did you get separated?" Lou Ai asked.

"I just... saw that the zombie looked like a scientist, so I thought... I followed him but... we got separated..." Xiao Zi stammered for a long time.

Lou Ai ignored Xiao Zi, but that didn't stop Xiao Zi from taking Xin Xin away from the zombie-packed area quickly.

Most of the ordinary zombies were led away by Xiao Zi and Xin Xin.


Lou Ai stared at the zombie in front of her intently, feeling the wind from the zombie's sharp nails.

Lou Ai took out a long dagger from the space again to block the attack of the powerful zombie. When the tip of its nails scratched the dagger, Lou Ai suddenly found that there was no sound of wind. The sound of the attacking wind disappeared, and the surrounding sounds also dissipated. This made Lou Ai only able to watch the attack of the zombie in front of her with her eyes, which greatly interfered with Lou Ai's judgment.

Is this the zombie’s special ability?

Lou Ai opened her mouth and made a sound. She indeed couldn't hear it, but she found that the zombies couldn't hear it either.

Lou Ai swung the dagger into the zombie's wound and slashed it hard.

"Roar, roar!" The zombie quickly threw away the dagger, but the pressure of its voice increased rapidly in this quiet space. This was the sound that Lou Ai could hear, but the zombie in front of her still could not hear it.

Lou Ai's ears hurt from the shock and her head was buzzing. She kept taking out a kitchen knife from the space and chopped the zombie's wound with it.

Within a few minutes, Lou Ai used all the tools, including bone-cutting knives, fruit knives, and long swords, no matter how big or small, to chop at it. She did it more than ten times, leaving its wounds bloody and mangled.

"Roar, roar!" The zombies' huge roars turned her mind into a mess. The explosive pain made Lou Ai want to cut herself with a knife.

Lou Ai took out the last machete and chopped it out of inertia.

One second, two seconds later, the powerful zombie in front of her fell to the ground, its leg bones broken.

Lou Ai smiled. They, the zombies, could not feel pain, and they didn't even have any sensation in their limbs. There was no other way to tell where the bones were cut except by listening to the sound of grinding bones.

Lou Ai quickly picked up the machete next to her and cut off the limbs of the powerful zombie.

"Roar, roar, roar!" Traitor, traitor. The high-powered zombie continued to roar, and Lou Ai could understand the meaning of the words.

She originally thought that the zombie was talking about herself, but she didn't expect that the zombie's words would change in the end.

"Roar, roar." "Academy of Sciences, traitor, roar... Academy of Sciences... traitor!"

Before the high-powered zombie could utter another two words, Lou Ai shot it in the head with the broken spear, and it died without a sound.

Just... the Academy of Sciences, traitors?
