Ch. 39

"Boss, have you heard that the expert in the base is going to join our superpower team?" Lou Ai had already obtained the information of all the members of the superpower team before she came. The baby-faced young man who spoke was called Yun Hai, a member of the team of Captain An Yan. Yun Hai continued, "It turns out that she can really join our superpower team with those weird things."
"Be careful with your words." It was An Yan who answered.

"Boss, you don't believe in metaphysics either! You're still pretending to be so high and mighty. Every time you deal with the animals in the base, you're the one with the longest face. If it weren't for the orders from your superiors, you definitely wouldn't agree to let that  so-called master join our superpower team."
"Yunhai, there are many people here, be careful with your words."
"Yeah, Yunhai, stop talking nonsense here. Besides, how do you know that they are going to join?" The person who spoke this time was Jiang Chenglu.
Lou Ai stood behind the three people and blinked.
"Don't disbelieve me. I just heard someone say this when I was in the restroom. Secretary Bai came over yesterday and gave us instructions for a long time. He also organized a team of newly recruited psychics and put them under the command of a master. She didn't do anything, but now she is one level higher than me." Yun Hai said angrily, "The one chatting there was the one who was originally going to run for team leader, but everything got messed up."
"Anyway, this is the location card of our supernatural team. No matter how powerful that expert is, without the identity card, the front desk will definitely call to report. I won't say anything until she reports." Yunhai muttered.
"Cough." Lou Ai clenched her fist and coughed.
Yunhai turned around and made eye contact with Lou Ai.
Lou Ai was wearing a white down jacket today, light brown contact lenses, and a white ear hairpin after washing her hair. She had already walked out of the shadow of death with a short haircut, but she subconsciously chose white clothes to commemorate the deceased.
The white fluffy collar makes Lou Ai look much gentler.
Yun Hai was being stared at by Lou Ai. His slightly chubby face turned red from his forehead to his chin. He stammered, "Hello, hello. Only members of our superpower team can come up here. Did you go the wrong way?"
Lou Ai smiled and said, "I, I'm here to report, I'm the master you just mentioned."
"Gao Gao Gao, a master?" No one has ever said that a master is a beautiful lady! Yun Hai's mind froze for a moment, and the computer froze.
"Hello." An Yan was the first to react and extended a hand. "Hello, I am the captain of the superpower team at the Qiang'an base. My name is An Yan."
Lou Ai and An Yan shook hands: "Hello."
"Hello, my name is Jiang Chenglu, and I work for An Yan." Jiang Chenglu said with a smile, "Don't listen to Yun Hai's nonsense, he just has a childish temper, he just talks nonsense when he hears anything, he doesn't mean any harm."

"Yes, yes." Yun Hai reacted and said quickly, "I just heard what your men said, just chatting casually."
Lou Ai met Jiang Chenglu's smile and nodded. Yun Hai might not mean to offend, but did Jiang Chenglu deliberately bring up the matter of her team members in order to see how she could win them over?

"Wait a moment, I'll call your teammates over for you to recognize them." Jiang Chenglu said.
It’s a pity that she didn’t want to conquer anyone, Lou Ai lowered her eyes.

After a while, Jiang Chenglu came over with seven people. The complaints on the faces of the people behind them were so long that they could be seen clearly, but one person was particularly different.
Lou Ai narrowed her eyes. Chen Youbo's excited voice rang out from a distance: "Lou Ai? You're finally back? I knew it was you. I was so worried after you left. Now that I know I'm working under you, I feel more at ease."
Lou Ai had a blank expression on her face: "How did you get into the superpower team? Where's the primate team?"
"Don't mention it. Brother Xian is still lying in the hospital bed. The primate team lost money on this trip and barely saved their lives. They have been struggling to make ends meet for a while. They can't sustain it any longer, so Brother Xian just disbanded." Chen Youbo put his hands in his pockets. "This job was introduced to me by my mom's colleague. I came here to work after I passed the interview."

Lou Ai: "Your mother knows a lot of people!"

"That's right." Chen Youbo smiled proudly, and the fierce aura on his body dissipated instantly.
"Chen Youbo, do you know the captain of the airborne team?" The person asking the question was a girl, who was a little fat, but her 1.8-meter tall figure contained the fat on her body very well, making her body look better proportioned.
"Well, my brother, Lou Ai, is really amazing. It's definitely worth having her as the captain." Chen Youbo praised Lou Ai, "She's just a little less amazing than my mom."
"Lou Ai, since you already know someone here, we won't stay here to watch." Jiang Chenglu said, "Get familiar with them as soon as possible. The mission hall is over there. If you want to accept a mission, just go and accept it yourself."
"Okay." Lou Ai nodded and found a sofa to sit down. "Everyone, please introduce yourselves first and explain your abilities and so on."
"My name is Bai Ni." The one who spoke was a girl of 1.8 meters tall. "Superpowers are cement."
"My name is Chen Bin, a mutant with earth-type abilities."
"My name is Bing Xin, and I'm a water-based mutant."

"My name is Lin Lexuan, and I can convert anything into iron."
"My name is Xia Si, and I can make a net." The net made by Xia Si is like fishing gear, and the size of the mesh can be adjusted at will. Secretary Bai is really good at finding some special abilities to match her actions.
"Captain, we have finished our introductions. Let Chen Youbo take you around our building. We still have a mission. We haven't caught all the rats in the southeast corner of the base yet."
Lou Ai and Jiang Chengluo, who came to get water, looked at each other and nodded: "I heard that you have been catching small animals for several days. Are you tired of it? I will announce a good news now. You don't have to catch mice anymore. You have more important things to do now. Everyone, pair up. Bai Ni, Chen Bin, you two come here. Do you see the wall outside the window?"
"Well, I built that wall in a hurry." Bai Ni said.
"That's great. Your two tasks are to raise the wall by 80 centimeters within eight days." Lou Ai touched her furry collar and said without question.
"The two of us? Are we crazy?" Bai Ni was shocked. "At that time, there were several construction teams following us, the psychics. We worked day and night, and only in 20 days did we build a 1.5-meter-high wall to surround the entire Qiang'an Town."
Lou Ai didn't say anything, just pointed at Xia Si: "Xia Si, you and Lin Lexuan make iron nets, both big and small." Lou Ai took out the bird-catching net that she had drawn in advance, and there were two large nets supported by two poles on it. "The more the better, no less than 3,000 small nets, and no less than 1,000 large nets."
"Wait, there are only two of us. Isn't this request too much?" Xia Si looked excited.
"As for the rest, go and catch the cult in the crowd. Secretary Bai said that there have been people spreading bad rumors in the base in recent days." Lou Ai ignored Xia Si's questioning.
"Chen Youbo, go to the warehouse and get a loudspeaker, and read this on your bicycle."
Chen Youbo took the note from Lou Ai blankly: "Cherish life and stay away from cults. Those who say you will go to paradise after death are all liars, those who say you can have food if you join a cult are all liars, those who say you have committed many sins in this life are all liars... What is this? Is it not good for me to read this?"
"Yeah, if we look for evil cults, isn't that stealing the patrol's job?"
"I can't complete the task of raising the wall that much in eight days..."
Lou Ai sat on the sofa, legs apart, fingers pressed on the sofa between legs, body slightly leaning forward: "Stop, I know you are dissatisfied, and I also know that you have a lot of dissatisfaction with me, the parachuted captain, or you are not convinced. I promise you that as long as you complete the task I said in these eight days, I can fight you, eight people against me, one person. As long as I lose, I will voluntarily resign as captain."
Before Lou Ai came here, she had carefully studied the information of several people. Several leaders were very stubborn. Seeing that Xia Si and the others wanted to talk, she said, "Are you afraid that eight people can't beat me alone?"

"How is this possible? The two of us definitely can't do it. Can we ask someone else for help?" Xia Si asked.
"Of course you can. You don't have to pay for the workers' wages yourself. Just report to Secretary Bai." Lou Ai said.
"Okay, I accept your challenge." Bai Ni said, "Just wait for eight days, and then you will step down from the position of captain in disgrace."
Xia Si and a few others quickly agreed to Lou Ai's request. As long as enough people were invited, anything would be impossible.
Chen Youbo watched his teammates leave in high spirits and rubbed his nose. "They don't think that the eight of us can beat you, do we?"
Lou Ai frowned and asked in surprise: "Brother, what kind of filter do you have for me? Why can't eight people beat me together?"
Chen Youbo put his hands in his pockets and said, "Don't be modest. Hey, I finally don't have to electrocute mice. Come on, I'll take you to meet the superpower team first."
"The sixth floor is the dormitory, with four people in a room; the fifth floor is the indoor training room, and the medical team usually stays next to the training room; the fourth floor is where civilian staff work, and it's quite spacious; the third floor is the mission hall I just mentioned; the second floor is the cafeteria, and the lettuce fried with oyster sauce by the cafeteria auntie is especially delicious. The large piece of dirt land in the back is where we do outdoor training, but usually not many people are willing to go there." Chen Youbo took Lou Ai for a walk from top to bottom.
Bai Ni and Chen Bin started building up the wall from the outside of the Special Power Team Building.

They assembled a wall-building team of more than 30 people in a very short time at a high price. All of them were skilled workers they met when they were building the city wall before.
Bai Ni used his supernatural power to create cement bricks, and Chen Bin's mutated soil had extremely strong viscosity.
The two men were standing inside the city wall, quickly preparing materials for the workers, and naturally saw Chen Youbo and Lou Ai coming out for a stroll.
"What do you think Lou Ai thinks?" Chen Bin chatted, "The captain is paid several more bags of food than us, and his welfare is much better."
"Who knows? If she doesn't want it, there are certainly people who do. Right now our city wall is enough to keep out zombies. She might have figured out something by raising the wall!" Bai Ni said jokingly, "Maybe our little town in the middle of nowhere will be attacked by high-level zombies."
"Then what's the point of raising the city walls? When high-level zombies come, just wash your necks and wait." Chen Bin laughed.
Bai Ni laughed loudly: "Come on, after eight days, let her retreat cleanly."
Chen Bin nodded silently.
Lou Ai looked back at Bai Ni, she heard the conversation between the two.
In her previous life, she had acquaintances in Qiang'an. Her neighbor at that time lived in the Qiang'an base. After arriving in Fengcheng, in order to seek her help, she had a good chat with her and talked about the past, from the miserable things she saw on the road to the destruction of the Qiang'an base.
The Qiang'an base is close to woods and grass, and there are even vegetables planted inside the base, so there are many animals living in the Qiang'an base. After the purple moon, birds and bats also flew over hurriedly. Animals can be said to be the main reason for the destruction of the Qiang'an base. There are also many smaller reasons that accelerated its demise. One of them is that the entire city wall was too low. Large groups of zombies flew up and quickly climbed into the base from the city wall, catching the people who were still asleep by surprise.

There was also a message that suddenly spread before the second purple moon, that cult brought hundreds of people to steal the warehouse's stock and caught fire at the door of the government building, which greatly undermined the prestige of the Qiang'an government.
Various small things accelerated the demise of the Qiang'an base.

What she has to do now is to nip these minor dangers in the bud.

There are still eight days left until the second purple moon.
