Ch. 46

Xia Lu kept the matter a secret.

It was not until the next day when Lou Ai went to the superpower team to fulfill the battle agreed upon with her members that she saw Xia Lu in the superpower team.

"Xia Lu, why are you here? Didn't you leave home early this morning?" Lou Ai took a sip of water from the glass and grabbed Xia Lu in the corridor in surprise.

"Yes." Xia Lu lowered his eyes. "I just came to report to the superpower team. When you go to the capital base in a few days, I will go with you."

Lou Ai: "?? Wait, who agreed to this?"

Xia Lu smiled cautiously: "I finally managed to convince Captain An Yan."

Lou Ai didn't think Xia Lu was suitable to go to the Capital Base to blend into the high-ranking fame and fortune world: "Why? Xia Lu, your friends are all here. I have only known you for a month, not even two months. It's not appropriate for you to stay with me. You have healing abilities, which makes you popular in the Qiang'an Base, but when you go to the Capital Base, you will just be one of the many people with abilities. You will definitely not be as comfortable as you are here. Besides, if you stay in the Qiang'an Base, everyone I know can help you."

"Sister Lou Ai, I want to help you." Xia Lu's eyes were firm, and his light brown eyes looked at Lou Ai steadily, "Sister Lou Ai, I know you have a lot of secrets, and you are carrying a lot of things. I can see that, and I want to help you."
"You know again?" Lou Ai never expected that Xia Lu would give this kind of answer.
"Well, when we were in the supermarket, I saw that you didn't sleep all night most of the time." Xia Lu raised his head slightly and looked at Lou Ai's face. "At that time, I hadn't gotten over the pain of losing my family and sometimes woke up from nightmares. When I saw you at that time, I felt that you were in a lot of pain, and it was more like you were accompanying me. Please don't leave me. You helped me get out of the pain, and I want to help you too."
Lou Ai gripped the glass tightly to prevent herself from losing control even more.
After a long while, Lou Ai smiled, but her voice was a little cold: "Even if it is difficult? Even if I will do something irreparable for my own sake?"
Xia Lu nodded and said seriously: "Yes."
Lou Ai asked back: "What if one day I become the public enemy of mankind?"
"No, Sister Lou Ai, your soul is beautiful." Seeing that Lou Ai had given in, Xia Lu excitedly pointed with one finger.
"You say I have a beautiful soul, but I've never seen you praise my beautiful appearance?" Lou Ai couldn't help laughing, and the hand holding the glass relaxed. "If you insist on following me, then follow me. When we leave, let's say goodbye to Yang Yang and the others."
"Okay." Xia Lu was happy, his eyes curved into little crescents.
"Captain Lou Ai, you are here. I have been looking for you for a long time. The place where we fight has been changed. It is in the indoor fighting room at the end of the fifth floor." Bai Ni held the wall breathlessly and poured himself a glass of water from the thermos. "Hurry up, we are waiting for you."
"Okay, right away." Lou Ai led Xia Lu upstairs. "I'll take you to meet Chen Youbo. In addition to Master Song Yi, Chen Youbo will also be with us." Lou Ai said.
"Okay." Xia Lu left Lou Ai half a step behind, allowing Lou Ai to be the first person to push the door and enter the battle room.
Hiss, ribbons sprayed out, and pieces of colorful paper fell from above Lou Ai's head.
After Lou Ai realized what was coming towards her, she forced herself not to dodge.
"Captain Lou Ai, congratulations!" "Yeah, don't forget me when you go to the Capital Base."

"We don't fight anymore?" Lou Ai asked.
"No more fighting." Chen Youbo waved his hand. "We discussed it and decided that it would be too embarrassing if eight of us couldn't beat you. Let Captain An Yan guide the training. It's more important for us to practice this time."
Chen Bin was dissatisfied and used a small spray gun to spray Chen Youbo's face with colored ribbons: "You are the only one who talks too much. As a member who is being sent off, can you please stop interrupting us!!"
"Captain Lou Ai, I'll give you a few hair bands. You seem to like this kind of hair accessories very much. I happened to collect them when I was collecting supplies before."
"And me, I'll give you a stack of sports bras. I won't need them, but you can change into them." Xia Si wrapped them in a black plastic bag and handed them to Lou Ai.
Lou Ai took it and looked at it: "..." They were all small sizes, and Xia Si really couldn't use them.
When Lou Ai came to the superpower team, she encountered dissatisfaction from all the team members. The team members were secretly planning to give Lou Ai a warning, but in just ten days, they failed to do so. Instead, they willingly held a farewell party for Lou Ai.
When Lou Ai returned home, she received a big bag of gifts and asked Xia Lu to help her take some.

After the battle at the base was over, the cleanup of the zombies and birds outside the base was handled by teenagers and middle-aged women hired by the government who did not participate in the war to defend the base.
The number of zombies seems large. Apart from the employment fees deducted by the government, the pensions of the deceased members are also distributed in the form of crystal cores. In this way, the rewards distributed to individuals by the crystal cores are much less.
As the captain of the superpower team, Lou Ai distributed fifty more crystal cores than any other member of the team, but the total was only more than four hundred. Most of the four hundred were crystal cores from zero-order zombies, and there were very few crystal cores from first-order zombies.
But it is better to have something than nothing. In addition to the crystal cores issued by the government, Lou Ai still has more than fifty first-level zombie crystal cores and one second-level zombie crystal core, all of which were collected on the battlefield at that time, as well as thirteen crystal cores of mutants that were originally collected.
The day before leaving for Fengcheng Base, Lou Ai sat in her room and decided to use these zombie crystal cores to upgrade.
Lou Ai put away the mutant crystal cores. Unless necessary, she didn't want to eat these mutant crystal cores. After all, they were taken out from human skulls.
She had already rinsed the zombie crystal core with clean water in advance.
Lou Ai ate them one by one. The zero-level crystal core could no longer give her much energy, but it was better than nothing.
Even when the last crystal core turned into a warm current, it was still far from reaching the energy required to upgrade to the third level.
Lou Ai estimated the energy in her body and found that she was currently at the middle to late second stage.

Before Lou Ai went to Fengcheng Base, she went to retrieve her car. On the same day of the Purple Moon, someone moved the car parked at the door to another place.

When Lou Ai went to look for it, the car was still usable except for being a little dusty and having broken glass, and the various convenience foods inside were also well preserved.
Bai Lijie originally wanted to give Lou Ai a car for transportation, but Lou Ai felt that her own car was more convenient to drive so she refused and only accepted a barrel of gasoline as a supply.
Before leaving, Lou Ai changed into a white jumpsuit.
She originally wanted to wear a long skirt to make herself look more ethereal and give a good impression to the people in Fengcheng Base. After all, she was going there to take away the scientists from the base.
But the long skirt was too inconvenient to wear, so she settled for a jumpsuit and white canvas shoes.
On the way, she planned to use all her time to hurry on her way, so she didn't change her clothes.
After all, as a zombie, her metabolism is very slow. Her hair has not grown at all in more than a month, and her clothes are not dirty.

Without the burden of a large army, Lou Ai and Chen Youbo took turns driving and traveled day and night, finally arriving at Fengcheng Base a week later.
Fengcheng Base is much larger than Qiang'an Base. The city wall is an ancient city wall that existed before the end of the world. It is almost as high as the city wall of Qiang'an Base after it was added. There is also a plaque on the city wall with the word "Fengcheng" written on it. Large tracts of maple forests are planted on both sides of Fengcheng Base. Under the maple trees are tents, which are the residents living outside Fengcheng Base.
A barbed wire fence was erected in front of the city wall, and two rows of soldiers were guarding the gaps in the wire fence.
"Why does this Maple City base look like it has never experienced the Purple Moon? Look, the plaque in front of it hasn't fallen off."
"Maybe they just experienced the zombie attack..."
Lou Ai stopped talking, sat up straight and looked around. She actually saw a man who looked very much like Lou Qiangguo. He was holding a small loaf of bread in his hand, standing in front of a man in military uniform with a servile look and a smile on his face.
