Ch. 36

The fact that gasoline exploded was a complete surprise.

"Squeak, squeak." The mouse's cry became sharper, overlapping with the sharp cry of the little orange cat.

Countless mice fled in all directions out of the woods, but were chased and swallowed by the sparks of the explosion, and the fire spread through the forest and burned.
Lou Ai stood on the roof of the factory building next to her and looked in the direction of Xia Xing. Even with this explosion, the situation of the remaining rats was still not optimistic.
And more rats will come.
On the way here, there were sounds of mice chirping in all the bushes.
As soon as she looked over, she was sure to meet several pairs of scarlet eyes, which were densely packed with rats. Occasionally, a rat would rush out and give Lou Ai a bite.
Lou Ai was frightened when she saw this.
Where did all these rats come from?
Is it really because the second purple moon is approaching that animals are reproducing faster? There wouldn't be so many rats then!

Besides, where on earth were all these rats hiding?
Lou Ai walked around the entire Shangxiaxi Village several times in the past two days, but did not find a single mouse.
The night before yesterday, the mouse made no noise.
So night is not the key word. This time the mice came out of the hole more likely to eat. The grass seeds and leaves in the woods, and some wild vegetables were all eaten up by them. Even the grass roots in the soil could not escape the clutches of the mice.

There must be some hidden secret that she doesn't know.

But one thing is certain, their target is outsiders like them. They regard outsiders as delicious food and will not stop until they have eaten them.
At this stage, time is of the essence and we cannot give these mice time to recover.

Lou Ai concentrated and took out another bucket of gasoline from the space, and poured the gasoline in the center of several tents accurately. The gasoline scattered on the tents like a fountain. She lit a match and threw it down. The spark burned bigger and bigger along the matchstick until it fell into the gasoline. The fire suddenly grew bigger.
Accompanied by the screams of mice, the fire spread along the cotton wool in the tent and grew bigger and bigger.
The beautiful orange-red flames brought hope of life, and the number of rats could be counted with the naked eye.
"Kill them!" Someone in the team shouted, and the morale of the team suddenly increased and everyone was full of energy.
The rats were weak, and Yin Chong's team began to counterattack.
Lou Ai jumped down from the air conditioner outside the factory, and her long spear swept through the houses like a bulldozer. She chased down the rats that pounced on her along the road, and left fat rat corpses wherever the spear swept.
To the extent that later mice even gradually avoided Lou Ai and fled away.

Yin Chong looked at the spear in Lou Ai's hand, which was so beautiful. "Finally I know where the little crewcut-haired gyy learned all these skills."
The adjutant fiddled with his gun and joked, "Are you going to hit yourself in the face?"

"I am so embarrassed. I now know about those unrealistic rumors circulating in the base. No, I can't say they are unrealistic rumors now." Yin Chong recalled those prophetic rumors in the base and broke out in cold sweats. He was not scared but excited. "Lou Ai is such a f#cking awesome person. I will go and apologize to her later."

Only when Lou Ai got closer did she see the wound on Sanshi's face and all kinds of dust on his body.
"What happened? Are you injured?" Lou Ai frowned and sniffed the bloody smell in the air. This injury might not be just a minor scratch. Her face darkened. "What about you, Xia Xing? Are you injured?"
"I'm fine." Xia Xing lowered his head. "Sanshi is because..."
The wound on Sanshi's body was trembling with pain. He bit his teeth and raised his pale lips, interrupting Xia Xing's self-blaming words: "I am only slightly injured. The bleeding has stopped now and I will be well soon. Sister Lou Ai, why are you here? Did the rats go to Xiaxi Village as well?"
"Well, I saw a rat down there, and I was afraid you might be in danger, so I came up here." Lou Ai glanced at the wounded recruits around her, but didn't mention the seriousness of the matter at this juncture. She glanced at the scratches on Yin Chong's arm and said, "You go to the back to rest, I'll guard this side."
As soon as Lou Ai finished speaking, the eyes of several recruits around her glanced at Lou Ai vaguely, and they looked enviously at Sanshi and Xia Xing who were forced to rest.

They had just seen how skilled Lou Ai was in killing mice. If they had that skill, they would have no problem escaping.
Yun Xi gritted his teeth in jealousy and stabbed the mouse in front of him to death with a wooden stick. Why, why, why didn't he have someone so powerful to come and help him?

His father always said that he was inferior to Xia Xing in everything except his connections. Now he has lost even this one advantage? ?

The battle was gradually coming to an end. Yin Chong found Lou Ai along the encirclement and said, "Master, I didn't recognize you before. When you took those two kids away, could you take us with you? Just let us follow you. Now I know you are a real master."
"..." Lou Ai looked at the admiring expression on Yin Chong's honest face and said with difficulty, "Well, it just so happens that I also have something to tell you about this group of rats."

"Okay, whatever you say is what I'll listen to you this time." Yin Chong said with a smile.
Even with Meng Linlin's notification, the camp in Xiaxixi Village was still in a mess, but due to various coincidences of position and location, their casualties were not large, and the three remaining professors were all protected and intact.
When Lou Ai took Yin Chong and others to Xiaxixi Village, the people from Meng Langlang's army had already escorted the professor onto the truck and started it.

"We're going too. The wounded soldiers will be in one car with me, and the uninjured will go to the one at the back. Xia Xing, you go to the back too." Lou Ai got on the truck, scolded Xia Xing, and asked someone to drive in the front. Yin Chong followed Lou Ai and got on the truck bed. Inside the truck bed were cartons of supplies that they had collected half of this time.
Lou Ai had already counted the number of injured people when they were fleeing. After counting the heads to make sure the number was correct, she asked the driver to start the car.

Lou Ai took out gauze, bandages, medical alcohol and cotton swabs one by one from his backpack.
There were a lot of them. Yin Chong looked at the proportion and found that it was about half of Lou Ai’s mountaineering bag.
Yin Chong's eyelids twitched.
"Don't rest, help each other. Disinfect the wound inside and out with alcohol, then wrap it with gauze and bandages. Don't leave any gaps."
Listening to Lou Ai's stern instructions, Yin Chong's heart beat even faster.

At this time, Meng Langlang's convoy in front stopped. When he was a new recruit, Yin Chong was famous for his good hearing. This time was no exception. The conversation between Lin Ze and Meng Linlin and Meng Langlang reached his ears in its entirety.
"Were you also attacked by rats?" Lin Ze asked, "Is anyone injured?"
“Only a few were scratched.” Meng Linlin said.
"What's going on? Has Professor Zang been brought back?" This was Meng Langlang's voice.

"Don't mention it. Did you separate the injured from the uninjured?" Lin Ze whispered, "When we went to the institute, it was already occupied by a large number of gray rats. None of the professors were there. I don't know what medicine the rats had taken from the institute. Their eyes were bloodshot and they were very violent. When we went in, they were gnawing on zombies. Such a big and strong zombie was devoured in the blink of an eye. Among the brothers I brought with me, there was one who was not on guard and was bitten by a rat. He turned into a zombie the next day."
"Lou Ai reminded Linlin that the injured have been put in a separate truck, and their wounds have been disinfected." Meng Langlang said calmly, "You all look very tired, so get on the truck and rest for a while. We can sit down and rest when we get to a safe place. Yin Chong's convoy is also coming, so our two teams will integrate the information by then. The news about this place must be reported."
Lou Ai met Yin Chong's complicated eyes and said, "That's it. You can talk to them."
Yin Chong re-bandaged his hastily bandaged wound and said with a smile: "You even figured this out? Aren't you not injured? Isn't it okay for you to sit in our casualty vehicle?"
"It's okay. My special ability can prevent me from being attacked by zombies."
"That's amazing! Do you want to join our army when you return? Our army's welfare conditions are very good."

"I'll think about it." Lou Ai patted Yin Chong's shoulder.

Yin Chong smiled bitterly, turned his head and looked quietly at the recruits who were sitting in different postures in the car. These recruits had only joined the army for a week and hadn't even practiced the army's standing posture well, and they were about to die here.
"Everyone, sit up straight. What's wrong with sitting crookedly? Don't think you can be lazy just because you're injured. Sit up straight." Yin Chong glanced at everyone in the car. "From now on, you all should straighten your backs. Do the same postures we taught you in training. If you can bear it and hold on, I'll pay you in advance when I get back. If you can't, go home and drink milk. Don't say I'm your instructor when you go out."

"Okay, the test begins now." Yin Chong shouted at the top of his voice.
The wounded stood up straight, glanced at the classmates around them, and then looked at their comrades opposite with puzzled eyes.
But no one dared to question it.
"Close your eyes and think about the scene of you fighting and getting injured just now in your mind twice. Think about what you can do to avoid it next time." Yin Chong said in a hoarse voice.
The atmosphere in the car suddenly dropped after the first seriously injured young boy turned into a zombie. The zombie-like humming sound shot a shot in people's minds, making everyone alert. Before the zombie could hum a second time, Lou Ai grabbed the boy's wrist, covered his mouth, and jumped out of the truck.
When Lou Ai returned to the truck alone, several dishonest recruits had already become anxious.
"Close your eyes and sit quietly." Yin Chong shouted.
By the time the number of people Lou Ai sent off the car increased from one to five, the car had become so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.
Lou Ai held Sanshi's hand with her cool hand.

Sanshi closed his eyes and held Lou Ai's hand with a slight tremor.
