Ch. 50

"Thank you. Did your team suffer heavy losses?" Lou Ai took the call. Unexpectedly, the first person to come to him was Captain Xiao Zuo.

"Not much, not much. Thanks to the speculation of the master at the gate of the base, we avoided a lot of dangers. On the day of Purple Moon, Captain Xiao listened to you and we spent the night directly on the highway. We cleared that section of the highway during the day, so there weren't too many zombies." The orderly was not big and looked to be in his teens. He recalled the scene on Purple Moon with excitement, "Master, it's a good thing I listened to you, otherwise the various animals that appeared in the woods would be enough to give us a pot. Fortunately, I didn't listen to that charlatan."

Song Yi was unhappy when he heard this: "Wait, the charlatan was talking about me? Wasn't it right that I said you guys had a smooth journey? Didn't you guys have a smooth journey after listening to Lou Ai's advice?"

The orderly then saw Song Yi. He looked at Lou Ai in surprise and did not respond to Song Yi's words: "Lou Ai, Captain Xiao Zuo has accepted a mission at the arsenal at Lin Ze's request. We will not leave until the mission is completed. Captain Xiao Zuo will definitely come to visit you before leaving, so I won't bother you anymore."

"Wait, the mission you mentioned is the Qingcheng County Armory?" Lou Ai stopped the orderly.

"Yes, you know that, too," said the orderly, his eyes lighting up. "Did you sense anything?"

"No, I also want to participate in this mission. How many people will you assign to follow up on this mission?" Lou Ai asked, "And your plan, do you know? Can you tell me about it? Lin Ze will also participate in this mission, right?"

The orderly patted his head and said, "Master, I am only Captain Xiao Zuo's orderly. I only know that we have accepted the mission. The specific number of people and plan were customized by Captain Xiao Zuo and Lin Ze. I am not qualified to touch them. You can only ask our captain about these questions."

"Okay, I understand." Lou Ai nodded. "Where does Captain Xiao Zuo live now? You should know his schedule, right? I want to talk to him."

"That's no problem. Our captain has a temporary office in the government building. It's available from 3 to 5 p.m. If you want to talk to the captain, I can arrange it for you," said the orderly.

"Thank you." Lou Ai said.

"You're welcome. You saved my life. Besides, our Captain Xiao Zuo has been looking forward to talking to you for a long time."

After the orderly finished speaking, he saluted, turned around and left.

Song Yi looked at the soldier leaving and asked Xia Lu, "Xiao Lu, did he not believe what I just said?"

Xia Lu looked embarrassed: "Brother Taoist, you are great, he just hasn't discovered your goodness yet."

Song Yi snorted while holding the whisk.

"Wow, so you guys know the officers here in Fengcheng?" Tang Yan bent down and glanced at the packaging bags on the ground, tore open a corner, and said, "You guys are awesome. This is the first time I've seen an officer give a gift to an individual, and they were all good things. This vacuum-proof roast duck, I waited for a long time in the base supermarket but it was never on the shelves. I didn't expect it to be delivered directly. This time we are really blessed by the newcomer." Tang Yan didn't care at all that what he just said was slapped in the face.

Chen Youbo frowned. If the person who was talking here was a girl, he would have endured it, but there were so many girls here, and none of them said a word. Tang Yan, a grown man, came up and said he wanted to take advantage of them. It was really uncomfortable.

"Why is this vacuum roast duck so small?" Chen Youbo frowned, "Lou Ai, how many girls are there in our team?"

"Including me, there are five in total." Lou Ai didn't know what Chen Youbo wanted to do, but still followed what Chen Youbo said.

"Hey, with two underage boys added, there simply won't be enough to go around. Mr. Xin, Taoist brother, we adult men should just stop eating. After all, girls don't eat as much as we do. If they can't even get something good to eat, that would be too unfair to them." Chen Youbo frowned, seeming to be really troubled by this issue.

Song Yi smiled and stroked his mustache: "I'm fine. I used to eat mostly vegetarian food in the temple."

"It was originally a gift for you, so you can do whatever you want with it. Don't worry about me." Xin Riyue also said. Xin Xin held Xin Riyue's hand and looked at the vacuum-roasted duck on the ground, her eyes sparkling.

Tang Yan smiled with difficulty: "Of course I have no problem, but eating so much greasy food all at once..."

Chen Youbo interrupted Tang Yan and said, "Okay, that means it's unanimous. We are all superpowered people, and our bodies have been strengthened so much that there is no need to connect our current bodies with the bodies before the end of the world. After all, I was born by my mother, and when I see a girl, I want to take care of her more."

Tang Yan clenched his fists and closed his mouth. He could hardly keep the smile on his face. After eating cabbage and potatoes for more than a week, he thought he could finally have some meat, but he didn't expect that in the end he could only watch. What good food would a bunch of girls eat?!

Except for Xin Riyue and Song Yi, everyone present had a vested interest, so naturally no one stood up for Tang Yan.

Even Xiao Zi was cutting cabbage without making a sound.

Chen Youbo didn't care at all about how much psychological impact he had caused to others. After dividing the ducks, he took out a few lollipops from his backpack and used them to amuse the children.

Lou Ai finally suppressed the laughter that was rising to her throat, cleared her throat, and ran to sit on the sofa.

Xin Riyue closed the door, invited Song Yi and Xia Lu in to chat, and took the two of them around.

Lou Ai closed her eyes and could hear Xin Riyue's explanation. When she first came here in her previous life, it was Xin Riyue who took her to visit this apartment. The bedrooms were all equipped with double-decker iron-framed wooden beds, with four people in a room, which was the same structure as in universities before the end of the world. There were also teacups and toothbrushes prepared in advance.

"Beautiful sister, do you want some candy?" Xin Xin poked Lou Ai's arm, holding a piece of purple candy in her mouth, and said incoherently, "My brother gave me a lot."

"I won't eat it. You can keep it for yourself and put it in the space. But don't eat too much in one day. Now you have a toothache and there is no doctor to help you treat it." Lou Ai rubbed Xin Xin's head. The soft hair on the top of her head felt very good.

"It's time to eat." Xiao Zi's special ability is cooking, so she is also the logistics provider for the entire Xinxin team.

While eating, Tang Yan was holding a piece of purple candy that he had asked for from Xin Xin. His face still looked unhappy, but no one paid any attention to him.

Lou Ai even saw him staring at the shares of the two girls who didn't come back, and swallowed.

Lou Ai snorted softly and said with a smile: "Boss Xin, is there anything else good in our team? I'm going to see Captain Xiao to ask about the mission plan for the Qingcheng County Military Arsenal. I can't just say nothing."

Xin Riyue said in embarrassment: "Xin Xin really doesn't have any good stuff here. I just came back from a mission a few days ago, so I have more things."

"It's okay." Lou Ai thought for a moment and looked at Tang Yan, "Brother Tang, I remember when we first came in, you said you would entertain us. Didn't you say you had a portion of beef jerky hidden away? Can you lend it to me? I will definitely return it to you when I return from the mission."

Tang Yan was stunned for a moment: "It's ok to entertain you, but not to give it to others. I have already opened my bag of beef jerky."

"Really?" Lou Ai looked regretful and didn't mention asking the team to prepare a gift for her. After waiting for a while, she heard Xiao Zi whispering to Tang Yan, "Brother Yan, you still have some snacks. Didn't you say you didn't have any left? Take them out so we can eat together?"

Lou Ai raised her head and looked at Tang Yan's clenched white fingers, and smiled silently.

She would never have dared to do this in her previous life. At this moment, she suddenly realized very clearly how powerful she was.


At three o'clock, Lou Ai refused Xin Riyue's request to come and send her off, and went to the government building alone, asking for directions.

The government building of Fengcheng Base is more beautifully planned than that of Qiang'an Base, and there is no attack from bird tides. The huge maple leaf decoration is hung securely on the government building.

The orderly who went to look for Lou Ai at noon was already waiting in front of the government building. When he saw Lou Ai coming, he trotted over to Lou Ai and said, "Master, Captain Xiao Zuo is on the third floor. Come with me. Captain Xiao has already made tea and is waiting for you."

Lou Ai smiled: "This is too formal."

"This shows that you are important to Captain Xiao and he respects you." The orderly led Lou Ai to the door of the room and stood at the door.

Lou Ai pushed open the door and saw Xiao Zuo sitting in front of the coffee table, making tea meticulously.

Seeing Lou Ai coming in, Xiao Zuo stood up, walked over, stretched out his hand to Lou Ai and shook it: "Lou Ai, thank you."

"You chose to believe me." Lou Ai sat down and handed over a piece of paper with a smile, "I came to Fengcheng Base in a hurry and didn't prepare any gifts. This is my gift to you."

Xiao Zuo took it and unfolded the paper in his hand. There was a landscape painting on the A3-sized white paper with a black star in the center, marking the location of the arsenal. In addition, there were three black locations marked with danger.

Xiao Zuo frowned and looked at it for a long time, his face was disturbed: "Is this the location of the Qingcheng County arsenal?"

"Yeah." Lou Ai nodded.

Xiao Zuo said: "Did you calculate this?"

"It's not my calculation. Song Yi is the one who can really calculate it. Song Yi also said that this mission is very dangerous." Lou Ai said, touching the necklace on her chest and smiled, "This should barely be considered a precognitive dream, right? I have never known what to call this phenomenon. Later, I was afraid that you would not believe it, so I told you that I calculated it. When we were at the gate of the base, Song Yi calculated the journey you would take after my precognitive dream. Daji's phenomenon is correct." Lou Ai began to lay the groundwork for her unknown future self three years later.

"In the Qian'an base, I did a lot of things with the title of a master. People over there spread the word about me being a god. Now that I leave the Qian'an base, I have to get rid of this title as soon as possible!" Lou Ai said helplessly.

"That's right." Xiao Zuo nodded, "Since it's a precognitive dream, can you tell me what's in the dream?"

"Zombie snakes, there are high-level zombies over here, and there seems to be poisonous fog over here." In the previous life, Xiao Zuo's team did not participate in the Qingcheng County operation because of heavy losses. Lou Ai carefully recalled the memories in her mind. What she remembered more vividly was the bloody scene of them being swallowed and bitten by zombie snakes. "Do you know the password of this arsenal? It seems that it has been locked because of too many wrong inputs. The specific situation here is very vague. I may be able to remember more when I get there. I will sort it out on the way."

"Okay, do you want to act with Xin Xin's team?" Xiao Zuo asked.

"Yes, Xin Xin is the most important, isn't it?" Lou Ai asked back.

"Indeed, but we have prepared two plans. If Xin Xin dies, we will transport the weapons to our own truck." Xiao Zuo said calmly, "If you encounter something irreversible, you must protect your life."

"Are you sure that after Xin Xin's death, the weapons in her space can still come out?" Lou Ai asked back, "So I think the focus of your work is to protect Xin Xin. Xin Xin's space is 90 cubic meters, which is enough to accommodate all the weapons in the arsenal. It is much easier to protect one person on the way back than to protect several trucks of weapons."

"Well, I will upgrade protecting Xin Xin to the first order." Xiao Zuo said after thinking for a while.

"Which highway are you taking?" Lou Ai asked.

"Jingcheng Expressway." Xiao Zuo said.

"Yeah." Lou Ai nodded. The highway was still the same one from the previous life, so even if there was an emergency, it wouldn't be too different.

"When does the Xinxin team decide to leave?" Xiao Zuo knocked on the table and asked, "I heard from Secretary Lin Ze that the Xinxin team decided to leave in two months? Two months is too long. Lin Ze and his team can wait, but my team can't wait that long. We can only stay for a month at most. It's time to go back to Qiang'an Base."

"Don't worry about that, we will set off in two days at most." Lou Ai said.

"That's good." Xiao Zuo said, "I heard from my orderly that Song Yi came out with you too?"

"That's right. Song Yi said that if I come out with you, I'll become very rich." Lou Ai laughed. "Let's go find Song Yi to tell your fortune before we leave. When I was at the Qiang'an base, I asked someone to calculate the probability of Song Yi's fortune-telling for me. His accuracy rate is over 90%."

Xiao Zuo nodded: "I will."

"Will Lin Ze go on this operation?" Lou Ai asked.

"It has not been confirmed yet, but the most likely thing is that he will go, and a politician promoted by the Academy of Sciences will be in charge here." Xiao Zuo knew everything.

Lou Ai nodded: "Okay, I understand. When the Xinxin team confirms the time, we will notify you."

Xiao Zuo said: "Okay."

Lou Ai drank the slightly hot tea in one gulp and stood up: "Okay, I have confirmed all the necessary details with you, then I will leave first."

Xiao Zuo stood up and saw him off: "See you in two days."


The Fengcheng base was established a few days earlier than the Qiang'an base, and has not experienced any major hardships, not even a very strong zombie tide. Therefore, not only are the various ancient buildings well preserved, but even the various streets are bustling with small stalls everywhere.

Lou Ai came out from Xiao Zuo, holding a zero-order crystal core in her hand, and wandered around the Fengcheng in her memory.

Lou Ai picked up a rubber band with colorful beads from the stall, and selected a few hairpins with furry bear ears and plastic doll hairpins. She used only one zero-level zombie crystal core to make a bunch of decorations.

"Thank you for your patronage." The old lady selling things took the crystal core with a smile, and also gave Lou Ai two small orange rubber bands.

Lou Ai took it with a smile and happily put a plastic bag of rubber bands into her backpack. Just as she was packing her backpack, a familiar voice came from the vegetable vendor across from her, "Brother Hu, is that true? You guys are amazing."

Lou Ai turned her head and looked over, and was surprised to find that it was her stepmother Qin Shi. Qin Shi's appearance had not changed much. Her face did not look much older because she had taken good care of it before. She just looked very tired. Qin Shi's temperament was intellectual and gentle, otherwise Lou Qiangguo would not have fallen in love with Qin Shi before the end of the world. Now, that tiredness made Qin Shi look even more fragile.

  Qin Shi didn't see Lou Ai. She was leaning against a man she didn't know, smiling gently and agreeing with the man in front of her.

"Girl, is that someone you know?" The old lady selling rubber bands asked with a smile as she tidied up her stall.

"Well, yes. We met before the end of the world. She lived a good life at that time and often showed disrespect to me." Lou Ai hesitated for a moment, but still said.

"Oh, what do you call this? Thirty years in the east, thirty years in the west." Grandma sighed.

Lou Ai couldn't help laughing, watching Qin Shi walk away with her arms around the man's shoulders, and said, "Grandma, you still know this, what's going on with that woman, can you tell me?"

"It's nothing. The woman's son and husband are both losers. They don't have enough food to eat or warm clothes to wear. The crystal cores she got from killing zombies have to be used to feed the whole family. The woman couldn't stand it, so she abandoned her previous husband and followed this man, the man she just held her arms with. The man has a bad temper and likes to beat people. He also likes married women. It's a good thing that the woman can endure it. She has a miserable life. Unlike me, what my son earns is enough for me to eat and drink." said the old lady.

"Then won't her previous son and husband make trouble?" Lou Ai asked with a frown.

"Of course they did. They did it a few times. The man now has superpowers and they were beaten until they were bleeding. After a few beatings, they dared not appear in front of them anymore." The old lady waved her hands and said, "Well, if you ask me, it's because the husband was too cowardly. It's no wonder this woman is so angry."

"Well, thank you." Lou Ai nodded. She put on her bag and walked back to the dormitory of Xin Xin's team with a frown.

In her previous life, after she found Lou Qiangguo and Lou Jun, they told her that Qin Shi was turned into a zombie and was smashed to death by the two of them.

Afterwards, the two of them carried her away from the H Province base, saying that they heard that the policies in the south were good and they wanted to go there.

At that time, she took the two people away without even investigating.

Now it seems that there are many suspicious points about these two people. In the previous life, Qin Shi probably couldn't stand them anymore and went out to find another way out.

Lou Ai stroked the necklace on her chest. It turned out that she was the only honest person in her previous life, and now she was being taken advantage of by these two people! 

When Lou Ai returned to the dormitory, all the members of Xin Xin's team had returned.

"Hello, Lou Ai, my name is Xia Youyou, and I'm a fire-type mutant." Xia Youyou is a beautiful young lady with long hair.

"My name is Fang Cheng." Fang Cheng and Chen Youbo get along very well, but you have to know that Fang Cheng is a cold person by nature.

Xia Lu secretly said to Lou Ai: "Brother Chen bribed Brother Fang Cheng with a pack of cigarettes."

The scene in front of her dispelled the haze in Lou Ai's heart. In this life, she would never be held back by Lou Qiangguo and Lou Jun again.

"By the way, Sister Lou Ai, a patrol officer just came to tell me that someone stole something from our car parked outside and insisted that the car was theirs. They have already arrested the person. Should we go check it out tomorrow?"

"Go, why not?" Lou Ai said.
