Ch. 38

The man in the bread jacket snorted coldly: "How dare you laugh at me?"
Lou Ai felt that her patience had reached its limit. She was in no mood to deal with the two recruits. "I registered when I first entered the base. My special ability is to control zombies. I can control zombies within ten. Since you want to recruit people, don't you need to find out whether my special ability and various indicators can meet the requirements of recruitment?"
"To be honest, because of your performance, I don't have a good impression of your department now." Lou Ai said calmly.
"No, no." The man in the jacket scratched his head and smiled embarrassedly on his tender face, "Actually, it was the person in charge of the base who asked us to recruit you into the superpower team. Someone in the team gave me your information. I was on the way and saw him. I saw that he also had your information in his hand, so I was afraid that the army would get it first, so I didn't even look at the information and hurriedly chased after him. You see, my palms are full of sweat now." He stretched out his hand, and there was indeed sweat on his palms.
"Our army and the superpower team have been competing for superpowers since the establishment of the base. This is the third time I have met him. I rushed here so quickly because of what Captain Yin Chong said and the actions of the superpower team. Yin Chong highly respects you. He and I got to know you and then I hurried here. It was Yin Chong who told me about your power-related superpowers. I have known for a long time that Captain Yin Chong is unreliable, but I didn't expect them to be so unreliable." The man in military uniform said with a wry smile.
"This is the situation. Please consider our superpower team seriously?" the man in the bread jacket said seriously.
"Don't you need to examine me?" Lou Ai said helplessly.

"No need. The psychics that our two organizations are competing for are already very good. The last one who made us fight to the point of bloodshed was Captain Xiao Zuoxiao." The man in military uniform smiled and said, "Please also seriously consider our army."
"Okay, I'll let you know when I've thought it over." Lou Ai said.

Lou Ai watched the two men look at each other, turned their heads away in disgust, and left without looking back.

—Click, the door next to her opened.
Yang Yang poked his head out of the door and said with a smile, "Sister Lou Ai, you are finally back. Have the instructors left?"
Lou Ai: "They're gone. Is that man wearing a coat your instructor?"

"No, it was the man in military uniform. My parents saw the medical conditions in the army and persuaded me that the army was more reliable. I changed my mind and joined the special power team of the army. Xia Xing and San Shi happened to be in the army. I just heard the movement next to me and saw through the cat's eye. I was scared to death." Yang Yang said to his mother and went to Lou Ai as soon as he went out. "Sister Lou Ai, I miss you so much. Xia Lu also went out the day after you left and hasn't come back yet."
"Not back yet?" Lou Ai repeated.
"Yeah, I'm worried, but Xia Lu is not a combatant, so he should be fine. Sanshi and Xia Xing were also taken out of the base by the instructors, and they haven't come back yet." Yang Yang said, "Yingjing is moving bricks at the base now. He was trained by the contractor, and his muscles are bulging."
"Well, actually I met Sanshi and Xia Xing outside." Lou Ai pulled Yang Yang to sit on the sofa. She was not good at being tactful, and there was no need to be tactful about this kind of thing.
Yang Yang seemed to realize something, pulled his hand away, and said with a smile: "They are both very powerful now!"
"Yes, especially Sanshi, he protected many people." Lou Ai said, "This time we went out and encountered a large number of rats. The rats there would eat zombies. Sanshi was bitten by a rat to protect others. After the wound was disinfected, it still couldn't stop him from turning into a zombie. He asked me to kill him while he was conscious."
The smile on Yang Yang's face fell.

After a long time, he lowered his eyes: "I know, I know, sometimes I am even afraid of your coming back. Since the end of the world, the first time I saw a dead person, I knew there would be such a day. When I went out for training this time, my companion also died on me. As long as you don't come back, I have a chance that you will be fine. If... how nice it would be without the end of the world?" Yang Yang bit his lip, and his cheeks were full of tear marks when he raised them again.

Lou Ai patted Yang Yang on the shoulder and said, facing death is something that everyone living in the end times should face.

"To borrow Xia Lu's words, maybe not having to live in this cannibalistic apocalypse is a blessing. Maybe it's like entering heaven." Lou Ai said, "If you have nothing to do, go see Xia Xing. Sanshi died before him, so he was even more sad."
"Okay." Yang Yang wiped away his tears.
"Take me to your aunt. I found a suitable crystal core to give to her."
"Well, I'll take you to find my aunt first, and then to find Xia Xing." Yang Yang stood up, pursed his lips and walked out, without a smile on his face. Unconsciously, Yang Yang's temperament had changed a lot. When she first met Yang Yang, the death of his partner in battle could make him collapse, but now he can adjust quickly
Cong Fanghua’s research institute was built in a corner of the base. Qiang’an base encouraged research, so the research institute was not demolished and the researchers were directly incorporated into the base’s organization.
After Yang Yang called Cong Fanghua out, he left.
Cong Fanghua had a tired look on her face, with dark circles under her eyes.
"Aunt Cong, I found a hexagonal crystal core suitable for this research. Please take a look." Lou Ai took the crystal core out of his schoolbag.
"Okay, wait a moment." Cong Fanghua took the crystal core and hurried into the laboratory. After a long time, she came out with a faint smile on her face. "The various energy characteristics of your crystal core are basically consistent with the information you gave me. I need to do a few more experiments with my colleagues to study the specific results. If successful, then your friend's zombie jammer will most likely be manufactured."

"Really, that's great." Lou Ai smiled. This was really the best news she had heard in the past few days.
Cong Fanghua nodded: "However, once the jammer is successfully developed, the base will know about it to some extent, and the person in charge will probably talk to you then."
"Okay, I understand." Lou Ai nodded, "How many days will it take to complete the experiment?"
"If it's slow, it will take three months. If the experiment goes well, it will take several months."
"Can you go faster?"
"I'll try my best." Cong Fanghua chatted with Lou Ai for a few words and then hurried back to the laboratory.

Lou Ai calculated the time of the Purple Moon in his mind. There were about nine days left until the second Purple Moon, which was not enough time.
She walked up the stairs back to her room and saw Bai Lijie and Xiang Chunyan coming to her house.
Lou Ai was stunned. The zombie jammer hadn't even been made yet, and the person in charge of the base came to visit? ?
"Master!" Xiang Chunyan waved his hand and smiled widely. "Master, you are finally back. I have been looking forward to your return since you left the base. I heard about your return two days ago, and I hurriedly brought my uncle to look for you."
"What do you want to talk to me about?" Lou Ai went up to open the door and welcomed the guest in. "I don't have tea, can you have plain water?"
"Okay, okay." Xiang Chunyan nodded.
Bai Lijie had known that Lou Ai was young, but when he really met Lou Ai, he realized that Lou Ai was young. Lou Ai was really too young. No wonder Xiang Chunyan admired her so much for a capable person of the same age. He did not doubt Lou Ai's ability. He had seen many young heroes. Isn't Meng Yuanxi the most famous example?!

"Young comrade, I've heard of your great name for a long time!" Bai Lijie exclaimed as he took the paper cup.
Bai Lijie took a sip of water, looked at Lou Ai eagerly, straightened his back, and his beer belly trembled: "Little comrade, can I hear your thoughts on the end of the world, and what exactly is animal mutation?"
"You're talking about this? Someone from the superpower team came to see me just now." Lou Ai asked back, "I heard that they moved all the animals out of the base. What's going on?"

"That's right. Xiaoyan has already told me what you reminded Captain Xiao about."
"Of course, I can't order the removal of animals based on the two sentences you said at the gate of the base. I sent people to investigate the number of various animals in the base, and the number of newborn animals has indeed more than doubled. In addition, we found your master, Taoist Song, and he said that you calculated that these animals cannot stay in the base." Bai Lijie said, "So we expelled all the wild animals, and we also marked the remaining few families who still kept pets."
"If I were to do such a thankless task as expelling small animals, there would be many people who would disagree, right?" Lou Ai thought calmly.
"Indeed." Bai Lijie smiled bitterly, "I am just going against the crowd's opinion. I don't want people to finally find the Qiang'an base and see that it is in tatters and has been breached. I hope this base can be preserved for a long time."

"I hope so too." Lou Ai said, "I have told Xiao Zuo and the others that this apocalypse is like a global evolution. It is impossible for us humans to be the only organisms to evolve. Animals and plants will also evolve. It's just a matter of time."

"If there really is a second purple moon, I have estimated that the second purple moon will be no more than ten days away from now."
"In addition to animals, there are also humans. People turn into zombies after the purple moon. If there is a second purple moon, will there be zombies?"

"These are all my speculations, and there are many uncertainties in the speculations." Lou Ai added, "Secretary Bai, you should add your own judgment and decide whether to believe it or not, and decide whether to take precautions or not."
Xiang Chunyan's eyes widened when he heard this and he rubbed his arms: "F#ck! That's too much!"

Bai Lijie pondered for a moment and smiled bitterly: "Comrade, what you said is too big. I want to believe you, but ten days is too short. I may not be able to report to the higher-ups. We can't wait for orders from above, and I can't mobilize all the forces of the base by myself."
"Unless, little comrade, can you come to help? I can promise you a zombie vaccine."
Lou Ai looked up, interested: "Zombie vaccine?"
"Yes." Bai Lijie's dark eyes revealed a hint of madness. He felt that he was quite good at judging people. "My teacher is from the Academy of Sciences, so if the zombie vaccine is promoted, I can get it nearby. I can promise you a place. You just need to help the base with prevention and control and survive the second purple moon."
"If it's just me, I can't do it." Lou Ai shook her head.
"Of course you are not the only one. I was the one who asked you to recruit people for the superpower team just now." Bai Lijie has lived for most of his life and has long understood that some people are born with brilliance. With a cleansed mentality, he is naturally more likely to accept the wisdom of young people. What he has to do is to maximize his own interests from such people. "In this way, I will arrange for you to be the captain of the superpower team. During this period, all the superpowers in your team will obey you alone."
"I said I couldn't mobilize all my strength, but I just couldn't do it for long."
"On the day of the Purple Moon that you have selected, I can prepare all the people for you." Bai Lijie took a sip of water and said with a smile.
"Aren't you afraid that my deduction will fail?" Lou Ai frowned, "You know, metaphysics is really metaphysical."
"There is a chance of failure in everything you do. Even if you miscalculate, I'll take the responsibility." Bai Lijie nodded, "You don't have to feel any burden, just go for it. Whether it succeeds or not, I will give you the chance to get the zombie vaccine, don't worry. During this period, Xiang Chunyan is also assigned to you. If there is anything, you can always send Xiaoyan to tell me."
"Okay, I agree." Lou Ai didn't spend too much time thinking. It would of course be good if the Qian'an base could survive.
"I have something else to ask you, Secretary Bai. You must have some psychics who are doing experiments. I have an experiment in the 86th laboratory of the base. Professor Cong Fanghua is helping with the research. All the concepts and experimental materials are ready. It's about the zombie jammer." Lou Ai said, "But time is not right. If there are psychics who are good at this, can they be transferred over?"

Bai Lijie stood up, his face showing real excitement: "Is it the zombie jammer I was thinking of?"

"Yes, the kind that can avoid being discovered by zombies on a large scale." Lou Ai said.

"Great." Bai Lijie put down the cup, walked around the room for a while, and hurriedly left with Xiang Chunyan, "Lou Ai, I will send someone to help you take care of the affairs of the superpower team tonight. You can report to the laboratory whenever you are free. I will also help you find people in the laboratory. Don't worry, if the results of this experiment are true, you will definitely benefit from it. Of course, this is while the Qiang'an base is still in existence."

Lou Ai nodded: "Okay, I don't want the Qiang'an base to disappear just like that."

Lou Ai watched Bai Lijie leave. In the sky outside, the setting sun was glowing a beautiful orange-red. The fiery clouds stretched all the way to the horizon, rendering the entire sky in layers of red. The red glow shone on the cheeks of the people in the base below, reflecting their brilliant smiles.

There are still nine days until the second purple moon arrives.
