Ch. 48

The captain of Xin Xin's team is Xin Riyue. Xin Xin is Xin Riyue's five-year-old daughter and a native of Fengcheng.

This team is not very strong, but it can be regarded as the most special superpower team in the base. The only space-powered person in the entire Fengcheng base is in Xin Xin's team, and that person is Xin Riyue's daughter Xin Xin.

In order to protect Xin Xin, Xin Riyue founded the Xin Xin Team. Also because of Xin Xin, the psychics often see some famous bosses entrenched in the Xin Xin Team.

Lou Ai could roughly guess the reason why the people around them were so surprised, but Chen Youbo didn't know. He whispered, "What's going on? Why do I feel like the way people around me look at me is not right?"

"It's fine."

Lou Ai walked closer and closer, with the smile on her face becoming fainter and fainter. There were people in Xin Xin's team who liked her, but there were also people who hated her. The girl in front of her named Xiao Zi was one of those who hated her, so of course she didn't think much of her either.

"Hello, hello everyone, what special powers do you have?" Xiao Zi asked with a smile on her face.

"Second-level spiritual system." Lou Ai's face was cold.

"I have a first-level lightning ability." Chen Youbo replied.

"My healing ability has just awakened." Xia Lu said.

"I'm a family member." Song Yi raised his hand, not feeling inferior at all.

The smile on Xiao Zi's face grew wider and wider. She took a few small stools and handed them to Lou Ai and the others. "Hello, hello. Please wait a moment. Our captain will be here soon. You are all so amazing. You will definitely be able to join our superpower team."

"In addition, our team's treatment is not bad. When you go out to hunt zombie crystal cores, you only need to pay 10% of the gas money to the team, and you can keep the rest. In addition, our captain has the priority right to rent a house, and will never let the team members live on the streets." Xiao Zi counted the advantages of her team, "Our team also has space-based psychics in Fengcheng Base. We can also go to many places that are inconvenient for other teams to go to collect supplies."

"The treatment is easy to discuss. We won't stay in Fengcheng for a long time." After Lou Ai finished speaking, she saw the smile on Xiao Zi's face froze.

"So how long will you stay?" Xiao Zi asked.

"About two weeks." Lou Ai said.

As soon as Lou Ai finished speaking, Xiao Zi's face visibly drooped, and she no longer had the enthusiasm she had before.

"So that's how it is." Xiao Zi pouted, took out a few forms from the drawer and handed them to Lou Ai, saying, "Our Xinxin team is a newly established superpower team, and we are short of manpower. You are capable enough, so even a short-term contract is fine, but the treatment will not be as good as a long-term one. After all, it's only two weeks, and you only have to complete one mission. Our team is also poor, and we can't support you for nothing. Please fill out the forms first."

Lou Ai nodded, divided the forms, and asked Chen Youbo and others to fill them out.

She was familiar with Xiao Zi's current state. Xiao Zi always had this attitude towards strangers who harmed her interests.

In her previous life, Lou Ai did not meet the recruitment requirements of Xin Xin's team in many aspects and was not qualified to go on missions at all. However, Xin Riyue insisted on recruiting her. After that, Xiao Zi treated her very badly and told her how to do things. In Xiao Zi's view, she could not obtain too many resources and had to waste the team's resources. Wasting the team's resources was wasting her resources.

Similarly, no matter how powerful they are, they may only be able to carry out a simple mission in Xinxin's team for two weeks. What can they bring to her? Not only can they bring nothing, but they also eat a lot of white rice. Naturally, Xiao Zi was cold to them.

"It's rare to see so many recruiters coming to my small place." Lou Ai had just handed out the completed form when a gentle voice suddenly came from behind her.

Lou Ai paused as she was handing over the form and turned her head to look.

Xin Riyue has a standard build, only a head taller than Lou Ai. His voice is slightly hoarse, and he appears very gentle when he speaks in a low voice.

Lou Ai looked at the familiar face and was stunned. She had a trance-like feeling that her previous life and this life overlapped slightly.

In her previous life, Lou Ai once felt powerless about looking for Lou Qiangguo. What had always supported her was actually Xin Riyue's love for Xin Xin. Xin Riyue simply satisfied all the tolerance and love that a father could give to his daughter in the apocalypse.

At that time, she also had a filter for Lou Qiangguo, and longed for a strong father to protect her from the wind and rain.

Xin Riyue showed her love, and Lou Qiangguo successfully taught her that it is better to rely on herself than on others.

So much so that when she saw Xin Riyue again, she actually had a strange feeling of unwillingness and injustice.

Xin Riyue met Lou Ai's gaze, touched his nose in confusion, and asked, "Where did everyone come from?"

"From Qiang'an Base." Seeing that Lou Ai didn't say anything, Chen Youbo replied.

"Oh, that's a long way to go." Xin Riyue said with a smile, "It must have been hard on the way, right?"

"It's hard to live in this world now!" Chen Youbo said excitedly, "My mother always said that if it's a little bitter now, it will be sweet in the future. It won't be bitter forever."

Xin Riyue: "Your mother is amazing. She saw through the essence at a glance."

Chen Youbo propped his legs up on the stool and smiled at Xin Riyue: "Brother, you have good vision."

Seeing Xin Riyue talking enthusiastically with a few people, Xiao Zi leaned over to Xin Riyue's ear and whispered, "Boss Xin, they are only staying here for two weeks just to find a place to stay. They can't do anything in two weeks, so it's better not to hire them."

"First, bring me the recruitment form." Xin Riyue sat down in front of the small table, opened the form filled out by Lou Ai and the others, frowned and read it carefully, and after a long time, he relaxed his brows and said, "Second-level psychics, the top psychics in Fengcheng Base are second-level, first-level lightning system, which is also a very powerful psychic ability, healing system psychic ability, and divination ability. The four of you are very powerful! It is my honor to be chosen for my psychic team."

Xin Riyue smiled gently: "But, sorry, I'm afraid I can't accept you."

"Why?" Lou Ai stood up subconsciously. In her previous life, she didn't meet the recruitment requirements of Xin Xin's team, but she was accepted. How come Xin Riyue refused her to join even though she is even stronger in this life? "You have had several difficult missions recently, right?"

"Yes, but our Xinxin team is small, but because of the space ability user, many big ability teams are watching us. Now we have a healing system and a second-level boss joining our team. Do you think it's appropriate?" Xin Riyue said with a wry smile, "I also want to accept you, but this will bring too much danger to my team. I don't want my team to be in danger."

"I know there's a superpower team that's just right for you, it's called the Tooth Dragon Team. I know the captain of that team. If you want to go there, I can introduce you to him. His captain is a nice guy." Xin Riyue continued.

Xiao Zi glanced at Lou Ai with a hidden and complacent look.

"No!" Lou Ai frowned. This was indeed something Xin Riyue would consider, but... as long as she thought that Xin Xin's team would be wiped out in two months, and she could change the outcome by joining the mission in advance, she had no way of turning around and leaving.

Chen Youbo looked at Lou Ai's expression and said nothing. He was just wondering in his heart, if he didn't want to accept it, then he didn't. Lou Ai's expression was too scary.

Lou Ai subconsciously touched the necklace around her neck and said, "But if I say that we join the Tooth Dragon team, your team will be wiped out..."

"Are you the family member who can tell fortunes?" Xin Riyue knocked on the table and asked.

"Sister Lou Ai can tell fortunes, but the family members are like this." Xia Lu said, pushing Song Yi out.

Song Yi stepped forward. He was wearing Taoist clothes and waved the whisk in his hand, looking like that. He looked at Xin Riyue and couldn't help but change the subject: "Brother, your team will have a difficult journey ahead, just like a carp leaping over the dragon gate but falling back into the water with wounds all over its body, or the water dragon king offering sacrifices but running away... Anyway, don't take the next few missions you like."

Xiao Zi had a gloomy face. She was counting on the salary from the mission to buy things. She couldn't help but angrily said, "What nonsense are you talking about? I think you are just liars. You are only level two. There are only a few level two people now! Mr. Xin, how can a level two psychic beg to enter a small base?"

Xin Riyue took the paper back from the table, turned to the side that belonged to Song Yi, and fell into deep thought as he looked at the divination on it.

"If I'm not mistaken, you have already taken on the mission of the Qingcheng County Army/Armory. These days, including recruiting new soldiers and exploring the terrain, are all preparations for this mission, but the preparations are not enough." Lou Ai took out a pre-prepared map from her backpack, placed it on the small table in front, and circled it on the map, "Here, here, and here are all dangerous. Without us, your team will not be able to escape any of them."

Lou Ai touched the hairpin on her head. She didn't expect that after leaving the Qiang'an base, she still had to rely on fortune-telling to achieve her goal. Lou Ai met Xin Riyue's undoubted gaze and smiled: "This map was drawn in advance according to your mission, just for this time."

"Of course, my help is not in vain. We also have things to exchange. When I come back from the mission, please help me join Professor Qin Chengtai's research team." Lou Ai stared at Xin Riyue. If it was an equal exchange, Xin Riyue would surely not refuse, and her search for Qin Chengtai would become easier.

Lou Ai said as she found the document on herself being recommended by the superpower team, with the seal of the Academy of Sciences on it, and handed it to Xin Riyue: "Don't worry that I will harm Professor Qin. I just want to ask Professor Qin Chengtai for help with an experiment."

"No!" Xiao Zi was furious and shook her head repeatedly: "No, Mr. Xin, that was a favor our team had worked so hard to get. Have you forgotten that our team almost died on the road last time? How can we just use it like this? I have never seen a fortune teller who can tell fortunes accurately. Do we young people who grew up with science books really believe in these feudal things?!"

Xin Riyue carefully looked through the documents and maps that Ai Ge had given her downstairs, thought for a long time, and said, "Okay, I agree."
