CH. 10

Chapter 10

"Meow~" Shizi wagged its tail and responded in a baby voice.

Miaomiao said that you can ask the cold handsome guy for food, but you have to keep your distance!

Ye Zimo put down the cat bowl and took a step back.

Shizi walked forward slowly.

Ye Zi thought for a moment and stopped, and Shizi also stopped.

When he moved back, the kitten moved forward; when he didn't move, the kitten didn't move either.

“……” You really don’t need to be so sensible!

Ye Zimo had no choice but to retreat three meters away from the cat bowl.

Shizi walked forward with kitten steps, squatted in front of the cat bowl, and started to eat. It didn't eat much at a time, but it ate quickly, eating like a bulldozer, leaving a "trail" two fingers wide. It was obvious that it was very hungry.

Ye Zimo found it interesting, so he squatted down to watch it eat, "Eat slowly, if it's not enough, I'll steam some meat for you later."

Shizi: “Meow~”

She didn't look up or glance at Ye Zimo, but she slowed down.

The man and the cat kept their distance, one buried her head in the food, the other squatted and watched, neither of them spoke. The sound of chewing intertwined with the cheerful chirping of birds in the back hills and the chirping of insects in the fields. The morning sun passed over them, as if it was covered with a soft halo, warm and beautiful.

[The early bird catches the worm. Thanks mom for waking me up! ]

[The picture is so beautiful that I dare not type, for fear of disturbing them. ]

[Thank you, Shizi, thank you, Lin Miaomiao, thank you for letting me see the gentle Mo Ge. ]

[I don’t know what words to use to describe my current mood. I’ve liked Brother Mo for nine years, and this is the first time I’ve seen a side of him other than his coldness. Brother Mo now has a familiar and friendly feeling. He feels like an elder or brother around me, not a so-called “big brother” who is out of reach. He is Ye Zimo, the brother I like who gives me energy.]

[A tough guy with a soft heart, this probably refers to Ye Zimo. Such a cold person, but actually so gentle at heart.]

[Just now, Shizi has been keeping this distance from Ye Zimo. Do you think it really knows how far three meters is? ]

[You don't know, you see, the distance between it and Ye Zimo is more than three meters. I guess it is using its own thinking to judge that this distance is safe.]

When Lin Miaomiao got up, Ye Zimo went to exercise.

She got up late and didn't even have time to wash up before going to make breakfast for Shizi, but was told that she had already eaten.

"Are you talking about the cat food that Teacher Ye put out for you?" Lin Miaomiao was a little surprised.

Shizi shook her tail.

Lin Miaomiao looked at it and asked, "Did he chat with you? What did he say to you?"

"Meow~" Persimmon happily dragged out the sound and told Lin Miaomiao everything that happened in the morning.

Lin Miaomiao nodded thoughtfully and couldn't help yawning, "Then I'll go wash up."

Lin Miaomiao felt bad for not being able to make breakfast for Shizi today, which greatly reduced the time she had to play with her. So she took a toothbrush and facial cleanser and waited at the well at the door to wash.

The newly pumped well water was still steaming. Shizi squatted by the pond and watched it, finding it curious. She waved his paw to grab it, but caught nothing.

"Be careful not to fall into the water." Lin Miaomiao finished washing and squatted beside it, "Come, lift your face up, I'll wash your face."

Shizi obediently raised its face, squinted its eyes, and allowed Lin Miaomiao to wipe its face, corners of its eyes, nose and ears with a face towel.

"Shizi is so good!" Lin Miaomiao lowered her head and kissed Shizi on the head, then took a deep breath, "Shizi smells so good after washing her face!"


Shizi raised its head higher and sniffed Lin Miaomiao's face. Lin Miaomiao touched noses with it and said, "Okay, I'm going to do my skin care. You can play by yourself."

Shizi squatted by the pond and sent her into the house. When it saw Su Zhixing coming out, it meowed and ran towards Su Zhixing.

After breakfast, the six members of the Happy Farm family went to the village chief to find work. Today’s main work was still plowing the fields, turning the soil and sowing.

After receiving the task, Lin Miaomiao, Xu Jiayan and Zhao Shuya went to their employer's house together, and then went to the fields.

Their task today was to chop up some old green vegetables—the kind used to feed pigs—and then plow the land again. There was no need to sow seeds yet.

Lin Miaomiao had experienced this kind of work yesterday. While Xu Jiayan was still clumsy, she had already chopped down two trees skillfully. Xu Jiayan looked at Lin Miaomiao in surprise and praised, "Miaomiao is so skillful."

“……” She’s exciting her again!

Lin Miaomiao glanced at her, threw the axe into the ground, and sighed, "Oh, I turned the soil too much yesterday. My body hurts so much. My hands, back, and waist hurt. I need to take a rest."

After saying this, she didn't care what other people thought of her. She pulled down her sun hat, walked to the grass and sat down. She was like she was stuck by a magnet and never got up again.

Xu Jiayan: “…”

[F#ck, this troublemaker only chopped two vegetables, right? Just two vegetables is going to kill her? ]

[I think Lin Bailian is deliberately going against Jiayan? Otherwise, why does she always act like a demon when Jiayan is around? ]

[Is there some kind of feud between Lin Miaomiao and Xu Jiayan? Why is she so normal to other people, but always acts up when Xu Jiayan is around? ]

[I don’t know if it’s a feud, but there is definitely a grudge between the two. ]

[Why don't you quit the show if you're such a loser? Go away, no one wants to see you! ]

[It sounds like Xu Jiayan is very capable. Miaomiao has already cut down two trees, but Xu Jiayan hasn't even finished one.]

[Miaomiao worked all day yesterday under the scorching sun. What's wrong with taking a break if she's tired? She didn't say she wouldn't do anything. ]

The live broadcast room, which had finally calmed down, was once again in an uproar because of Lin Miaomiao.

Xu Jiayan felt very sorry for being absent from work for two days, but her work today was acceptable.

So every time she chopped down a tree, Lin Miaomiao would applaud her and praise her: "Wow, Jiayan, you learn so fast, are you a genius? How come you learn everything so quickly? You are so capable!"

There were bursts of exclamations and exaggerated tones, and it was obvious that they were not sincere.

The system felt tired: "Dear, can you be more attentive?"

Lin Miaomiao shouted, "Come on, Jiayan! I'm cheering you on!"


Xu Jiayan: “…”

This is not an illusion. Something must have happened to Lin Miaomiao during the two days she was away!

But after thinking about it, Xu Jiayan realized that apart from the addition of a kitten at home, there was no change in her daily life. She really couldn't think of the reason why Lin Miaomiao's attitude changed so much.

She was indeed still against her, but she could clearly feel that she was no longer paying attention...

After finishing work in the evening and returning home, after a short rest, the group began to divide the work to prepare dinner. Lin Miaomiao kept her promise from yesterday and did what she said, and really acted like a hands-off boss, "I'll thaw the meat for Shizi, and I won't trouble you with the rest."

Xu Jiayan nodded thoughtfully: "Well, leave the rest to me."

Yang Jun's eyes shuttled back and forth between the two of them, and finally ran over to take over the dishes that Xu Jiayan was about to wash, "Sister Jiayan, let me do it."

Lin Miaomiao took the frozen meat, closed the refrigerator, and said in a louder voice, "I'm leaving now. I'll leave dinner to you guys."

Seeing that no one paid any attention to her, Lin Miaomiao turned around and left, explaining to the system: "See, it's not that I don't want to create a bigger contrast, it's that they simply don't give me a chance!"


I don't restrict your laziness because I want you to complete the task smoothly, not because I want you to be lazy!

After dinner, the guests lined up to take a shower or clean the house.

Lin Miaomiao took the cat bowl and poured some cat food for Shizi.

"Hey, Sister Miaomiao, didn't you just feed Shizi?" Yang Jun asked curiously while doing homework in the living room.

"Is this reserve food?" said Ye Zimo, who was watching him do his homework.

Lin Miaomiao nodded, "Yes. Shizi is in the growth stage now, and eats a lot. I forgot to put some food in it last night. If it weren't for Teacher Ye, it would have starved this morning."

The needs of growing kittens are greater than those of adult cats. If they eat too much at once, they will easily accumulate food, which is not good for the stomach. It is best to eat small meals frequently. The night is long, and Persimmon can eat at any time if she gets hungry in the middle of the night. This is what her owner used to do.

Thinking about this, Lin Miaomiao looked at Ye Zimo, "Teacher Ye, you are amazing. You even understand all this."

According to her understanding, not all cat owners would put reserve food for their cats before going to bed. At most, they would feed their cats one more meal before going to bed. It was really abnormal that Ye Zimo, who was allergic to cat hair and had never raised a cat, knew so much about it.

"I have a friend who has a cat, and I heard him talk about it." Ye Zimo answered calmly.


Lin Miaomiao responded indifferently, with disbelief in her eyes. Under normal circumstances, no one would tell their friends every detail of raising a cat, and her owner didn't tell them anyway.

Rather than believing Ye Zimo's polite words, Lin Miaomiao trusted her own intuition more.

After Shizi came, Lin Miaomiao felt that there was something familiar and kind about Ye Zimo. This feeling had only ever been experienced in her master, especially after he had gotten along with Shizi, this feeling was particularly strong.

Although Ye Zimo couldn't touch the cat now and couldn't confirm some details, he couldn't deceive her by looking at Shizi with love and conflicting thoughts.

Lin Miaomiao felt that Ye Zimo must have had a cat before, but now he couldn’t touch it due to his physical condition, or maybe the owner lost his memory due to a bug in this world when he traveled through time?

Since she, a cat, can be considered a human in this world, it is not impossible that her owner accidentally turned into a man!
