Ch. 58

When Lou Ai returned to the warehouse, the zombies at the door had been cleared out, and screams louder and louder came from inside the warehouse.

"Ah, if you have the guts just kill me. You don't even dare to kill someone. Tsk, when you were dragged in like a dead dog just now, I should have gone over to take a good look at you. Why did I waste such a great opportunity?" It was Dong Chengyi's voice.

Lou Ai looked over from the door and saw a wall in the corner of the warehouse. Behind the wall, where Dong Chengyi's younger brother couldn't see, Lin Ze was interrogating Dong Chengyi.

Just hearing Dong Chengyi's screams, those guys widened their eyes in fear.

"Where did you put the bodies of the zombies at the door?" Lou Ai asked the soldier guarding the warehouse door.

"Sir, we kept two intact bodies and put them on the truck. The rest were piled over there. Captain Lin Ze said they will be burned later." The soldier answered every question. "Captain Lin Ze has collected all the zombies' crystal cores."

"Got it." Lou Ai nodded and walked inside. Passing by the shivering Dong Chengyi, she saw Lin Ze and Dong Chengyi.

Lin Ze stood beside Dong Chengyi, who was lying miserably on the ground, naked, with sweat all over his forehead and beads of sweat on his eyelashes.

Lin Ze said: "Dong Chengyi was very stubborn and didn't reveal anything about his plan for Changchun."

Hearing Chang Chun's name, Dong Chengyi looked up in shock and gritted his teeth and said, "How do you know Chang Chun?" He was holding his breath just now and didn't mention anything about Chang Chun. He was still waiting for Chang Chun's plan to succeed and let these people be buried with him. How could they say Chang Chun's name? 

With the help of her pocket, Lou Ai handed the note in her hand to Lin Ze, and then drew out the long knife from the space.

"Of course it's because we installed traitors in your place. Why didn't you send traitors to the government?" Lou Ai asked in surprise.

Dong Chengyi used his remaining strength to clench his hand into a fist and smashed it to the ground.

"I won't waste my words with you. The government knows all your plans. Guess whether those zombies of yours can withstand the government's encirclement and suppression?" Seeing Dong Chengyi's pupils shrank with anger, Lou Ai smiled and reached out to wipe the man's neck cleanly.

Dong Chengyi died with his eyes wide open, and until his death he was unable to escape from the shadow cast by Lou Ai.

Lou Ai took out a handkerchief from her pocket and carefully wiped her long sword. She turned her head and asked, "Lin Ze, what did Meng Yuanxi write in the letter?"

"I haven't finished watching it yet." Lin Ze couldn't help laughing as he watched, "You and Brother Meng knew each other before, so you already knew that Brother Meng was an undercover agent, right? I thought it would end with you bringing Brother Meng back. If that's the case, I'll have a chance to brag to Linlin later."

"I want to carry Meng Yuanxi back, but I have to see if Meng Yuanxi is willing to let me carry him back." Lou Ai said. Meng Yuanxi is the only human whose strength she couldn't figure out in such a long time. If he were her opponent, he would definitely be a formidable enemy.

"No, Brother Meng has put all his skill points into scientific research. His fighting ability cannot match yours." Lin Ze said seriously.

"I hope that's what you said." Lou Ai thought for a moment and then said, "Meng Yuanxi and I have some connection."

Lin Ze hummed, finished reading Meng Yuanxi's letter, and thought: "Lou Ai, let's leave here first, I will tell you in detail on the way."

"Okay, let's burn the zombies and Dong Chengyi's body. What are you going to do with those captives?" Lou Ai asked.

"When we go to do the arsenal mission, we just happen to be short of a few scouts. Let them be the vanguard then."

Lin Ze casually arranged the whereabouts of several people.

Lou Ai naturally had no objection. She personally watched the flames burn the zombies and Dong Chengyi's body. Before the flames were completely burned out, she suddenly felt the pressure from high-level zombies and the movements of various zombie psychics. She was afraid that Chang Chun's team was coming.

How could it be so fast?

Lou Ai paused. Is there still the scent of Meng Yuanxi in it?

The zombie's nose is very sensitive. She had just separated from Meng Yuanxi and would definitely not mistake Meng Yuanxi's smell.

Just over ten minutes had passed since she returned to the warehouse. Ten minutes was the time it took her to get from the office to the warehouse.

According to the time calculation, almost as soon as Meng Yuanxi returned to Changchun's territory, Changchun and Meng Yuanxi dispatched troops to rush to the warehouse. In other words, Changchun may have discovered the abnormality of the zombies before Meng Yuanxi came to find her.

Did Meng Yuanxi deliberately blur the time?

Lou Ai quickly ran back to the warehouse, urged the soldiers to get on the car, and found Lin Ze: "Hurry up, Chang Chun and the others are coming."

When the last soldier still had one foot outside, the truck stepped on the accelerator and started moving.

"Are there any other explosive items in the car?" Lou Ai asked.

"Well, I also asked someone to bring some grenades. I didn't have time to take them when I fought Dong Chengyi just now. They are still on the truck. Do you know how to use them?"

"Yes, I'll use two." After saying that, Lou Ai climbed out from the passenger window, climbed onto the roof of the car, took the grenade handed over by the little soldier, bit it open, aimed at the fire burning zombies over there, and threw it over.

“Bang!” “Bang!”

Two huge explosions extinguished the burning flames, and the fierce fire spread to the nearby warehouse, bringing scorching temperatures.

The heat wave hit Meng Yuanxi and Chang Chun's cheeks.

Chang Chun looked up at the small black shadow on the truck in the distance, a hint of unwillingness revealed on his face, and a hint of angry zombie roar came out of his throat.

Meng Yuanxi showed a hint of joy and looked towards Lou Ai with admiration in his eyes.

He deliberately blurred the time when Chang Chun discovered the abnormality of the zombies, calculated the time when Lou Ai returned, and brought Chang Chun over at the right time, all for the purpose of letting Chang Chun see Lou Ai. After spending time with Chang Chun, he found that Chang Chun could not stand stimulation. Lou Ai's zombie state was more successfully and perfectly developed than Chang Chun's. This must be a stimulation to Chang Chun, and he would certainly agree to the experiment at that time.

And Lou Ai's actions just now undoubtedly deepened this excitement.

"Our experiment will be brought forward." Chang Chun looked at Meng Yuanxi and said coldly, his mung bean-sized pupils staring at Meng Yuanxi.

"Okay." Meng Yuanxi nodded. The formula obtained from the zombie upgrading experiment, the psychic upgrading experiment, the experiment of transforming ordinary people into psychics, and the experiment of transforming psychics into ordinary people will definitely make the experiment of transforming zombies into ordinary people go more smoothly.


Lou Ai climbed back to the passenger seat from the window.

Lin Ze drove without looking away: "We will go through Dacheng Village. Xiao Zuo and I agreed to go through Dacheng Village. I don't know what their situation is like now."

"By the way, Brother Meng described the environment of the arsenal in detail on the note. People from Changchun Laboratory have also been there. It's basically the same as what you told us, except that the zombie snakes, including the high-level zombies, are all experiments of Changchun Laboratory and were abandoned there. The zombie snakes have a fatal flaw and are very afraid of light. The high-level zombies have terrifyingly high pressure, but they are the weakest second-level psychics, so... the note didn't mention the source of the black fog, but it should have a lot to do with Changchun Laboratory." Lin Ze said.

"Sure enough." Lou Ai thought about the things in her previous life. The arrival of those zombie snakes was indeed strange. It made sense that it was because of Changchun Laboratory.

"Brother Meng also wrote a note reminding us to leave the warehouse quickly, saying that Chang Chun would catch up with us soon. Fortunately, we left in time." Lin Ze said casually.

"Don't believe me?" Lou Ai raised her hand and touched the necklace on her chest, thinking carefully.

Well, she could cooperate, but she also didn’t trust Meng Yuanxi.
