Ch. 47

"What's wrong?" Chen Youbo slowed down, followed the trucks and cars in front, and slowly moved towards the gate management office of Fengcheng Base.

"It's okay." Lou Ai turned her head. It shouldn't be possible. In her previous life, she found Lou Qiangguo and his son at the base in Province H. Even if some things had changed in this life, Lou Guoqiang would not be willing to change his travel plans and come back early. Although Lou Qiangguo was smiling all the time, he was the most promising child of his parents in his family. His parents obeyed him and his sister respected him. He was very confident in himself.

He must have thought that even if Lou Ai took something, the monk can escape but the temple cannot, and it would not be too late to teach her a lesson after traveling back.
Otherwise, he wouldn't have called to ask questions.
Lou Qiangguo must have thought that this was not a big deal and he could solve it when he got back. Even when Lou Jun accused her of stealing things, Lou Qiangguo would stop her. How could a child he gave birth to steal things!
Lou Ai shook her head. Tsk!
In the back seat, Song Yi whispered to Xia Lu, "Xiaolu, I just saw a middle-aged man. Tsk, his face was originally good, but the string that held him together has broken. I'm afraid he will be poor and destitute for the rest of his life. If he's not careful, he'll die miserably!"

"Brother, you'd better not tell him about this." Xia Lu said in a low voice, as if he was afraid that others would hear it.
"I think so too." Song Yi nodded and raised his hand to stroke his mustache. "Let me take a look. I'll get off the car and ask someone with a good fortune to tell my fortune."
"Yes." Xia Lu nodded vigorously, "Then big brother, I will be your little Taoist boy."
"Brother Taoist, please stop leading the kids astray. Look at how miserable you were at the beginning in the Qiang'an base. If it weren't for Lou Ai's success, the results of your original divinations would have lowered the error tolerance, and the people in the Qiang'an base wouldn't believe you." Chen Youbo said, "If you move to another place now, you will cause Xia Lu to be kicked out! Look at the meat on their faces, even less than that of our Qiang'an base, and they are all skin and bones. What kind of food can they give you to entertain you?"
Indeed, there were more people outside the tents at Fengcheng Base, but they were also thinner, and their faces were filled with fatigue from being tortured.
"Brother, sister, please give me something to eat!!"
"I have a little sister at home, please give me something to eat." The further you go inside, the more you can see the plight of the people in Fengcheng Base. There are even a few children around ten years old next to the long line of cars, knocking on the car doors and begging for something to eat.
"Xia Lu, don't open the door." Seeing Xia Lu's soft heart, Lou Ai couldn't help but say, "Look at how many children there are around. If you give food to one of them, the others will come to ask you for it. Will you give it to them or not? If you give it to them, they will give it endlessly. There is not enough food in the car behind us for you. If you don't give it to them, the only person you gave food to will be in trouble."
"Okay, with so many children, won't Fengcheng base care about it?" Xia Lu listened to Lou Ai's words very much.
"Of course they do." Lou Ai said, "But the situation at Fengcheng Base is different from that at Qiang'an Base. Qiang'an is vast and sparsely populated, and there are few towns around it, but Fengcheng is a city with the largest population nearby. Even if some people died after the apocalypse, the population in the surrounding towns quickly filled the gap. The population load is too heavy, and the city is full. A large number of people are needed to maintain order, and the cost of maintaining order is compensated by the residence restrictions. It is easy to understand that there are many people who can't afford to live in the city and settle outside Fengcheng. Living here, when zombies attack on a large scale, the top leaders of Fengcheng Base will not watch them being eaten by zombies."
"Just take care of the most basic security issues. As for the problems of food and entering the city, it's not that they don't want to take care of them, but that they can't." Lou Ai said.
"Lou Ai, what do you think? We are safe here, right?" Chen Youbo was a little numb to Lou Ai's constant asking them about things they didn't know. Anyway, it was always right to ask Lou Ai if they encountered something they didn't know.
"I know that." Song Yi's round face was full of smiles. "I had a fortune-teller told on the way, and it was a good omen, very auspicious, so there will definitely be no danger."
As they were talking, the car drove to the place where the Fengcheng army was registered.
"Hello, you need to pay fifty zero-level zombie crystal cores to enter the city. You will need to pay one zombie crystal core every day as a continuous fee for your entry qualification. One first-level zombie crystal core is equivalent to one hundred zero-level zombie crystal cores. To rent a house, you need to find someone at the housing management office after entering the city." The female soldier who registered was very friendly. "After entering, we will have a specific quarantine location and need to be quarantined for thirty-six hours."
"If we don't have a house to live in after entering the city, will we be driven out if we sleep on the streets at night?" Lou Ai asked with a smile.
"Yes, we have a temporary residence for free for three days. If you don't have a crystal core after three days, you will be driven out of the city, but you don't have to pay the entrance fee to enter the city again." The female soldier nodded, perhaps thinking that the conditions for accommodation here are too harsh. "Do you have people with special abilities or special talents? Join the army, military special ability team or private special ability team. Most of them will provide food and accommodation. As long as you go on a mission, you will be fine."

The female soldier handed Lou Ai and the others four pieces of paper and two pens and said, "This is the information you need to fill out."
Lou Ai took it and handed it to Chen Youbo: "You fill it out first."
"Sister, I heard that the leader of Fengcheng Base has been changed. Who is in power now?" Lou Ai asked.
The female soldier looked at Lou Ai in surprise. The flow of information between bases was so difficult now, and it was rare for someone to know that their leader had changed. "It was Commander Lin Ze from the capital. The base just changed its leader not long ago. I heard that he came here by helicopter."

"Oh, you can't fly helicopters anymore. All animals have mutated after the second purple moon." Lou Ai said.
"Yes, at that time, many rats in the base were mutated. Fortunately, there were not many people raising animals, so there was no chaos inside the base."

"I heard that Meng Linlin has influenced the wills of many zombie animals." Meng Linlin's special ability is aimed at zombies, and it also has miraculous effects on zombie animals. At that time, there were no zombie rats among the group of rats, otherwise, perhaps with the help of Meng Linlin's special ability, many things could be easily accomplished.

"Meng Linlin? We don't have such people in Fengcheng base!" The female soldier did not hide anything and said, "At that time, there was a member of our base who cooperated with the patrol team to violently suppress various animals. Many people were injured."

Lou Ai paused while filling out the information. This time, Meng Linlin and Meng Langlang did not come with Lin Ze.

Lou Ai frowned. It would be awkward for her to ask Lin Ze to go directly to the laboratory to find Qin Chengtai.

She remembered that Qin Chengtai's assassination took place half a month or two weeks after she entered the Fengcheng base in her previous life. After calculation, the time she entered the city in both lives was almost the same.

Lou Ai handed the form in her hand to the female soldier and said with a smile: "Thank you, can I pay for the crystal core with a superpower crystal core?"

The female soldier didn't think much about it. It was not uncommon to kill a few psychics who didn't deal with her. "Yes, a zero-level psychic crystal core is equivalent to thirty zero-level zombie crystal cores. Please pay the fee and get the badge over there."

The female soldier showed Lou Ai the way and then looked down at the information in her hand. The next second, her eyes widened in surprise. There was a second-level psychic, a first-level lightning, a zero-level healing, plus a capable person who could tell fortunes. She had been in this position for so long and had encountered people with special abilities traveling together, but this combination was definitely the most special and powerful.

The female soldier took out the information of several people and put it in a special file bag.

Lou Ai and a few others paid the fee, got their number plates, and were guided to park their cars and enter the isolation area.

Thirty-six hours passed in a flash. After leaving the quarantine area, they first went to the places where various special ability teams were recruiting.

This place was originally a converted movie theater, and countless elementary school desks were moved in to form a huge recruitment organization.

Sitting behind the desks were recruiters from each team. The recruitment information for each superpower team was drawn up in the style of various posters and posted in front of the desks, with the remuneration and salaries also clearly stated.

"The Thunder Squad is recruiting people with special abilities, with priority given to those with lightning abilities. The salary is the same as that of the military. When traveling, you only need to pay 10% of the crystal cores you earn to the team..." Chen Youbo recited the requirements in front of him softly.

Xia Lu also said: "We have some here too. The Weixin team is recruiting people with special abilities. Lightning and special abilities are preferred. There are healing people in the team, so the safety is guaranteed. The salary..."

"Are you joining our Cheng Cheng team? This is our flyer." Someone came up and handed Lou Ai a flyer.

"Oh, can we print flyers here?" Chen Youbo said.

"It is possible to do it, but making flyers is very expensive. Only those large special power teams can do it. Moreover, they will not distribute flyers to everyone. Only those with strong strength can receive flyers." Someone enthusiastically explained to Lou Ai and the others.

Lou Ai glanced around, pointed to a team in a corner, and said, "Chen Youbo, what do you think of the team called Xin Xin? We won't be here for long, so there's no need to find a very good team. It would be best if they can tolerate us working for a short period of time."

Xin Xin's superpower team was the one that accepted her in her previous life. Two months later, when they went on a mission, all the team except her and Xin Xin were wiped out. She was lucky enough to survive because she was protected under the captain's body.

Her right arm was broken, and Xin Xin was also seriously injured. Due to her young age and weak resistance, she caught a fever and died within two days of arriving at the base.

However, with Xin Xin around, the mission was considered a success, and the large amount of crystal cores they exchanged became the financial basis for her to look for Lou Qiangguo in the future.

"I'm fine with anything." Chen Youbo said indifferently.

"I think that place is nice too. In my opinion, let's go there." Song Yi also expressed his agreement, and Xia Lu naturally had no objection.

Lou Ai nodded and led the men towards Xin Xin’s team.

When the members of the superpower teams who were being recruited nearby saw Lou Ai, Chen Youbo and the others walking towards Xin Xin's superpower team in the corner, their faces couldn't help but become strange, and even the noisy voices became much quieter.
