Ch. 60

Lou Ai raised her hand to wipe the smelly blood that splashed on her face, and turned around to see Xiao Zi, Xin Xin and Lin Ze rushing over with a large number of people. She looked at Xiao Zi's big mouth and sneered. Xiao Zi knew that Xin Xin was the center of the whole team, but she still took Xin Xin out secretly. She made an unforgivable mistake.

Xiao Zi sighed, "This is a high-level zombie. I've seen second-level zombies before. I don't think those second-level zombies are as powerful as this one. How could Lou Ai kill this zombie directly?" Xiao Zi shuddered and felt Lou Ai's strength directly.

"Sister Lou Ai is so awesome!" Xin Xin was held in Lin Ze's arms. She hugged Lin Ze's neck and muttered, "She beat the bad guy to death!"

Lou Ai reached out and dug out the crystal core of the zombie in front of her, clenched her palm and felt a strong attraction.

She couldn't help but smile. She hadn't noticed just now that as long as she absorbed this crystal core, she would be able to advance to the third level.

In her previous life, she was only a second-level until her death.

When she reaches the third level, her strength should be comparable to the top psychics in the Capital Base. When Lou Ai was chatting with Meng Langlang on Bai Ze Expressway before, she heard her say that the top psychic in the Capital Base was a metal-type psychic, at the third level, and there were no third-level psychic psychics, so she was able to decide to go to the Capital Base so quickly when she was at Qiang'an Base.

Also, the headquarters of the Academy of Sciences is in the capital. Did this zombie come from the Capital Academy of Sciences?

Lou Ai took out wet wipes and a small mirror from her backpack and carefully wiped all the dirt off her cheeks.

She touched her head and found that the Pikachu on top of her head had fallen off at some point. What a pity, because she quite liked that Pikachu.

Lin Ze ordered the soldiers to dig out the crystal cores of the dead zombies around, gathered a small handful, walked to Lou Ai and handed them to her.

Lou Ai took it with both hands and said, "Thank you, Lin Ze, take a look at the appearance of this zombie, do you recognize it?"

Lin Ze squatted down, looked at the zombie's face, and said in surprise: "I think I have seen him before. He must be from the Academy of Sciences. Sorry, I don't pay much attention to scientists at the bottom of the Academy of Sciences, but he looks familiar to me. He must have made some inventions."

Xiao Zi came over by rubbing against the branches. After hearing what Lin Ze said, she quickly said, "This man is a scientist who came here with Professor Qin Chengtai. I forgot his name. He was sent by the Capital Academy of Sciences. Professor Qin Chengtai also issued a reward for him. It was posted on the bulletin board on the wall of Fengcheng Base. Qin Chengtai said that he has very important research information. If anyone can bring his information, he will be rewarded generously."

Xiao Zi continued hesitantly, "When I was cooking lunch today, I wanted to go to the village store to see if there was anything useful. I took Xin Xin with me. Xiao Zuo and the others were outside the store. Xin Xin found the back door and walked out. I turned around and found that Xin Xin was gone, so I hurried out to look for her. Unexpectedly, I found this zombie not far away."

Xin Xin muttered unhappily: "Sister Xiao Zi, it was you who wanted to catch the little rabbit and got lost. I got lost because I was looking for you."

Upon hearing this, Lou Ai glanced at Xiao Zi with a smile.

Xiao Zi pretended not to hear Xin Xin's voice and continued, "I saw this zombie on the road and suddenly remembered the bounty. I thought he was a human at the time. After all, he was dressed like a human and there were no other zombies around. I just wanted to follow him to get some information, but I didn't expect that the zombie showed his zombie face after just two steps. Xin Xin and I started running, and we kept taking the paths covered by branches to avoid the siege of zombies. When we ran here, Captain Xiao Zuo and Captain Xin were still at the store. I'm afraid they have discovered that Xin Xin and I are missing."

"What is Professor Cheng Taihe researching now?" Lou Ai asked.

Scientists are the richest people in the base. Xiao Zi usually pays attention to these scientists. She said, "I remember it was a device for amplifying superpowers. He was originally studying the characteristics of the zombie virus, but another professor invited him to participate in a group of experiments. Before the professor died, he studied most of the device. He couldn't bear to see the experiment end, so he recruited some people from the capital to prepare to conquer this experiment."

Lou Ai remembered this experiment. It seemed that the research was about amplifying the superpowers of the psychics tenfold. Qin Chengtai was assassinated when he was developing this experiment.

When Professor Qin Chengtai died, all the experimental data disappeared.

Therefore, this device was not developed until her death.

"Lou Ai, we have already rested over there, but who knows what the situation is like over there over Xiao Zuo, so we should get there as soon as possible." Lin Ze said.

"Okay." Lou Ai nodded, picked up two usable machetes behind her and put them away. The rest of the knives had badly bent blades.

Xin Xin ran to Lou Ai and grabbed her sleeve. Seeing Lou Ai looking at her, she couldn't help but smile and whispered, "Sister Lou Ai, can I go with you?"

"Of course!" Lou Ai softened her voice, nodded, and picked up Xin Xin with one hand.

Lou Ai held Xin Xin and sat in the passenger seat next to Lin Ze, while Xiao Zi sat in the passenger seat of the second car.

When they arrived at Zhongcheng Village, the entire village was filled with the shouts of Xiao Zuo's team.

"Xin Xin, Xiao Zi, where are you?"

"Xin Xin..."

The sound of the pickup truck naturally attracted the attention of Xiao Zuo's team. Xin Riyue saw Xin Xin's figure through the window on the side of the road and couldn't help but run up to her in surprise: "What's going on? Xin Xin, why are you here with Lou Ai?"

"Dad!" Xin Xin shouted.

Xin Riyue faced the opened car door and hugged Xin Xin: "Xin Xin, where have you been?"

"We encountered a zombie, and it was Sister Lou Ai who saved me and Sister Xiao Zi." Xin Xin rubbed Xin Riyue's cheek and laughed because of the prickly beard of Xin Riyue.

Xin Riyue hugged Xin Xin tightly, and when he saw Xiao Zi's evasive gaze, he knew what was going on.

"Lou Ai, thank you." Xin Riyue said solemnly, "Xin Xin, give the small medal in your space to Dad."

"Lou Ai, I know you want to go to Qin Chengtai's lab. Here's what you want to do. When I saved the professor, he gave me this medal and told me to take it to him if I need anything. When you return to the base, you can just take this medal to Qin Chengtai without having to go through me."

When Xiao Zi saw the small medal, she opened her mouth but didn't dare to say anything. She just looked at the medal angrily.

Xin Riyue glanced at Xiao Zi.

Lou Ai took it. The small round medal was placed in a blue velvet box and was well preserved. Professor Qin Chengtai's name was engraved on the back of the small gold medal.

"Okay, then I'll accept it, thank you!" In her previous life, she had not yet joined the Xinxin team when the Xinxin team received this medal. She only remembered that when Zhang Xi boasted to her again, she described the whole scene of saving people as very difficult.

"Yeah." Xin Riyue nodded, then turned around and left while hugging Xin Xin.

Xiao Zuo integrated the scattered teams, while Lin Ze's team rested on the spot.

After resting for about an hour, they drove out of Zhongcheng Village, drove onto the highway, passed the dock with several ships, and came to a warehouse with convenient transportation but relatively secluded.

"We're here." Lin Ze stopped the car and said.
