Ch. 45

"Thank you for your hard work. This is our common base, and you have successfully defended the base. You are all heroes of our Qiang'an base... In addition, we will have someone come to clean up the zombie cores outside the base... The base's reward policy will be posted on the bulletin board on the base wall after the cores are cleaned up." Secretary Bai's encouraging words sounded on the base's broadcast at the right time, "Everyone line up and come in turn to receive clothes and bed numbers in the observation area. All the expenses and food required for this quarantine will be contracted by the base, so everyone can rest assured."

"Lou Ai, I know we completed the mission well today, but you don't have to smile like this!" Chen Youbo looked at Lou Ai's smile and looked away with a toothache, "I'm injured. I'd better go back to the base and check my eyes."

Lou Ai stopped laughing and said, "It's time to treat your brain."

Beside them, Bai Ni and a few others had sparkling eyes and were covering their chests with strips of cloth, smiling happily.
"It's so hot. It must be related to the purple moon. The temperature was below zero yesterday, but it's so hot today. Damn, it won't be like this every time the season changes, will it?" Bing Xin took off the rags on his upper body and covered his lower body.
Bai Ni and the others nearby listened to Bing Xin's words in horror.
"No." After Lou Ai finished speaking, she saw Bai Ni and the others suddenly relax. She couldn't help but smile and took off her coat to reveal the pure white holey sweater underneath.

The change in weather is indeed related to the Purple Moon. After three rounds of Purple Moons, the weather became extremely cold again. But after three rounds of Purple Moons, all creatures were upgraded and the weather changes began to become regular.
Spring and autumn are extremely short, and you may not even feel the seasons passing by. What you can feel are summer and winter, which rotate between two seasons every six months.


Inside the base, the roads were full of broken glass and feathers, as well as bird carcasses, and the holly trees on the roadside were gnawed to pieces.

In front of some people’s doors, there are corpses rolled in white cloth. These are the people in the family who have turned into zombies.

The building in the quarantine zone is not far from the city wall and is relatively remote, so there are fewer things damaged by birds. Several people in white clothes are busy cleaning up.

Lou Ai changed into the blue T-shirt distributed by the government, registered her identity, and walked into the quarantine area.

Before entering the quarantine area, she specifically found Xiang Chunyan and moved her quarantine bed next to Xia Lu.

Xia Lu was not in bed.

Lou Ai lay down on the bed and closed her eyes to rest. The group of people who came in with her had all fallen asleep after treating their wounds.

At noon, Lou Ai ate the food that the staff had distributed to her bit by bit. Xia Lu still hadn't shown up, so Lou Ai pulled the nurse who was cleaning the dishes curiously and asked, "Sister, where is Xia Lu who lives next to me?"

"He, that little guy is doing really well now. He is treating someone in the treatment area in front." The nurse said with a smile, "You must be his friend. Come over when he's done with his work."

Help people with treatment?

Lou Ai walked curiously in the direction the nurse pointed, and happened to see a green light condensing on Xia Lu's hand. The light condensed into a ball and gathered on several wounds on the girl's face in front of him. The bloody marks left by bird pecking were healed in an instant under the reflection of the green light.

Is this a healing power?

"Sister Lou Ai?" After treating a patient, Xia Lu turned around and saw Lou Ai standing by the door looking at him. He ran over excitedly and pointed at his legs and said, "Look, my legs are completely healed. Last night, when I was sitting by the window watching you fight, I was thinking if there was anything I could do to help you. This morning, I discovered that I had awakened my special powers and ate several bowls of rice in a row."

"Sister Lou Ai, are you not hurt?"

"No, I'm fine. Go and get busy. I've moved my isolation seat next to yours. We'll talk in the evening." Lou Ai rubbed Xia Lu's soft hair.

"Okay." Xia Lu nodded with a smile, "Sister Lou Ai, I'll bring you canned beef tonight. My salary has arrived."

"Okay." Lou Ai smiled. People with healing abilities are a rare species in every base. Now she doesn't have to worry that Xia Lu will not be able to support himself when she leaves.

After staying in the isolation area of ​​the base for forty-two hours, Lou Ai was allowed to leave the isolation building.

These days, Secretary Bai and members of the superpower team came to look for her. All the members of the superpower team were in the quarantine area and could not move back and forth easily. Secretary Bai and Xiang Chunyan were also very busy. After finding Lou Ai, they left in a hurry in less than a few minutes.

Xia Lu should have come back with them, but he was very busy in the quarantine area and his salary was high, so he only returned to the community at night.

"Sister Lou Ai, I thought you were out of the quarantine area. Come, I'll help you carry your things." Xiang Chunyan was waiting at the entrance of the quarantine area early in the morning. When he saw Lou Ai coming out, he said attentively, "My uncle asked me to come and see you. He has something to tell you."

"Okay, I'll go home and change my clothes first." Lou Ai said.

"Sister Lou Ai." The patrol team members they met on the road greeted Lou Ai with a smile on their faces.

Lou Ai nodded. They were all people she didn’t know.

"This group of people are so realistic. When I was working with them on missions before, they were just perfunctory when they praised you. Now, they all want to praise you to the sky." Xiang Chunyan muttered.

"By the way, there were birds that came here before you lived here."

Lou Ai opened the door and a gentle breeze blew in, revealing that several pieces of glass in the house were broken, with the glass fragments scattered on the windowsill.

"How many people in the base have turned into zombies?" Lou Ai asked while cleaning with a broom.

"About one-tenth, mostly elderly people and children, most of whom have low immunity." Xiang Chunyan came up to help.

"By the way, Sister Lou Ai, your master has also come to see you. I have to state first that he is also very good at fortune-telling. My uncle came back a few days ago and joined a superpower team." Xiang Chunyan said happily, "I wrongly blamed him."

"Song Yi? What did he say?" Lou Ai asked.

"He said you are his destined benefactor, and asked you to take him with you when you leave." Xiang Chunyan touched the back of his head, pursed his lips and advised, "Sister Lou Ai, are you going to leave? How great is the Qiang'an base? This is the base you have guarded, and I was planning to introduce my girlfriend to you."

"I'm not leaving right away." Lou Ai said with a smile, "There's time."


In the government building, Bai Lijie's office is in the two rooms on the east side of the top floor. This was originally the mayor's office, and the decoration inside has not changed much, so it looks very good. Only the glass facing the door is empty. As soon as you push the door open, you can smell the warm breeze.

Cong Fanghua and An Yan were sitting in the office, while Bai Lijie was holding a small cell phone and talking on the phone.

It should be a satellite phone for contacting the capital base.

Bai Lijie smiled widely, "What are you talking about? What do you mean we were lucky not to encounter the zombie wave? We were able to resist the zombie wave because of our strong strength, so we didn't perish. Not only that, after the zombie wave was over, we also encountered flocks of birds. Those birds were very ferocious, pecking people's heads full of blood. Several members of my base died because of birds. Your capital base should provide the pension for this, right?"

"Okay, okay, even if you pay less, I'll pay the rest out of my own pocket, okay? But you have to send a few trucks to our base, right?"

"It's OK for people from the White City base to come live in our base. I want eight green pickup trucks."

"Of course, Qiang'an Base is my hard work, and I certainly hope it can last long enough."

"Well, I have reported the zombie jammer to the Academy of Sciences, and the finished product will be available soon... Well, the psychics to be sent for exchanges have also been selected, Lou Ai, Chen Youbo, and one more person whom I will let Lou Ai take away when she leaves... They must be the three top psychics, and I will not bring down the reputation of our Qiang'an base."

Lou Ai listened to Bai Lijie arguing with the person on the phone for a long time: "???" Lou Ai looked at An Yan. When did she say that she was going to the Capital Base for exchange and study?

"Uncle, Sister Lou Ai is going to the Capital Base?" Xiang Chunyan was also surprised. He asked immediately after Bai Lijie hung up the phone.

"Yes, An Yan's special ability team has three exchange quotas to the capital base. They say it's for exchange and learning special abilities, but in fact, each small base sends excellent talents to the capital. Those who are not excellent don't want them." Bai Lijie hung up the phone and cursed: "This time it was our Qiang'an base that held on, so I can be so tough and ask for various rewards. Otherwise, I can't even get this satellite phone. The capital base suffered a lot this time, and they are short of people, so they brought up the exchange and learning."

"Wait, Secretary Bai, why didn't I know that I agreed to go to the capital for exchange and study?" Lou Ai said expressionlessly.

Bai Lijie's face changed and he looked at An Yan: "An Yan, didn't you ask Lou Ai when you signed up?"

An Yan shook her head: "I thought this was something you were responsible for."

Bai Lijie: "..." It is true that this is his responsibility, but he is responsible for hundreds of matters, big and small, and each one is handled by others and reported to him. He will report it directly if he thinks it is appropriate.

"This... Lou Ai, you've seen it, this is a mistake. If I can keep you here, I'd certainly like to keep you here. Do you want to stay?"

Xiang Chunyan glanced at Lou Ai, pursed his lips and said nothing.

Lou Ai pondered and shook her head: "To be honest, if there was no exchange of quotas, I would also go to the capital base."

"That's just a coincidence."

"But before going to the capital base, I have to go to Fengcheng and H Province base." Lou Ai said.

"It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if the journey is delayed. You will set off on your own. The capital won't send anyone to pick you up. You can arrange the time on the road by yourselves. As long as it doesn't exceed two months, it will be fine." Bai Lijie said carefully, "When they call and ask about it, I will try my best to delay it for you."

Lou Ai didn't make it difficult for Bai Lijie: "Okay."

"I wanted to keep you for a few more days. The zombie jammer is also yours. I have already reported it. By then, you will be well-known in the capital. The Capital Academy of Sciences will not treat you badly. I have also made arrangements with my master."

Lou Ai nodded: "Thank you Secretary Bai, I also want a copy of the information on the zombie jammer."

"I would have prepared it for you without you telling me." Bai Lijie said with a smile.

Cong Fanghua stood in front of the printer. The generator only provided power to the government building for one hour a day. She quickly processed the information on the computer. After carefully checking several important nodes, she printed out two copies of the document. One was left for Bai Lijie to archive at the Academy of Sciences, and the other was handed to Lou Ai.

After Cong Fanghua finished dealing with the data, she returned to the laboratory.

Lou Ai took the information and gave Bai Lijie the information about the three purple moons when she left.

An Yan left the government building with Lou Ai.

"Now that we're at the capital base, work hard." An Yan nodded. He was very optimistic about Lou Ai's future development.

Lou Ai called out to An Yan: "Wait, why did you choose Chen Youbo to be with me? Is it because he and I have a good relationship?"

"I have concerns in this regard." An Yan nodded.

Lou Ai hesitated and said, "But, his mother..."

An Yan interrupted Lou Ai and said, "Chen Youbo's mother died at the beginning of the apocalypse."

"Chen Youbo comes from a single-parent family. His mother couldn't control him, so she used her connections to send him to the army. He was in the same class as me." An Yan rarely spoke so much. "He was not like this before the end of the world. Maybe he repented after his mother passed away. The fact that he had no relatives in the base was a prerequisite for me to choose him."

Lou Ai raised her hand to cover her forehead: "How did he get into the superpower team?"

An Yan was puzzled: "He and I were in the same army, and we were comrades-in-arms."

Lou Ai nodded: "Okay, I get it, I'll just use my connections!"

Lou Ai digested all the things about Chen Youbo and walked towards her own community. She met Song Yi who was walking towards her and said, "Master?"

"This is my luggage. When will you leave Qiang'an Base?" Next to Song Yi was a small suitcase and a mountaineering bag. "I couldn't wait any longer so I came here by myself. You are my benefactor. I read your fortune yesterday and it was very good. If it succeeds, you will become extremely wealthy. If it fails... it won't affect you. Take me with you when you leave. I can help you with logistics."
Lou Ai's heart was moved: "Did it really say I'll be really extremely rich?"
"Although there will be twists and turns along the way, it will really be a matter of great wealth and honor." Song Yi's little round face straightened and he said seriously.

"Sister Lou Ai, why are you guys downstairs? Let's go upstairs and chat." Xia Lu came back as they were talking. "Sister Lou Ai, I bought some vermicelli in stock, and someone stuffed a carrot into my mouth. How about we have carrot vermicelli pie tonight?"
"Xia Lu, let me introduce you, this is Song Yi." Lou Ai said.
"I know. The Taoist priest once told my fortune. He praised my fate so much that I felt embarrassed." Xia Lu forced out a faint smile.
"It's you, Lou Ai. This child is destined to be a dragon. He will definitely become a general in the future." Song Yi said with a smile, stroking the small mustache at the corner of his mouth.
"Which dragon is it?" Lou Ai complained as she led the men upwards. "Xia Lu, have you installed curtains over the windows?"
"Well, it's installed, but the room is stuffy." Xia Lu said.
"Master, you just live in the living room. You'll have to bear with it for a few days." Lou Ai said.
"As long as you take me with you when you leave, it won't be considered a grievance." Song Yi said with a smile.
Xia Lu stopped and looked nervous: "Sister Lou Ai, are you leaving? Where are you going?"
"Capital Base, Xia Lu, you are now a healing psychic, the base will definitely not make things difficult for you, Yang Yang and the others also live here, I will definitely come back to see you when I am free." Lou Ai smiled and rubbed Xia Lu's hair, "I am going to the Capital Base for exchange and study, Chen Youbo will come with me, there is one vacant spot, and I will choose a psychic I am familiar with at that time."
Xia Lu pursed his lips and said nothing, continuing to walk up the stairs, but his expression was exactly the same as when he first heard about the death of Sanshi.
Lou Ai's heart skipped a beat and she felt vaguely uneasy.
Sure enough, the next day Xia Lu did something big without making a sound.
