Ch. 41

"Thirty-seven members of the Ai Lian Sect have been arrested so far. Please report any information you have. Successful reports will receive a pound of rice and a box of canned pork from the government." Chen Youbo's voice was slightly hoarse as he walked through the streets with a small loudspeaker.

As early as before the Ai Lian Sect was arrested, he was sent by Lou Ai to read slogans about staying away from evil cults. Now that the Ai Lian Sect has been arrested, he was ordered to visit the streets and read some government reward measures for reporting, from eight in the morning to eight in the evening.

Chen Youbo looked at the small loudspeaker in his hand and sighed.

Now he doesn't feel that those guys who are calling for cement and pulling the nets are tired at all. It is obvious that his job is the most tiring and the least fulfilling.

Chen Youbo looked at Bai Ni with envy.

Bai Ni let out a breath, and under his hands were neatly stacked cement bricks.

"Chen Bin, do you think what Bing Xin and the others said is true?" Bai Ni asked while recovering his supernatural powers.

"I think the claim that there is nothing left out may be exaggerated," said Chen Bin.

"What if she really figures out what happened to our Qiang'an base?" Bai Ni said anxiously, "We finally settled down, I don't want to run around for my life again. And if Lou Ai really figures out that this place needs to be repaired and something serious happens, we won't have the face to challenge Lou Ai even if we complete it!"

"If I have the chance to challenge, I will definitely do it, but it will probably be one-on-one." Chen Bin said with a wry smile, "Rather than that challenge, I would rather find a few more people. Let's deal with the city wall as soon as possible. Xia Si has already mobilized the men, women, and children in her family to help her."

"What has Lou Ai been doing these past two days? She hasn't been to the team for two days, right?" Bai Ni nodded and muttered, "Maybe she's in seclusion making calculations."


Lou Ai, who was being talked about for calculations in seclusion, stood at the door of the laboratory, pacing back and forth anxiously. Seeing Cong Fanghua coming out, he hurriedly said, "Aunt Cong, how is it, did you succeed?" Beside Lou Ai was Xiang Chunyan, who was acting as an errand boy. Xiang Chunyan looked over expectantly.

"Sorry, there is still one data that is wrong." Cong Fanghua said, holding a cup of extra strong black coffee. "Don't worry too much. The current test speed is already very fast. The two psychics you recommended to the laboratory are amazing. Their precise control and mental calculations have greatly accelerated our experimental progress. Originally, it would take us several months to get the results of the experiments in the past few days, and this is still the fastest case."

"Aunt Cong, how many days will it take for you to get the results?" Lou Ai asked.

"We can only say that we will do it as soon as possible. There is no exact time for the experiment. Please come back in three to five days." Cong Fanghua was full of smiles. She was very satisfied with the progress of the experiment. "Even if it is not successful by then, it should have made great progress."

Lou Ai frowned and muttered in a low voice: "It's too late in terms of time."

"What did you say?" Cong Fanghua didn't understand.

"It's okay, Aunt Cong, you guys take your time and make sure the zombies are able to successfully interfere with the device." Lou Ai said, "As long as the data is accurate."

"Okay, go and do whatever you need to do. I'll go into the laboratory." Cong Fanghua nodded.

Lou Ai nodded, turned her head and saw that Xiang Chunyan's face was even more saggy than hers.

"Sister Lou Ai, this won't catch up with the Purple Moon you speculated?" Xiang Chunyan said.

"It's okay. We have made so many preparations. We will definitely get through this difficult time." Lou Ai patted Xiang Chunyan on the shoulder. This was said to Xiang Chunyan as well as to herself. "I have so many friends here. We will definitely not let the Qiang'an base be destroyed."

Losing someone important is really hard.

Lou Ai was stunned and lowered her eyes, wondering if the guy with the crewcut head would appear in the zombie army this time. If he was there, it would harm him instead. She was too reckless at that time.

And there is Xia Lu, who has not returned since leaving the base.

There are only three days left until the second purple moon.


Two days before the Purple Moon, Lou Ai sat in the building of the Special Power Team, writing and drawing on the map of the Qiang'an Base with a pencil.

"Sister Lou Ai, look at the suggestions given by my uncle's army." Xiang Chunyan handed a piece of paper full of suggestions to Lou Ai.

Lou Ai looked at it carefully, combined with the deployment in her mind, and asked: "Use trucks to block it? Trucks are disposable consumables, and this is a good thing that cannot be renewed." In later generations, the price of a truck is equivalent to the right to live in the J City base.

"The base is about to be lost, what's the point of having consumables?" Xiang Chunyan said, "Sister Lou Ai, do you think this is feasible? My uncle said it's a good idea. We can just collect consumables later."

"It would be great if your uncle doesn't feel bad about it." Lou Ai said.

"Captain, we have stacked all the nets you wanted in the warehouse." As he was speaking, Xia Si came over to report the situation.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work." Lou Ai said with a smile.

Xia Si said, "I saw that Bai Ni and the others have also finished processing, and the wall should be built tomorrow, so."

"I know. Then our competition will be postponed to five days later." Lou Ai said.

"Okay." Xia Si asked about the competition and turned away without any reluctance.

"Hehe, Sister Lou Ai, I'm afraid that by then people won't want to compete with you." Xiang Chunyan laughed.

"No." Lou Ai shook her head and made a check mark on her notebook.


The day before Purple Moon, there was still no news from Xia Lu, while Bai Ni and Chen Bin had finished tidying up the wall.

Lou Ai led the special power team to fill up all the dog holes of all sizes in the base.

"Did Sister Lou Ai also calculate this?" When looking for the dog hole, Yun Hai also followed and asked excitedly with red cheeks.

Xiang Chunyan nodded modestly: "Of course it is. Sister Lou Ai is so amazing."

Lou Ai: “…” She found all the dog holes in the base bit by bit at night when people were sleeping and avoiding patrol teams.


On the day of Purple Moon, Lou Ai was restless and got up early.

"Sister Lou Ai, Xia Lu Xia Lu is back." At eight o'clock in the morning, Yang Yang knocked on the door and shouted at the door, "But the situation is not good."

"What's wrong? Are you injured?" Lou Ai put on her clothes and hurried out behind Yang Yang.

"Well, Xia Lu was carried out of the car. It seems that his leg was broken." Yang Yang explained the situation. "And today, the army is in chaos. Many veterans have been transferred out. Even us new recruits have been ordered not to leave the camp at will. I finally squeezed out this leave, and I will go back soon."

"Okay." Lou Ai looked at the wooden platform set up at the entrance of the base. It was newly built.

Bai Lijie was standing next to the wooden platform. When he saw Lou Ai coming over, he smiled and nodded. He took the loud speaker, looked at his watch, and walked onto the platform. "The base's precognitive psychic predicted a major crisis tonight that would affect the survival of the base. Now, please ask the people in the quarantine area outside the base to enter the base. We will have soldiers maintain order and arrange for you to stay in an office building in the south of the base. Please enter the base in an orderly manner."

"Non-combat personnel in the base should not go out and wander around today, especially at night. No matter what happens outside, please do not go out. It is best for each person to have a room and lock the doors and windows. If you encounter a situation that cannot be resolved, tell the patrol team in the base. Today, the three groups of the base patrol team will patrol the base around the clock." Bai Lijie said again.

After Bai Lijie finished speaking, he immediately handed the loudspeaker to the assistant next to him, which had already recorded the audio.

Bai Lijie's voice will probably continue to echo in the base for the whole day.

Lou Ai followed Yang Yang through many twists and turns and finally turned in front of a truck. Lou Ai noticed that the bloodstains on the truck were covered in layer upon layer, and the deepest part had already turned black and dried up.

"Right there, Sister Lou Ai, damn, Xia Lu, I'm late, I'll come to see you later!" Yang Yang said hurriedly when he heard the military whistle.

Xia Lu lay on the small mattress and smiled: "It's rare to see Yang Yang so flustered."

"Well, what happened?" Lou Ai jumped onto the truck with her hands.

"It's nothing, I just broke my leg. It has been fixed by the doctor in the team. It doesn't hurt much." Xia Lu pursed his lips uncomfortably.

"Don't listen to what the kid says. I don't have any anesthetic. He was knocked unconscious during the operation, and four or five big men held him down." The doctor came over to change Xia Lu's dressing. "And there's no plaster here. I used an iron rod to fix it. It wasn't long after the operation, and we don't have healing abilities. How could it not hurt?"

"What happened to you? Why did you get so miserable?" Lou Ai asked the doctor.

"Zombies and all kinds of animals," the doctor said. "It was a mess. There was even a tiger blocking the road. Xia Lu got hurt because he helped me block the Venus flytrap on the side of the road. Who the hell knew that grass could mutate now?"

Animals are eating meat, and the changes in "carnivorous" plants are beginning to show up.

"Sister Doctor is already very good. I underestimated myself." Xia Lu said with a smile, "I am much luckier than my deceased brother."

"Okay, go back to the base and have a good rest." Lou Ai reached out and gently pinched Xia Lu's bones. The fracture was not serious and it would heal in a few months. "You heard what Secretary Bai said just now. I'll ask my team members to carry you in later. You can sleep." Xia Lu was already very tired, with bloodshot eyes. It took him a while to hold Lou Ai's hand and close his eyes.

After Xia Lu fell asleep, Lou Ai gently freed Xia Lu's fingers and asked Xiang Chunyan to find someone to pick a good place for Xia Lu to settle down.

Lou Ai looked out from the window where Xia Lu was resting. The simply decorated city wall was covered with wooden racks, and barrels of guns and ammunition were laid out, forming a big circle around the wall. The iron net made by Xia Si was also placed on the wall.

The second purple moon is targeting animals, so at the moment the purple moon appears, humans will only feel slightly sleepy, while animals will collectively fall into a coma. Zombies will behave differently from either of the two types of humans, they will be extremely excited and enter a combat state.

After all the people on observation outside entered the base, dozens of large trucks tightly blocked the main gate of Qiang'an base.

On the other side of the Qiang'an base is a forest, where there are relatively fewer people.

A large number of troops gathered on this side of the base entrance.

Members of various special-ability teams, both private and government, were recruited and stood behind the army; they were part of the second echelon.

Lou Ai sat by the window, quietly watching her deployment unfold bit by bit.

A feeling of both suppression and excitement gradually swept through her entire body.

At seven o'clock in the evening, the moon in the sky became bright and dazzling.

The troops took turns to eat dinner, and slowly, the surroundings became quiet. In such a large group, even the slightest sound disappeared.

Many people noticed something was wrong.

In the sky, the beige moonlight gradually turned purple.

Lou Ai raised her hand to tuck the corner of the quilt for Xia Lu. Is this what the excitement of zombies is like? Before the Purple Moon came out, Lou Ai felt that the heart beating gently in her chest was beating like it had been injected with stimulants, and it seemed that all the combative factors in her body were aroused.

The moment Lou Ai went downstairs and out, the moon in the sky turned purple.

The bright purple color makes the entire sky look enchanting.

Lou Ai took out her rifle, carried the gun out of the city gate, and found the location of Chen Youbo from the special power team.
Chen Youbo and his group were sitting on the road at the front of the truck. When they saw Lou Ai coming, they forced a smile.
Although they had known that the crisis would come, they were also preparing for it, but who could have imagined that the crisis that Lou Ai mentioned was actually the Purple Moon.

"Lou Ai, will anyone else turn into a zombie this time?" Bai Ni asked.

"Yes." Lou Ai said.

"Then my parents won't turn into zombies, right?" Xia Si asked in horror, "What if..."

"With the patrol taking care of us, we still have a chance to survive." Lou Ai said coldly, "But if we don't stand here and guard this city gate, your parents will definitely die in this crisis." Lou Ai felt that her mental state was gradually overlapping with that of a zombie.

The purple moon in the sky appeared for two hours, and there was no movement in front of the base.

The psychics around started to get angry.

"Lou Ai, we still need..."

"Shh, here I come. Have you seen the zombie movie? The zombie movie "Dead Rising"."

There were sounds of kicking and thumping not far from the base, and large groups of gray figures rushed towards the Qian'an base with twisted bodies.
