Ch. 19

"If this is considered a national event, then what I said may be an international event." Lou Ai took a deep breath and stepped forward to shake hands with Xiao Zuo. She looked at Xiao Zuo's cold and resolute face and smiled. Since she can be reborn, she can definitely change their fate. "Hello, my name is Lou Ai."
Xiao Zuo was an instructor at the police academy before the end of the world. He looked at the girl in front of him and keenly felt that there was an indescribable sense of nostalgia in the girl's eyes when she looked at him, but he was sure that he had never seen this girl before.
But the name Lou Ai is a little familiar.

"Hello, my name is Xiao Zuo, and I'm the captain of this team." Xiao Zuo and Xiang Chunyan behind Lou Ai looked at each other, and suddenly remembered where this name appeared.

"Excuse me, do you think that after my team sets out, the good will outweigh the bad, or the bad will outweigh the good?" Xiao Zuo asked politely.
After asking this, Xiao Zuo himself didn't think there was anything wrong, but the members behind him looked at him in surprise. They had been in the same school with Instructor Xiao before the apocalypse, and after the apocalypse they had been living together and training for most of the day. Everyone knew that their Captain Xiao hated metaphysical stuff the most, so why was he suddenly asking such a question now, and the person he was asking the question to was actually a weak girl in her twenties.
It doesn't seem right no matter how you think about it!

"Captain Xiao, what do you mean?" The Taoist priest was not happy. He stamped his feet, and the whisk in his hand trembled in anger. "You would rather believe such a child than what I say, right, Captain Xiao? I have been practicing in Xuande Gate in the pine forest over there for more than 20 years, and have been diligently learning a lot of esoteric knowledge. My master predicted that there would be great changes in the world, so he sent people from our Yide Gate to the world. The masters that you have been talking about in the base must be from our Yide Gate."

"Liar." Xiang Chunyan spat at the Taoist priest. If Yao Shengyi hadn't held him back, he would have rushed up to beat him up.
"You again?" The Taoist was in an increasingly bad mood. "I've already told you that your uncle-in-law has a blessed face when he goes out. He will definitely come back safely without any problems. He just delayed a little bit, so why did he not come back? Why do I have to listen to your scolding?"
"When my uncle-in-law was out for three days, we believed you and said it could be a little later, but now it's already twelve days late. In twelve days, all the people who went out with my uncle-in-law have come back one by one. My uncle-in-law... If my uncle-in-law is okay, I will perform a naked streak at the gate of the base." Xiang Chunyan gritted his teeth in anger.
Lou Ai retracted her gaze from Xiao Zuo, smiled sheepishly, turned her head and saw Xiang Chunyan and the Taoist priest almost wrestling with each other. She walked over and gently separated the two people: "Xiang Chunyan, calm down. Master, can you tell me more about the fortune you just calculated?"

Lou Ai didn't think that Xiao Zuo was really asking about good and bad luck when he asked her about it. She had lived with Xiao Zuo for a period of time in her previous life, and Xiao Zuo had never liked things like metaphysics. She didn't know what the Taoist priest did to chase Xiao Zuo and talk so much about fortune-telling.
She also needs to learn the Taoist's way of speaking, taking the dross and removing the essence.
If a liar can deceive people, he is a good actor.
The Taoist looked at Xiao Zuo and said, "If you want to know, then let me tell you. You and Professor Meng are both destined to turn misfortune into fortune. Even the heavens are helping you, Captain Xiao. This help does not refer to the real heavens, but to the nobles on the road. As long as you do your part well along the way, you will definitely be able to reach Fengcheng Base safely, and you will gain a lot at Fengcheng Base. The nobles and you have a fortune that complements each other."
"My calculations must be correct. Even if your master comes, he will have to praise me for my good calculations."

Xiang Chunyan curled his lips, and Xiao Zuo kept staring at Lou Ai.

The Taoist waved his whisk, his eyes widened on his round face, the fine lines at the corners of his eyes were flattened out of anger: "I tell you, when I become famous in the future, I won't come to tell your fortune even if you beg me to do so. My apprentice won't come either, and even that master you mentioned, she won't come either!!"
"Then, master, do you think what he said is correct?" Xiao Zuo asked.
Lou Ai didn’t know anything about fortune-telling, and had never met many fortune-tellers before, but looking at the Taoist priests, confidence must be the most important thing.
She had just stared into the eyes of the Taoist priest, and if the memories in her mind had not repeatedly refuted her, she would have almost believed that what the Taoist priest had calculated was true.
"I think it's dangerous." Lou Ai looked at the Taoist's shocked expression, took a deep breath, and looked at Xiao Zuo with more confidence. She would convince him. Lou Ai took out a map of the base from Qiang'an to Fengcheng from her backpack, and said based on her memory, "I have also studied the route from here to Fengcheng. From here to here, there is a forest not far away, and there is also a forest over here. It is best not to rest in the forest at night. There are many animals in the forest, and they are very dangerous. And here, there is a reservoir with fish in it. It is best not to go there to get water. The last point, and the most important point, is to pay attention to the brothers in the team."
Xiao Zuo looked at the map in her hand seriously with several people around him. This map was much clearer than the memory in their minds.

"Are you the expert they are talking about? You are not a righteous person!" The Taoist priest waved his whisk and quickly accepted that the girl in front of him was an expert. He asked, "Why do you say that your calculations are correct? What can you prove?"
"I can't prove it, but can you prove that you are right?" Lou Ai asked back.

The Taoist pursed his lips and said, "Who is your master? I want to see who taught you to be such a disrespectful child."
"Master?" Lou Ai looked up at the Taoist's round face and couldn't help but get angry at him.
Laughter came from the team behind Xiao Zuo. Xiang Chunyan looked at Lou Ai with starry eyes. In his opinion, the master was just venting his anger for him. Look how angry this liar was.

"Why do you think animals are something we should pay attention to?" Xiao Zuo handed the map back to Lou Ai and asked.
"Here's the map for you." Lou Ai handed the map back to Xiao Zuo, "Because I think the disaster is far from over. If only humans evolve, then isn't this world too cruel to plants and animals? There may be more than one round of Purple Moon, right? The first round was humans, and the second round could be plants and animals. It's all possible, right? Maybe the number of zombies will increase unnoticed."
As Lou Ai spoke, the surroundings became silent. The noise from the junction of the tents in the distance could be heard from afar, as if it was from another world.
"I was just talking casually." Lou Ai interrupted with a forced laugh.
The Taoist stopped shaking the whisk in his hand, closed his eyes, and said, "I have also calculated this matter, and the great disaster has not yet ended." After the Taoist finished speaking, he turned and left, "I'm leaving. Since you all don't believe me, there is no point in me staying here."

"Wait... then, goodbye." Lou Ai said.
The Taoist waved his hand with his back to Lou Ai, gathered his whisk, and strolled into the base.
"Master, we're leaving first." Xiao Zuo nodded, said a few words of encouragement, reorganized the team, and left the Qiang'an base. Lou Ai saw from afar that the few people who had joined her to go to Fengcheng to look for relatives, they joined Xiao Zuo's team just like in their previous life.
"Sister Lou Ai, is what you just said true?" Yao Shengyi couldn't help but ask when parking the car, and angrily patted Lin Chen beside him, "If it's true, how can I live! Ahhh, Brother Lin Chen, hurry up and kill me!!"
Lin Chen: "Oh my god, do you think I don't dare? Cut wherever you want, the aorta, the heart or the stomach? I'm a doctor, I'll cut wherever you want. After you die, I can sew you back together and leave you a decent corpse."
Yao Shengyi shut himself off: "..."
"Xiang Chunyan, what was the name of that Taoist priest just now?" Lou Ai asked casually. The Taoist priest didn't seem to be as bad as Xiang Chunyan said.
"I forgot too, I think his name was... Song Yi, yes, Song Yi." Xiang Chunyan handed the parking sign in his hand to Lou Ai.

Lou Ai paused as she took the sign, and the sign fell to the ground: "Who are you talking about? Song Yi? Shu Xinyi?"
"Yes." Xiang Chunyan nodded.

When Lou Ai squatted down to pick up the sign, she was familiar with the name Song Yi. In her previous life, after the third purple moon, the base where she was was breached by mutated plants. She took Lou Qiangguo and Lou Jun and fled to the string music base in the next city. The base was built from top to bottom based on a temple. The most amazing thing was that the plants around the temple showed no signs of mutation, making it easy to defend and difficult to attack. Song Yi's name was well-known there.
Just like this fake master in Qiang'an County, Song Yi's abilities were spread as miraculous.

She calculated that the mutant plants would be pulled out in advance, calculated when a zombie swarm would appear, and many other things. The destruction of the base was caused by the death of Song Yi. She didn't know the truth about Song Yi's death. The most common rumor was that he had calculated too much and his lifespan had been calculated to the end.
If it was really Song Yi, then what happened just now was too funny.

"So my master's name is Song Yi." Lou Ai looked at the Qiang'an base that Song Yi had just walked into, and couldn't help but say.

Xiang Chunyan: “???”
