Ch. 63

"Where is Xin Xin?" Lou Ai asked in surprise.

"It's useless for Xin Xin to go. We can't make Xin Xin cry just to get President Xin to come out. Then President Xin will definitely come out." Chen Youbo frowned in distress, "But that's too inhumane. I think President Xin definitely doesn't want to see Xin Xin now."

Lou Ai nodded: "Then I'll go over and take a look."

"Okay." Chen Youbo and Lou Ai came over, "Boss Xin locked the door, and we don't have the key."

Lou Ai knocked on Xin Riyue's door. Xin Riyue's voice inside was exhausted: "Who is there? Is there something wrong? It's not something that needs to be explained in person. Please let me be alone to calm down."

"I am Lou Ai." Lou Ai said.

"If you have anything to say, can you wait until I calm down before we talk?" Xin Riyue

Lou Ai and Chen Youbo looked at each other, Chen Youbo shrugged his shoulders, and several members of Xin Xin's team who were watching nearby shook their heads in disappointment.

Lou Ai turned the door, gradually exerting force, and bang, the door lock was violently removed by Lou Ai.

Lou Ai handed the removed door handle to Chen Youbo, then pushed the door open and walked in, half-closing the bedroom door.

"I... will go." Chen Youbo held the door handle and turned to look at the members of Xin Xin's team behind him. From left to right, five or six people all had surprised expressions on their faces, and the room became increasingly quiet.

Chen Youbo pointed at the bedroom door with the door handle. It was not that he couldn't break the door handle and push the door open, but no one could unscrew the door handle so easily. He thought that his strength had improved enough, but he didn't expect that Lou Ai's improvement was even greater than his. His strength was advancing by leaps and bounds.

When Lou Ai walked in, she saw Xin Riyue sitting on a chair by the window. The afterglow of the setting sun fell on him, making his back look even more lonely and decadent.

"Brother Xin?" Lou Ai sat on a small stool behind Xin Riyue. "I got upgraded today, to a third-level psychic."

"Congratulations." Xin Riyue forced a smile. "You should have heard from my teammates. I had a quarrel with Xiao Zi today. She said that I am not a person with leadership skills. Xin Xin Team will stop following me. My original intention of creating Xin Xin Team was to protect Xin Xin. I told them clearly before they joined the team. But do they feel that following me has buried their talents? They should have been able to do better and make more money."

"I was thinking about this problem." Xin Riyue smiled bitterly, "As you can see, I haven't come up with anything substantial."

Lou Ai thought about it seriously and gave a suggestion: "Like Xiao Zi said, I don't think you are suitable to be the captain of a superpower team. The members of Xinxin team have no competition in your hands. I have seen other superpower teams. They are teammates and brothers who can be trusted outside, but they are competitors inside. They are eager to fight for the little power in the team."

"Of course, it's not that this is not possible. This is just one reason. Secondly, your strength is not strong enough, your words are not majestic enough, and you have no authority. This is the biggest problem of the entire team." Lou Ai said, "If there is a ten-year-old girl who can't afford to eat by your side, begging you to accept her into the Xinxin team, you will definitely compromise in the end, which will indirectly damage the interests of the members. Your members don't say anything only because they are as kind as you."

Xin Riyue looked confused and murmured, "Is that so? Then what should I do? Should I disband the Xinxin team?"

His mind was in a mess. Disbanding Xin Xin's team might be the best solution. The members of the team were all psychics and it would be easy for them to find new employers. He and Xin Xin might be able to act as independent psychics.

Lou Ai looked at the scene in front of her, which brought back familiar memories.

In her previous life, she also had a very confused time. At that time, as she was relatively weak in both psychology and ability, Xin Riyue rubbed her head and comforted and advised her. Unexpectedly, in her new life, the situation was reversed.

Of course, she is also very happy to enlighten Xin Riyue.

"No need to disband, why don't you find yourself a bigger backer?" Lou Ai reminded, "Maybe you can find the army? Or the base's special power team."

It lasted for a long time, so long that the sky outside began to darken slightly.

Xin Riyue turned around, his eyes sparkling: "You are right, Lou Ai, could you introduce us to Lin Ze? I think Lin Ze is a good person, and he has a strong sense of responsibility."

Lou Ai smiled and nodded: "Of course."

Xin Riyue breathed a sigh of relief and said gratefully, "Thank you. I will give you half of my reward this time as a thank you."

"No need, just think of it as the reward for your unintentional kindness!" Lou Ai said as she stood up and walked out, "Go out quickly, the people outside are going crazy with worry."

"I am being willful." Xin Riyue smiled.

"Yes." Lou Ai nodded. "Tomorrow morning I will ask Lin Ze's guards about his free time. You can discuss it in detail then. In the afternoon I will go directly to Professor Qin Chengtai..."

Lou Ai was in a trance for a moment, and suddenly a side view photo appeared clearly in her mind.

This is the memory carried in the crystal core of the second-level zombie.
