Ch. 40

"Yunhai, are you looking for Lou Ai?" Jiang Chenglu stopped the breathless Yunhai.

"Yes, Bingxin had the patrol team arrest her. Isn't Miss Lou Ai the captain of Bingxin? I hurried over to find her." Yunhai said, "Brother Jiang, you don't know what order Lou Ai gave. She asked Bingxin and the others to go to the streets to catch members of the cult. Bingxin found one, but everyone around denied it, saying that the old lady had lived with them for several months and was very kind. It was definitely not possible for her to be a cult member. Bingxin and the others didn't know what evil she had done, but they had to accuse the old lady, and ended up in a conflict with the patrol team."

Jiang Chenglu could guess why Bingxin was so stubborn, so he said, "Captain An Yanan, let's go find Lou Ai together."

An Yan didn't say anything, just stood up and signaled with her eyes.

Jiang Chenglu followed behind Yun Hai and whispered, "Secretary Bai asked us not to leave the base. Have you noticed that all the top combat forces are on standby at the base recently? In addition, Secretary Bai trusts Lou Ai very much. He is trying his best to cooperate with Lou Ai's team in catching cultists, repairing city walls, and even making bird nets. Secretary Bai's nephew is also with Lou Ai and on standby at any time. Aren't you curious about what is going to happen?"

An Yan: “Not curious.”

Jiang Chengluo leaned on An Yan's chest and said with a smile, "Don't be like that. I'm really curious. If the crisis predicted by Lou Ai comes true, then she is a very extraordinary person. Such a person is destined not to stay in our small place for a long time. Aren't you worried about who to choose for the recommendation qualification of J City Base? If Lou Ai does a good job, why not recommend her?"


Lou Ai and Yun Hai rushed over, and Xiang Chunyan was blocking the way, begging: "Brothers, please be kind, please be kind, give me some face, stop fighting, stop fighting, is it appropriate to fight for a gray-haired old lady? It's not appropriate!!"

Lou Ai: “…”

Lou Ai looked at the old lady at the center of the incident. The old lady had a head full of silver hair. She would have been an elderly person before the end of the world. There was not much flesh on her cheeks, and her face was covered with wrinkles. Her eyes were full of confusion. She huddled in a corner and was comforted by several middle-aged women.

At first glance, she looks like a pitiful old lady.

Lou Ai looked at the patrol team. There was an acquaintance among them, Su Xi. It was he who captured the boss who had a conflict with Song Yiqi.

"Su Xi, what's going on?" Lou Ai stopped Su Xi who was about to draw his gun and asked, "What did my team member do wrong?"

"Master, Master, did you ask them to come here to look for members of a cult?" Su Xi put away his gun, looking unhappy. "Aren't you stealing our patrol team's work? Besides, our Qiang'an base has only been established for a few months. How could a cult develop in such a short time? Your team members are so good that they arrested an old lady and said she was a cult member. The old lady has looked after the children of the neighbors several times. No matter how cult it is, how can it not leak any information? I have received so many complaints from people. It was supposed to be a matter of criticism and education, but you, the members, resisted arrest."

"Yes, we also received Secretary Bai's order to cooperate with you as much as possible, but this is no longer within the scope of cooperation. We did not complete our own duties, and the superiors blamed us, and it was my salary that was deducted." Su Xi smiled bitterly, "Master, please understand us."

"Bah, you're just talking nonsense. Just because you say it's not a cult, it's not a cult?" Bing Xin was a big and strong man. When he got angry, his cheeks turned tomato red. "Lou Ai, Captain, I saw her spreading the message to passers-by with my own eyes. She was spreading the message that God loves the world. The old lady she was spreading the message walked away quickly. I didn't catch her. Otherwise, this would have happened. Old lady, do you dare to say with confidence that you are not a cult?"

The old lady was so frightened by Bingxin's glare that she almost fainted.

"It's not easy for the old lady to live to this day. If she gets scared by you and something happens, who will be responsible?" Someone nearby couldn't stand it anymore and cursed.

"That's right, she's an old lady who already has a granddaughter, and she can still be a cult. She wouldn't want to die with her granddaughter!"

"Grandma." Lou Ai smiled. The furry rabbit ear hat made her look cute and adorable. The passers-by around her were not so hostile towards the little girl Lou Ai. She said, "It's okay, grandma. Do you know there is a kind of supernatural power called psychic power? I know a few people with psychic power. Psychic power is very magical. His supernatural power is to distinguish whether a person is lying or not, and even make people speak out their true thoughts involuntarily. Please wait, someone will be here soon."

"Oh, there is such a supernatural power!" A middle-aged woman who was supporting the old lady said with interest, "It would have been better if we had asked the supernatural person to come here earlier."

Several people with special abilities looked at each other in bewilderment. They had never heard of such special abilities in their base!

"Well, he lives a little far away, so we have to wait a while." Lou Ai watched the old lady's eyes rolling and her grip on someone else's hand tightened. She had an idea in her mind. She knew the history of the Qiang'an base from other people. It was difficult to grasp the time, but one thing about the cult members was their stubbornness.

Lou Ai smiled sweetly, "I also think that you look kind, grandma. You don't seem like someone who could be associated with a cult. Just like those cult gods, they are all a bunch of garbage. Do you think that committing suicide is like throwing yourself into the arms of the god, cleansing your soul, and giving you a good rebirth in the next life? That's all a lie. Cults create a virtual god to do illegal things. We are under the jurisdiction of the underworld. Those who do illegal things and commit suicide will go to hell."

"Bullsh#t." The old lady retorted sharply, and the next moment she lowered her head and gritted her teeth, "You are right."

The middle-aged woman next to her realized something was wrong, and after a while, she silently let go of the old lady's arm.

"Well, I can be considered half a psychic. Are you collecting gasoline?" Lou Ai murmured softly.

This time, the middle-aged ladies all retreated back, half a meter away from the old lady, only one of them didn't react and was caught by the old lady.

The old lady waved her hands: "I don't know what you are talking about. I don't know."

"Are you planning to sacrifice your main god?" Lou Ai asked with a smile, "Where are you going to sacrifice? At the entrance of the government building or the army gate? How are you going to sacrifice? Are you going to burn gasoline and spread the fire to passers-by? Or are you going to pour gasoline and burn innocent passers-by to death? Are you going to sacrifice other people's lives to your main god?"

Among the crowd watching the excitement, someone gasped.

Bing Xin felt proud, but was also frightened by the audacity of the cult members.

Even Su Xi from the patrol team looked serious and watched the development of the situation together with Bing Xin.

"Do you really believe there is a main god?" Lou Ai continued. Not only the old lady looked strange, "Burned by fire, turned into a handful of mud, and dissipated into the air by the wind, would the main god be happy with such a sacrifice? Would such a dirty and ugly soul be cleansed?"

"No, a soul that feels dirty at the mere sight of it will only pollute the eyes of the gods." Lou Ai took a step forward and said fiercely.

"Bullsh#t, what nonsense are you talking about? Our souls are all dirty and need enlightenment." The old lady couldn't hold it in any longer and finally raised her head with anger in her eyes. "The Lord God can help us. We are the Church of Love and Mercy. Our doctrine is to help all dirty souls. They are not offering sacrifices. They are getting the rest of their souls in the burning. Your souls are all wailing. Can't you hear it?"

"So, you got the key to the government warehouse?" Lou Ai asked, "and you plan to steal the gasoline from the government warehouse?"

The old lady grabbed the middle-aged woman who was about to run away and said in a panic: "What are you talking about? I don't know, I don't know, don't ask me, I only know that we have become the people of the Lord God, and the Lord God will protect us."

"Su Xi." Lou Ai shouted, "Case closed, evil cult Ai Lian Sect."

Su Xi's forehead was covered with cold sweat. "Master, you are really amazing. Have you figured it out long ago? Brother, I'm sorry. We have been driven to such a mess these past two days. We are really in a bad mood. We should think of an old lady who is not enjoying her good life and is learning this. Tsk."

Su Xi handcuffed the old lady and the middle-aged woman she had pointed out together: "Master, don't worry, we will definitely find out their plan. We will also send people to guard the government warehouse. We will put them in solitary confinement for two days without food. When they come out, they will tell everything."

The old lady who was dragged away by the patrol team finally broke down. While the middle-aged woman next to her covered her mouth tightly, she said, "...If Ma Dading who manages the government warehouse is our man, I was the one who dragged him in. We have counted the gasoline and diesel stored in the warehouse and have already pulled them to the office building not far away. We plan to self-immolate at the entrance of the government building at 10:10 tonight... God have mercy on me, I joined just to make a living, and I didn't mean to hurt anyone. The main god of the Love and Compassion Church is gentle, and he must be willing to accept our dirty souls. If our souls were not dirty, how could the sky send down such a great punishment and let humans kill each other..."

Several middle-aged women who were walking far away looked at the old lady's crazy expression and started to discuss in fear: "I thought this old lady was a good person. You can't tell at ordinary times." "I also asked Old Lady Chen to look after my grandson. There won't be any problems, right?"

Bing Xin muttered cheerfully: "I'll just say she's a cult member!"

"Bing Xin, thank you for your hard work."

Lou Ai walked over and patted Bing Xin's arm, saying with a smile, "You guys have completed your mission, let the patrol team get busy next."

Xiang Chunyan gave Lou Ai a thumbs up: "Sister Lou Ai, you are awesome!"

Prepare gasoline? Spontaneous combustion? Spontaneous combustion in government buildings.

Sister Lou Ai has predicted everything, she is like a genius!

"F#ck, this is too amazing." Yun Hai's cheeks flushed, and he looked at Jiang Chenglu, "Did Lou Ai calculate all this? It's amazing."

Jiang Chenglu nodded with a smile and looked at An Yan.

"You can recommend her," said An Yan.

Lou Ai and Jiang Chenglu looked at each other, nodded, and looked at the city wall that was still under construction. They breathed a sigh of relief that the issue of the cult had finally been resolved.

There are only five days left until the second purple moon.
