Ch. 35

Xia Xing sat up suddenly: "Emergency assembly, hurry up, Sanshi, Xiaoxi, get up quickly."
The crewcut-haired guy stood up in panic: "What's going on?"
"I'm not sure, but you can hear some noises around here. I'm afraid that the danger that Sister Lou Ai mentioned has come." Xia Xing picked up the coat next to him, put it on, and rushed out.
Xiaopingtou and Yunxi followed closely behind: "What's wrong? Why did you stop?"
The crewcut-haired guy bumped into Xia Xing's back, and stretched his head out to look inquiringly. There were rats everywhere.
Rats as big as kittens stood around the tent, with their scarlet eyes wide open, quietly confronting them.
At the door of each tent, there were new recruits running out after hearing the instructor's call. They all stopped in front of the tents without any prior arrangement.
"Damn, is this a rat? Can rats be this big? Don't come over here, go away, go away, don't come over here!"
The next moment a scream was heard.

The rats bared their fangs, rushed to the recruits, and opened their blood-red mouths. In an instant, the recruits who were unable to react in time were dragged into the rat swarm and devoured.
"Where's the instructor, where's Commander Yin, where's Adjutant Chen, where are they?" someone shouted in despair.

If at this moment, what were outside the tent were zombies instead of rats, then the formation they had trained for three or four days could still be used and there wouldn't be such chaos. However, what came over were rats the size of kittens, and the subconscious fear made them lose their composure, and the first reaction of most people was to flee in panic.
Some people even hid back in their tents.
"Bang." Along with the gunshots came Yin Chong's angry shout, "What I taught you is useless. When I called for assembly, your first choice was to gather quickly no matter what the situation was. Moreover, these rats are not that strong. They can be killed with just one shot. They are just animals, not zombies. They will die if they bleed profusely. If you hit them, they will move slowly. Where are the guns issued to you? Are you using them for decoration? Where are your weapons?"
"Squeak, squeak, squeak." The arrogant calls of mice came one after another.
"Xia Xing, what should we do?" The guy with the crewcut head swallowed.
"These rats are very fast. I'm a good shooter, so I'll use the gun and you use the stick. Xiaoxi, you should use the stick too. Let's go to Instructor Yin first. It must be safe there." Xia Xing said without thinking, "Don't let the rats bite you. Who knows what these rats have eaten or gnawed? If they pass the virus to us, we don't even have a hospital right now. You'll just have to wait to die! Xiaoxi, come to the middle and give me all your bullets."

"Okay." Xiaoxi, the shortest, responded immediately.

After tidying up, the crewcut-haired man swallowed his saliva, took a deep breath, raised the stick with a determined look, took two steps forward, stepped into the chaotic battle circle, and swung the stick to hit down a gray-black rat that leaped over. The rat's fur was very similar to the color of the night.
"Bang." The stick and rat meat collided with a dull sound, "bang bang".

"Sanshi, hit the eyes." Xia Xing said. This was the method he learned from Lou Ai. If he encountered an enemy creature he didn't know, he had no other choice but to test it by hitting it again and again to find out the weakness of the creature in front of him. He and Sanshi had practiced this method very well. Sanshi hit the spot with his stick at a different place each time. "That's their easiest weakness to identify."
"Okay." The guy with the flat head nodded. He didn't ask to kill the mouse in one go, as long as he could knock it out and let them pass safely.
"Squeak, squeak, squeak." The crazy calls and gnawing sounds of the mice were very clear in the silent night sky.
The number of mice rushing towards the little guy with the crewcut head increased from one to two, and then to four or eight, and they attacked him from all directions.

"Rip~" The sleeve of his arm was torn by the rat, and the rat wrapped its warm tail around the wrist of Sanshi. The guy threw the rat off and poked the rat's eyes with the stick. "Squeak." The rat let out a sharp cry and died. Sanshi turned the stick lightly and poked down another rat that pounced on him.

"Ahhhhhh, help, help." Behind the man with the short haircut were the screams of several tall and thin young men.
"Squeak, squeak." The sound of the mouse moving forward by rubbing against the ground was also very clear.
Sanshi and Xia Xing chose the road that was closest to Yin Chong, which was also the road with the most rats and teammates.
When passing through one of the tents, a man with arms as thick as Xia Xing's thighs followed Xia Xing without asking, and moved forward by taking advantage of Xia Xing and the others' convenience. Of course, he would also hit a mouse with a stick before Xia Xing had time to kill it. When the others saw what the man did, they didn't say anything, but just silently moved up to Xia Xing's team when they moved forward, trying to get a ride.
A lot of people lined up behind Xia Xing without him noticing.
After the multi-person team worked together, the number of times they were bitten by rats decreased a lot.
Yin Chong looked over and couldn't help but smile with satisfaction. He shot away the mouse that came up to his feet. "That little crewcut boy uses the stick beautifully and has great lethality. I don't know who he learned it from. His teacher must be very good. The little crewcut boy and Xia Xing are both good talents among this group of soldiers. They are also young."

"Stop nagging, kill them quickly, why are there so many rats?" The adjutant chopped off the head of a rat. He and Yin Chong were the first to come out, so they were also the first to be besieged. "We've killed so many, but there's no sign of the rats decreasing."
"Squeak, squeak." The mice kept calling, attracting more dark shadows to hide in the grass around them.

Beads of sweat gradually appeared on Sanshi's forehead. There were too many rats.
"Ah!" A scream sounded behind him. Sanshi was not paying attention for a moment, and a huge force behind him pulled him to the ground.
At the moment of falling, he could see Yun Xi's figure falling beside him, his face red from the cold, his expression panic-stricken, and a hint of calculation in the depths of his eyes. Why? He was usually careless, had he ever offended him without knowing it?
"Yun Xi, what are you doing?" Xia Xing roared in questioning, and fired at the two rats that pounced on the little crewcut-haired man with the pistol in his hand. However, there were too many rats that pounced on him, and they were so dense that they almost buried the whole body of the little crewcut-haired man.
When you live to be thirty, you will have a child, Sanshi suddenly remembered Lou Ai's words. Yes, he still has a child who has not been born yet. If he is bitten to death by a rat, wouldn't he be laughed at by Sister Lou Ai until his grave smokes, and he will also have no child.
Sanshi could feel the pain of the rat gnawing at his flesh, so he immediately pulled the rat off his cheek with the bamboo pole and stood up. Bang, bang, bang, Xia Xing beside him drove away the rats beside him with a gun and a stick, giving him time to catch his breath. He used all his strength to strangle the rat on his arm and threw it out. "Squeak, squeak, squeak", the dead rat was eaten by the gathered rats.

"How is it? Are you okay?" Xia Xing's eyes turned red with anger.
"It's okay." The crewcut-haired man soothed.
"Sanshi, come behind me." Xia Xing said.
"It's okay, I'll walk faster in front, and my wound needs to be bandaged quickly." He refused Xia Xing's arrangement for the first time.
"Okay then." Xia Xing said, without even looking at Yun Xi, he walked forward, protecting the crewcut-haired guy.
Yun Xi didn't say anything, but just silently beat the rat with a stick. When someone in the team behind asked him to pass, he smiled and nodded, and joined the team.
During the fight, Yin Chong also saw the figure of the crewcut-haired man being pulled down by Yun Xi. He frowned and kept chattering: "General Yun's descendants are really getting worse with each generation. They even dragged their comrades to take the blame. If it weren't for his status, someone would want to please him and see who would accept him. Fortunately, the crewcut-haired man is lucky, otherwise Xia Xing would definitely fight him to the death. Old Xia is weak, and General Yun is in his prime. It would be turbulent if these two faced each other."
"Alright, Captain Yin, these rats can't stop you from eating, and you're not afraid of blood splashing into your mouth." The adjutant's hand was splashed with the blood of the rats, and he said with disgust, "They are coming soon, can you resist them alone?"

"Well, go ahead." Yin Chong took over the adjutant's position and resisted the attacks of two groups of rats alone. Beads of sweat gradually slid down his forehead.
Bang, bang, bang, the adjutant took over the position of the guy with the crewcut head and protected the group of new recruits inside.
"Xia Xing, take him to bandage his wound. I have some gauze here. Stop the bleeding first."
"Okay." Sanshi gasped and sat down on the ground. Xia Xing helped him walk to the back of Instructor Yin Chong. The bleeding wound was irritated by the cold air, and goose bumps appeared on his intact skin. Xia Xing cut the clothes on the bald guy's arm and wrapped the gauze around it carefully. There was no new clothes for the time being, so Xia Xing exchanged his own coat with Sanshi's and put them on.

"That's perfect. No one's skin will be exposed to the air." Xia Xing looked at the torn cotton coat covered by the jacket and couldn't help apologizing, "I'm sorry, if I hadn't put him behind you..."
"Come on, what do you have to apologize for? Yun Xi is not a good person. He did it on purpose to plot against us." The guy with the crewcut head cursed.
"Yeah." Xia Xing responded softly.
Just as Xia Xing and Sanshi were bandaging his wounds, the rats that had been attacking one after another suddenly stopped attacking. The squeaking sounds spread all over the mountains and fields. Next to where they camped was a small woods, and the sounds of rats coming from the woods were even more numerous than from the open space. It seemed as if there were tens of thousands of rats, which made Yin Chong change his face.
Yin Chong was in a trance for a moment, remembering what Xia Xing said about a master who told him that this trip would be dangerous. Could it be that all kinds of crises can really be calculated? Is there really such a master?
When the mice did not move, Yin Chong and his adjutant took care of the recruits and retreated about a hundred meters to the back.
"Squeak, squeak, squeak." The mice's calls became more and more urgent. They crowded together in a black mass, and their scarlet eyes stared at their prey as they rushed towards them one after another in the dark night.

"F#ck, there are too many." Yin Chong's ability is wood-related. He condensed pointed wooden sticks in his hands and distributed the wooden sticks one by one.
Puff, puff, the sound of sticks piercing into flesh and blood rang out one after another.
Bang, bang, bang, the sound of gunfire mixed with the dead rats that were submerged in the flood of rats.
"There are too many rats. No, adjutant, I'll hold them off for a while. You take your men and quickly run to Xiaxixi Village to find Meng Langlang and let them take you away." Yin Chong said solemnly. Because there were too many rats, if five or six rats pounced on a hand at the same time, one can imagine how many rats would pounce on an entire body at the same time.
Some recruits who couldn't bear it any longer were grabbed by rats and gnawed away until only bones were left.
"No, you can't stop them alone. Change the formation quickly and form a circle. Those who can attack from a distance stay inside." The adjutant shouted, his palms red from the recoil of the gun. Yin Chong waved a stick, and a group of rats fell down with one wave. The entire team of recruits formed a circle and fought to the death.
After Xia Xing and Sanshi treated the wounds, they quickly rejoined the battle.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak." The number of rats showed no sign of decreasing, and the shadow of despair was hidden in the entire team.
There is no way to retreat, and no room to advance.
There is only an endless fight to the death, and perhaps they will just chop rats numbly until the moment they can no longer bear it and become food for the rats.
“Bang, boom!”
The exploding orange-red light shone from the woods not far away, shining into the eyes of a group of recruits, making their cold hearts warm with joy.
The smell of burning gasoline carried over on the wind.
"Sister Lou Ai, it's Sister Lou Ai."

Sanshi let out a suppressed cry of surprise, and his mood instantly calmed down. As expected, his child had not been born yet, so he couldn't be dead.
