Ch. 49

"Boss Xin?" Xiao Zi shouted angrily, "Our team's income and expenditure are not balanced to begin with. You gave a favor to an important person just because of such a false prophecy? You raised so many people in vain? When they leave in a few weeks, you will know how powerful we are. You will regret it later!!"

Lou Ai looked over, Xiao Zi's body froze, she stopped talking, and just stared at Lou Ai unwillingly: "If you don't believe me, ask the people around you to judge for you."

As early as when the quarrel between Xinxin's team was heard, the people from the surrounding small teams looked over to watch the fun.

When Xiao Zi was making a fuss, the people around couldn't help but talk to her. This was a recruitment, who wouldn't want to recruit a good seedling? "Yes, I also think Xiao Zi is right, beautiful lady, I don't believe in fortune-telling, Mr. Xin doesn't want you, how about you come to my place? Our Xiyuan team and Xinxin team are equally famous, it's the same if you come to my place, you can leave whenever you want, all the salary conditions can be calculated on a long-term basis, even if you are just a name on the list!!"

The second-level mutant is in their team. No matter whether she completes the mission or not, as long as the news of her staying in the team spreads, she will be a living signboard!

By then, there will be a steady stream of people with special abilities attracted here.

Xin Xin's team is usually enviable enough, and now there are even high-level psychics coming to find them in person.

"You are so strict in recruiting people? I don't have strong abilities and I can't stay in Fengcheng for long!" Another applicant asked jokingly.

"Let me see, first-order fire element, collect it, collect it, for someone like you, it's a win for us to be able to go on a mission with a small team like ours." Someone from the superpower team said deliberately, his voice neither too loud nor too soft, just enough for everyone around to hear clearly.

Xiao Zi pursed her lips tightly, looking at the eyes around her, her oval face flushed red, she snorted and turned away: "Boss Xin, make your own decision, I'm going to go back first, our team's cabbage exchanged two days ago is not enough, I'll go see if there is any cheap food, we can't afford to treat you to any lavish food by then."

Lou Ai raised her eyebrows. Seeing Xiao Zi being humiliated, she was also happy.

While Xiao Zi was being rude, Xin Riyue had been observing the several psychics in front of her. There was no emotion in the eyes of the girl in the lead, and the men behind her didn't seem displeased when they saw Xiao Zi's expression. Their indifferent behavior made Xin Riyue feel relieved.

"I'm sorry, Xiao Zi is just a little girl, please don't mind." Xin Riyue said, "You just came here, I will take you to visit Fengcheng?"

"Okay, you can tell us what the rules are in your team. Even if we are teammates for two weeks, we still have to integrate, right?" Chen Youbo stepped forward, put his arm around Xin Riyue's shoulder and walked out. "Brother, Taoist priest, let's go. Don't make fun of us here."

"Okay." Lou Ai and Song Yi followed them. Seeing this, Xia Lu put away the poster of Xin Xin's team and followed them holding it.

Fengcheng and Lou Ai's memory are no different. In the narrow alleys, there are traces of moss on the green bricks, and countless black bloodstains remain on the blue-gray tiles on the low walls. The beautiful scenery of red bricks and green tiles is inexplicably branded with cruelty.

"After exiting this ancient alley, this is where our ability team receives missions, the mission hall." Xin Riyue said, "The mission of the Qingcheng County military arsenal you mentioned was received here. You should have also figured out my team. My daughter is the only space ability user in the entire Fengcheng base, so if this mission is to be completed, my daughter must participate. The profit of arsenal here is too huge. Many ability teams, including military and government ability teams, have come to me. We can't shirk our responsibilities, so I discussed with my team members and accepted this Qingcheng County mission. The mission location is the map you just gave me."

"Will the military be involved this time?"

Lou Ai said that in her previous life, she met Meng Linlin and Meng Langlang during this mission. Lin Ze was also there. She didn’t know if Lin Ze would be there this time.

"Of course." Xin Riyue nodded and looked at Lou Ai seriously. "If the mission is successful, I will recommend you to Qin Chengtai's laboratory. In fact, you can apply for the job on your own without going through me, and you can also be successful. Joining our team is quite a waste of time."

"Isn't it a bit redundant for you to say this?" Lou Ai asked back.

Xin Riyue was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help laughing: "That's right."

"Mr. Xin, don't worry about it. Anyway, I can't see through the thoughts of any of these people in the team." Chen You said with a smile.

"Then I won't hesitate. Let me introduce Fengcheng to you. I have lived in Fengcheng since I was a child, and I got married and had children in Fengcheng. I am quite familiar with Fengcheng. This place used to be an ancient city. Now this street is the famous Chaoyang Street. It was a snack street back then. After the end of the world, our Fengcheng has a good geographical location, and many people come here on their own. We also send troops out of Fengcheng to rescue people and bring many people back. Now the snack street has been turned into an accommodation area. Every household has four beds, and there are also temporary accommodation points with large bunk beds." Xin Riyue led them to the outside of the snack street. "Luckily, I have a house in Fengcheng. The right to live in the house has been taken away, but I also have the priority to apply for accommodation. Now the accommodation of Xin Xin's team is in my original house, which is over there."

"There are seven people in the team, including me, and we are all people with special abilities." Xin Riyue took Lou Ai and the others to a newly built high-rise residential area.

"Yes, I know." Lou Ai said, "The water-type mutant Zhang Xiyou, the wind-type mutant Gao Feng, the fire-type mutant Xia Youyou..."

"You know everything!" Xin Riyue said with a smile. He now doubted even more that Lou Ai and his team had their own purposes for going to Qingcheng County. But based on the map that Lou Ai gave him, he felt that the people in front of him would not harm Xin Xin's team.

Fuze Garden, Building 7, 7th Floor, Room 701.

As soon as the door was opened, a little girl with a bun-like hairstyle jumped out and said, "Dad."

"Xin Xin, call them brothers and sister." Xin Riyue picked up Xin Xin and said with a smile.

"Hello, brothers and sister." The little girl poked her head out from in front of Xin Riyue, and when she saw Lou Ai, her eyes lit up. She twisted her body and whispered, "Dad, this pretty sister is your new employee. She's so pretty. Today, sister Xiao Zi scolded them. She scolded them very fiercely and said that we eat cabbage every day. Dad, are we still eating cabbage today? Shouldn't we treat the pretty sister to something good when she comes over?"

Xin Riyue's body froze, and he said helplessly: "Yes, we can only fry a good cabbage."

Xin Riyue turned around and met the gaze of Lou Ai and the others, and said, "We stored a lot of cabbage in winter here, and now it's summer and the price of cabbage has dropped before we can eat it. So we eat more cabbage these days. There's nothing we can do. The crystal cores we earned are used to pay the rent, and there's nothing left after that. The reward for resisting purple moon hasn't been paid yet."

"Boss Xin, oh, hello, new members. Come in quickly. My name is Zhang Xiyou and I’m fourteen years old." The young man who ran out had half-long hair that fell on his shoulders and a baby fat on his tender face. When he saw a few people, his eyes suddenly lit up.

In the room, Xiao Zi was picking cabbages. The thin young man who was helping her was called Tang Yan. Hearing the sound of several people entering the room, Tang Yan turned around and said, "Boss Xin, you're back. These are the newcomers you recruited. Hello, my name is Tang Yan. Boss Xin, we have to entertain the newcomers. I'll go find my hidden beef jerky. You guys sit down for a while and you can eat later."

"No need. How can we let the elderly treat us? We should treat them, right?"

Lou Ai looked at Tang Yan's feet that didn't move at all and narrowed her eyes. Tang Yan was the person she hated most in the entire team.

Tang Yan also likes to take advantage of others, but unlike Xiao Zi, he has no moral bottom line. He likes Xiao Zi but does not pursue her openly. He always wants Xiao Zi to confess first. He secretly bullies those who dislike Xiao Zi and those who are not as skilled as him. In her previous life, she had been secretly bullied. When Tang Yan distributed things, he always left the worst one for her. Those dirty and tiring tasks must be hers. The sticky, annoying and ever-present feeling of bullying is really sickening.

"Yes, yes, yes." Xia Lu responded quickly.

Xiao Zi was chopping cabbage noisily, ignoring them.

"You just got here, where is the food? Besides, all the shops are closed at this time, so there is nothing to buy." Tang Yan said with a smile, "The radio of Fengcheng Base will start soon, and it will broadcast today's news and tomorrow's supermarket sales. If you are interested, you can take a look at tomorrow's meat and vegetables. It's my treat."

——Knock, knock. Someone suddenly knocked on the door.

Zhang Xi opened the door again and looked at the man in military uniform in surprise: "Who are you looking for?"

"Hello, does Lou Ai live here?"

"'s me." Lou Ai was stunned. Why would someone be looking for her?

"Well, I came to Fengcheng Base with Captain Xiao Zuo. I am Captain Xiao's orderly. Our Captain Xiao saw you among the superpowers reported, and asked me to prepare some gifts for you." The orderly put down the roast duck gift bag on his hand and held a bag of vegetables in his left hand. "Captain Xiao asked me to say thank you to you. He will come to visit you in person when he is free."
