Ch. 52

In the tent area of ​​Fengcheng Base, various rumors about the dirty-hearted father and weak daughter of the Lou family gradually spread.

Some said that the father forced his daughter to follow a burly, ugly and supernatural being; some said that the father had abused his wife and daughter before the end of the world, and now both of them ran away, which was a good thing; some said that the father favored boys over girls and did not treat his daughter as a human being, and after the end of the world, when his daughter became successful, the father wanted to take his son with him to eat for free; in short, such rumors were known to everyone in the tent area of ​​Fengcheng Base, and even people inside Fengcheng Base had heard of them. People with normal mental states sympathized with the girl in the rumors.

When Lou Qiangguo heard the rumor, he accidentally tore a shirt in his tent.

"Dad, how come everyone knows about the little thing between us and Lou Ai?" Lou Jun was puzzled. "The father-in-law and daughter-in-law got together before, but our story didn't spread as widely as this one. Sh#t, did Lou Ai ask someone to spread it?"

Lou Qiangguo waved his hand and said, "It won't be Ai Ai. There won't be any overnight hatred between us father and daughter. When Ai Ai takes me to Fengcheng Base to live a good life, the message here will naturally be broken. There won't be any problem."

Lou Jun touched his stomach and said, "I hope so. Then I can also benefit from it. Dad, I am starving. Do you have anything to eat?"

Lou Qiangguo sighed, "I'll go over to the base when they recruit workers this afternoon. Go to the gate of the base, and when you see Lou Ai, make sure to stop her and wait for me to come over."

Lou Jun nodded: "I understand, Dad."


In the early morning of the third day after Lou Ai joined Xin Xin's team, Lou Ai woke up early. To be precise, she did not fall asleep. She had no desire to sleep at all compared to the people around her in the room.

The only time she got a full night's sleep in Fengcheng was when she rented a house by herself and slept in a room all to herself.

Lou Ai loaded the pistol bullets on the table and put them into Little Pikachu's crossbody bag. Today she was wearing an army green jumpsuit with a thin long-sleeved yellow T-shirt. She didn't carry a hiking backpack, and on her head she wore a square plastic hairpin with Little Pikachu on it. She tucked her trouser legs into her black boots and tied her shoelaces carefully.

"You have many different styles of clothes." Xiao Zi muttered and walked out yawning. She had to prepare breakfast, so she was usually the first person to get up.

Lou Ai was stunned. She had changed clothes twice during the days in Xin Xin's team, but Xiao Zi, Xia Youyou and the others seemed to have only worn the same clothes. They didn't know about so many clothes, but Chen Youbo and the others knew clearly that they didn't have so many clothes in their luggage.

But no one asked her anything, and even when she knocked on the board to join Xinxin's team to do the mission, no one objected.

"Xiao Zi, what are we eating today?" Just as she was thinking about it, Chen Youbo came out yawning and asked.

"It's just a simple pancake and some pickles." Xiao Zi said.

"Brother, don't look at me like that. It's creepy." Chen Youbo was halfway through his second yawn when he was stopped by Lou Ai's gaze.

"Chen Youbo, I'm not your captain now. Today's mission is very dangerous. There's no need for you to take the risk and go to Qingcheng County with me." Lou Ai said seriously, "It's not bad to just stay at home like Song Yi!"

"Lou Ai, are we brothers?" Chen Youbo pointed at himself.

Lou Ai looked at Chen Youbo, unwilling to admit: "Do you think I'm not a woman?"

Chen Youbo waved his hands and laughed: "Why, brother, are you finally doubting your own gender? No, my mother taught me since I was a child that people should be loyal and trustworthy. Only in this way can we get help from others when we are in trouble. Lou Ai, I think if I help you, you will not ignore me when I am in trouble in the future. I have a purpose. Anyway, you are this kind of good person. Besides, I don't think I will be in any danger if I follow you."

Chen Youbo said again: "Lou Ai, my brain is not enough, someone guides me to do things, it is light and saves energy, so why not do it?"

Lou Ai shook her head and stopped talking when she saw Xiao Zi coming out with the pancake.

"By the way, where should we rest if we set out today?" Chen Youbo asked.

"We'll rest in Xiawu Town tonight, and we should be in Qingcheng County early the next morning." Lou Ai said, and the members of Xin Xin's team got up one after another. "There aren't many mountains and forests in Qingcheng County. It's on the coast, and all kinds of transportation are very convenient. It's located near the high seas. It's very convenient for us to go there unless there are special circumstances. If everything goes well, this mission will only take three or four days to return."

Chen Youbo nodded: "But there are quite a few people who have taken this mission."

"Well, after all, in this situation, guns and ammunition are very important."

"By the way, I heard you say there are snakes. Are there groups of snakes making nests over there?"

"It shouldn't be there, who knows, it's better if there isn't." Lou Ai shook her head, smiled and greeted Xin Xin who was rubbing her eyes, "Xin Xin, are you up?"

"Yes, I didn't sleep in today." Xin Xin leaned over the table and glanced at the plate, and said happily, "Sister Xiao Zi made pancakes today!"

"Well, I see there's a little oil left, so I'll make some for you first. This kind of pancake is the most delicious when it's just out of the pan. I've already eaten it while cooking. Share these among you." Xiao Zi said as she began to organize her backpack, pistols, and various sticks.

Xin Xin's team had already agreed on the mission time with the military. When Lou Ai and the others went there, they would meet up with Xiao Zuo Linze's army behind the gate of the base. Because the military was responsible for the majority of the mission, the trucks were provided by the base. Five green trucks drove out of the base gate.

The car of Xin Xin's team is driven by Xin Riyue.

Lou Ai held Xin Xin in her arms and sat in the passenger seat. She looked out the car window and saw Lou Jun squatting at the gate of the base. She couldn't help but sneer.

"Beautiful sister, what are you looking at?" Xin Xin was a little excited. "It's my first time to ride in such a big car. It's so tall and wide. One car can hold several people. The big brothers are sitting so upright." Xin Xin straightened her back, then touched her protruding belly and pressed it back.

Lou Ai laughed, and Xin Xin looked at the soldiers on the car in front.

Xiao Zuo took her advice and placed Xin Xin's team in the most central position of the entire army. There were more than 20 psychics with guns in their car. One third of the psychics in the entire convoy were in their car.

Xiawu Town is a town close to the sea. The closer you get to Xiawu Town, the more humid the air becomes.

From the time they set out in the morning until they found a place to stay in the evening, Lou Ai and her companions did not stop along the way. Lou Ai and Xin Riyue took turns driving on the road.

The place they stayed was a low warehouse on the outskirts of Xiawu Town. Dinner was not that particular, they just had compressed biscuits and mineral water. At night, most soldiers chose to rest in the trucks, while a few set up tents around the warehouse and lit torches.

“Bang, bang, bang.”

Lou Ai looked in the direction of the gunshots and frowned, "There are so many zombies here tonight, but few living people. There seemed to be a group of people in the small supermarket when I came here. I heard them packing up their things. They should be humans."

Xiao Zuo, Lin Ze, Xin Riyue and Chen Youbo sat next to Lou Ai, formed a circle around the torches, and drew the map to Qingcheng County.

Xiao Zuo heard this and said, "You said there are high-level zombies nearby. The place you drew is basically the same distance from Qingcheng County and Xiawu County."

Lou Ai shook her head: "No, they are not intelligent high-level zombies." If zombies controlled by high-level zombies were coming over, she would be able to feel it, but these zombies are not like that. These zombies just smelled the fresh future of humans and came here spontaneously.

Lin Ze asked vigilantly: "Is there something wrong?" Lin Ze was happy that Lou Ai was also in this team. When returning to the capital base, Meng Linlin said a lot of good things about Lou Ai to him, and especially Meng Langlang also affirmed Lou Ai.

"I'm not sure, maybe I'm overthinking it." Lou Ai shook her head.

At night, Lou Ai set up the tent next to the window in the corner of the warehouse. Not far away from her were Xia Lu and Chen Youbo.

Lou Ai lay down in the tent and closed her eyes to rest. At about midnight, it started to drizzle outside. This was the first rain after the second purple moon.

“Boom boom boom.”

Lou Ai heard the sound of knocking on the glass, sat up, opened the tent and looked over.

Five faces were tightly pressed against the glass window. In the moonlight, they looked both vulgar and scary.

Lou Ai pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes. The five people were all middle-aged men. The rain soaked their hair and stuck to their foreheads. When they saw Lou Ai looking at them, they smiled shyly. The fat man in the middle spoke in not-so-standard Mandarin: "Excuse me, can we come in and stay for the night?"

Lou Ai stood up and motioned for them to come in through the door. Turning back, Chen Youbo, Xiao Zuo and Lin Ze also came out of the tent.

Lou Ai pulled out a towel from her tent, walked to the door and handed it over, whispering, "Come with me, keep your voice down, our people are asleep."

"Hello, hello, thank you." The man thanked quietly.

Lou Ai led the group to the tents of Xiao Zuo and Lin Ze. "How do you live after the apocalypse? Why is the weather like this?"

"We are villagers from the nearby Xiaocheng Village. When the purple moon came over, we were lucky enough to hide in the cellar. The zombies outside were killed by the foreign superpowers, so we survived. Later, we learned how to fight zombies, and the second brother awakened his superpowers, so we are lucky enough to live to this day." The fat man patted a thin man on the shoulder and said, "As for coming out, we didn't want to come out, but a superpower named Dong Chengyi brought a group of people to occupy our small village, so we were forced to drive out. We have been on the road until it started raining, so we came to knock on the window."

Lou Ai was stunned, and turned her head with a strange look on her face: "Who are you talking about? Dong Chengyi?"

If she remembered correctly, Dong Chengyi was the name of the boss of Tushan Prison. Didn't he leave with the people from Changchun Laboratory?

The image of Meng Yuanxi flashed through Lou Ai's mind. They came here too? 
