Ch. 53

"The Dong Chengyi you are talking about, is he very tall, looks young, and has full and bulging muscles?" Lou Ai asked.

"Second brother, have you seen Dong Chengyi? Do you remember what he looks like?" said the fat man, bending the thin man's arm.

"It seems so, but I've never seen muscles on his body. His superpower is very powerful. He can make his body invisible. He is an invisible man in our place and has only shown his face a few times. Judging from his clothes, he does have a lot of muscles." The thin man gestured to the muscles on his arm and said.

"Dong Chengyi is here too?" Chen Youbo's expression was not very good. "F#ck, how come I always run into this bad guy? When I left the Qiang'an base, Brother Xian had just been cured by Xia Lu, and now I run into him again."

"Are you a military mission?" The thin man summoned up his courage and asked, "Where are you going? If you pass by Qingcheng County, you'd better go somewhere else. Our village is under the jurisdiction of Qingcheng County, and Dong Chengyi has a lot of people there."

"Even if they are here, do they still dare to hijack the army?" Lin Ze asked in surprise.

"I can't say whether they dare to or not. I only know that they are hunting for people with special abilities. We managed to hide Lao Er with great difficulty. By the way, Lao Er's special ability is clairvoyance and clairaudience. We were able to escape from the village thanks to his special ability." The fat man patted his chest, still feeling terrified. "Otherwise, ordinary people like us would be beheaded directly after being discovered. They only want people with special abilities, and you have so many of them."

"Sit down and tell us in detail." Xiao Zuo handed a few clean towels to the people around the fat man and sat down cross-legged on the ground. "When did the Dong Chengyi you mentioned go there? How many people were there? What was the reason for arresting people with special abilities?"

Seeing this, Lou Ai also sat down cross-legged, and several people sat in a circle.

It was drizzling outside. Except for the guards and Lou Ai and a few others, everyone else was fast asleep.

The fat man, as a representative of several people, said, "Dong Chengyi and his companions were chased into our village the day after the second purple moon ended. In addition to the five of us, there were several other families who survived. At first, they said they were asking for a place to stay and acted very friendly. In fact, they found out who was a superpower and who was an ordinary person within a few hours. Then, within a few minutes, they started killing people and quickly dealt with the ordinary people and captured the superpower. They handed the superpower over to a small leader named Chang Chun. By the way, there was also a man with them who looked cold but had a strong aura."

What the fat man said matched Lou Ai's memory, but she always felt that some of the things he described made her uncomfortable.

"They were capturing people with special abilities. I overheard that they were... doing some special ability experiments, but I couldn't hear clearly because I was too far away." The thin man added, "By the way, they were also capturing zombies. They tied them up instead of killing them."

Lou Ai nodded. Seeing that they couldn't get anything out of him, Lin Ze and Xiao Zuo stood up with serious expressions and went to the tent not far away.

Chen Youbo took out some biscuits and beef jerky from his bag, and greeted them with a smile: "Come on, brothers, you must be tired after rushing here in the rain. Eat something. Lou Ai, go to the tent and get them some water." Chen Youbo winked at Lou Ai.

Lou Ai nodded and went into the tent.

"Lou Ai, is this something in your predictive dream?" Xiao Zuo asked.

Lou Ai shook her head. She had rescued the primate team when she was in Xingzhuang Village, so it was not impossible that Dong Chengyi's actions had deviated.

The key is that their actions cannot go wrong.

"That means they didn't intercept us, and it has nothing to do with our operation this time. The point is that the illegal experiments in the small laboratory have begun to be carried out blatantly. This matter must be reported." Lin Ze pointed at the map under his command, "After the report is made, a special person will come to deal with this matter."

"Where is Xiaocheng Village?" Lou Ai climbed into the tent and asked.

"Here." Xiao Zuo pointed to the location on the map. "I prefer to take a detour and go through Dacheng Village next to Xiaocheng Village. On the way back, I will take Cheng Expressway. Taking a detour can avoid a lot of risks. Besides, there are not many detours."

"Those small organizations generally don't dare to hijack military teams." Lin Ze said, "And there is a supply point in Xiaocheng Village. There is a gas station here. We originally wanted to search for some gasoline for use on the road."

"I agree with Xiao Zuo's opinion. I want to be safe. We have children here with special abilities. It's inevitable that they won't be interested." Lou Ai said, "We can't rely entirely on my ability to predict the future. What if it's different from reality? And we can't believe everything they say."

"Well, I know about this. We will send someone to investigate early tomorrow morning and then set off later."

"Okay, then I'll go out first and go to sleep." Lou Ai nodded and took out two bottles of water from the corner.

She gave water and spare tents for rest to the few people who came to stay overnight, and said hello to Chen Youbo.

Lou Ai returned to her tent, dusted off the front of the tent, and closed his eyes to rest.

The rain kept falling until about three o'clock in the morning, then it gradually stopped.

When it was raining, Lou Ai could feel that the thin man who was staying with her went out and urinated at the door. Not long after he finished peeing, the rain stopped, and she even heard the man curse.

Around five in the morning, Xiao Zi and the army chef got up to cook. Tang Yan took two other men and volunteered to go to a small supermarket not far away to help Xiao Zi collect cooking ingredients. The two men being pulled by Tang Yan were very reluctant, but they followed anyway.

At six o'clock in the morning, the soldiers who were resting began to get up one after another.

The fat man and his group diligently helped Xiao Zi cook and clean up, and helped Bingge pass things and run errands. They were very attentive.

Lou Ai got up around seven o'clock, and Xiao Zi's meal was ready.

"Pretty sister, let's go eat. Sister Xiao Zi made porridge and some pickled vegetables. I like them very much." Xin Xin held Lou Ai's hand with sparkling eyes and said in a baby voice, "I just called Sister Youyou and Brother Xia Lu, but Brother Tang Yan is not here."

"Xin Xin is awesome!" Lou Ai praised.

Xin Xin recounted all her deeds just to get praise, and smiled happily when she heard that.

"Xin Xin, you said Brother Tang Yan is not here?"

"Yes, I looked everywhere. Sister Xiao Zi said that Brother Tang Yan went out." Xin Xin nodded, "It's not a game of hide-and-seek."

Lou Ai smiled and rubbed Xin Xin's little head. However, the supermarket where Tang Yan went out was not far from here, so why hasn't he come back yet? 

After breakfast, there was a rustling sound outside the door.

Lou Ai frowned and walked outside.

Before she reached the gate, she suddenly heard a voice. The voice came from quite far away and was not very clear: "The three people we just caught are talking about this place... They are from the army... I hate the army the most... Catch them off guard..." This was Dong Chengyi's voice.

Lou Ai paused. Lin Ze also said that these small organizations dare not hijack the military? 

Before they even reached their territory, the other party came over and hijacked them.
