Ch. 87

Lou Ai returned to the warehouse. Her most important task now was to delay the guards' discovery of Chen Youbo's disappearance as much as possible.

In the sticker, An Xu had already conveyed that they had successfully entered the village and stolen a truck.

But the truck caught the attention of those below.

A commotion was heard from the village below, attracting several warehouse guards to gather together. "It looks like there are zombies attacking again. There have been zombies coming here every day these past few days. Fortunately, we have all been vaccinated against zombies, so we won't be affected by the bites for a while."

Lou Ai was startled. Zombie vaccine? 

The research results of Changchun Research Institute in the past few months seemed to have skyrocketed. Other bases had put all their efforts into it, and with the inspiration she gave in her previous life, they had only been able to create a device to interfere with zombies.

Changchun Base started researching zombie vaccines and achieved some results. Too fast!!

"Why is there no sound in this warehouse? I heard someone arguing with Lao Zhou at noon. It shouldn't be so quiet! Are they all asleep at this time of day?"

Finally, one of the guards noticed something was wrong: "When I came up just now, I didn't see anyone else except Lao Zhou. Where are they?"

"Isn't it because he was too bored and saw that we were coming up, so he left early? Oh, by the way, when I was talking to Lao Zhou just now, Lao Zhou didn't reply to me, but just knocked on the warehouse door twice. I thought he hadn't forgotten the quarrel with him yesterday!" The guard answered the conversation and took out the key, "Let's open the warehouse door and take a look."

"Sh#t, this key is not the key to the warehouse. We can't be blamed for this. It's because Lao Zhou and his men didn't take good care of it. Let's go find someone inside to report the situation."

Lou Ai looked outside through the trees surrounding the courtyard. The villagers had already noticed something was wrong. The noise was getting louder and louder, and was gradually coming towards the Changchun Research Institute.

The four guards hurried into the two-story building in the center.

As the situation became more chaotic, Lou Ai controlled dozens of zombies in the small warehouse. The zombies swarmed out, fighting at full strength. Their sharp nails pierced through the iron sheet of the small warehouse and they scattered around the yard, roaring.

The zombies had not yet passed the experiment to the point where they were completely unattractive to humans, and they swarmed towards the four guards who had landed in the courtyard.

“Ahhhhhh, why are the zombies suddenly out of control?”

"Don't come over here, f#ck, don't come over here, Brother Wang, you can whistle, hurry up and control them!"

The four guards were chased around the yard. A familiar whistle sounded, but under Lou Ai's influence, the zombies were completely out of the control of the whistle.

"It doesn't work. Damn it. It's completely out of control." A guard accidentally smashed a zombie in front of him to death. "What should we do, you big darlings? Let's go to the room where the grain is stored. Hurry up. Except for a few bosses, the door of the grain warehouse is the strongest. The zombies can't get in. No one can blame us for the zombies' deaths."

"Let's put the blame on Zhou Xiaobao!" The guards were discussing loudly, but because of the chaos, Tang Chunqiang and his group who ran over did not hear what the guards said.

Lou Ai followed the four guards quietly, broke the window and climbed in.

All the windows on the second floor of the warehouse were sealed with wooden bars, and in the hall on the second floor were piled up bags of rice, which appeared to have been looted from the nearby villages. One of the small rooms on the second floor was marked with the word "processed".

Lou Ai pushed the door open and went in. There was much less rice in the small room. There were only four bags of rice that were as big as her calf. Lou Ai didn't care and stored them all separately in the space. She also stored the rice outside in her own space.

After the third purple moon has passed, food in the base will become scarce, and these rice will be useful for emergencies at that time.

Hearing the sound of the guards coming upstairs downstairs, Lou Ai jumped out of the window.

When the four guards walked up arm in arm, they saw that the rice that was piled up in the room for cooking this afternoon had inexplicably disappeared.

The oldest guard rushed into the rice processing room and saw that the four small bags of rice were missing. He sat down on the ground with a dejected look on his face, muttering, "It's over, it's all over!"

"Who took our rice?" The fat guard at the back shouted with gritted teeth, then softened his voice and said angrily, "We just blamed Lao Zhou for losing the prisoners and the zombies getting out of control, and then we turned around and hid in the granary, and then the granary was stolen? Did we forget to worship our ancestors this year? Why are we so unlucky?"

"This is the boss's favorite rice. If the boss gets angry, we won't be able to save our lives!"

"Did Tang Chunqiang see us entering the granary just now?" the guard suggested, "Let's run away and hide. No one will be able to find us."

Several guards decided to remove the window panels and then jumped down one by one.

Lou Ai was standing in a small building slightly to the left of the center. If she turned around, she would be able to see several guards running away.

When several guards saw Lou Ai's back, they were startled and quietly used the nearby building to hide from Lou Ai and rushed out.

Lou Ai didn't see the appearance of the guards. She pushed the door and entered the two-story building. According to the map given by Meng Yuanxi, this building was Meng Yuanxi's base camp.

The decoration of Meng Yuanxi's room was completely consistent with Lou Ai's usual impression of him, simple and tidy, with a sofa, a coffee table, and books. It was like a model room. The entire first floor only had a living room and a room next to it with a tightly sealed door. The word "Laboratory" was written on the room.

The whole building is quiet and the noise outside is isolated outside the door of this two-story building.

Suddenly, the door of the laboratory opened.

Lou Ai quickly hid in a blind spot next to the laboratory, holding his breath and waiting for others to come out.

"No need to hide, it's me." The voice was Meng Yuanxi's. In order to show how harmless he was, Meng Yuanxi pulled down his gas mask, turned around and motioned Lou Ai to see his face clearly.

Lou Ai also pulled down her gas mask and smiled at Meng Yuanxi: "Are you alone here?"

"No, there are four more assistants. I think you must come over and knock them out first." Meng Yuanxi said as he asked Lou Ai to come into the laboratory. "Don't touch my experimental equipment casually. Move these four assistants outside first, and then we can talk."

"Okay." Lou Ai said, picked up the two people's collars and walked out in slippers.

Meng Yuanxi subconsciously looked at the remaining two men, was stunned for a moment, walked over to weigh his own strength, picked up the remaining relatively heavier one and walked out.

Lou Ai stood at the door and threw the thin man behind him to the three people including Meng Yuan and Xiluo.

Meng Yuanxi walked in and closed the door of the laboratory.

"Did your people escape?" Meng Yuanxi asked.

"Well, An Xu just sent me a message saying that he has got on the pickup truck and left the village safely." Lou Ai said.

"That's good." Meng Yuanxi nodded, "How is the base going? Are my sister and the others okay?"

"Well, Lin Ze went to Fengcheng Base as the base commander. Meng Linlin and Meng Langlang also have great power in the Capital Base and gave me a lot of convenience. But before I went on the mission, Meng Langlang acted very strangely for a while, as if she suddenly realized how powerful I was and didn't want me to encounter any danger. This mission was very dangerous, so she was trying to stop me from doing this mission. After I politely refused, she even found Wei Jun and used her connections to make Wei Jun and me do the same mission." Lou Ai stared at Meng Yuanxi and asked, "You know all this, right?"

"Don't worry, Langlang is just a little too nervous." Meng Yuanxi rarely smiled.

"What is she nervous about?" Lou Ai asked back.

"She's worried about you and don't want you to be in danger. However, the Wei army is still not good enough to complete the mission. It seems that there are not many people on Meng Langlang's side that can be completely trusted."

Lou Ai met Meng Yuanxi's serious eyes, with a hint of persistence in her cold eyes. She frowned and said, "Although I don't want anything to happen to me, but you come to care about me? We are not familiar enough to be so nervous when my life is in danger. Why? Why do you do this?"

"You don't know my special abilities yet, right?" Meng Yuanxi sat on a high stool and looked at Lou Ai.

Meng Yuanxi's special ability? Could Meng Yuanxi's special ability be related to scientific research? When Lou Ai was in the base's science academy, she vaguely heard others say that it would be great if they had Meng Yuanxi's special ability, which would save them a lot of time in scientific research.

"My abilities are foresight and forced fusion of materials." Meng Yuanxi said, "I was in a coma in the first month before the first purple moon at the beginning of the apocalypse. I was in a coma for a week. I dreamed about the end of the apocalypse from the beginning to the end of the apocalypse, with the annihilation of mankind. At that time, I just thought it was a dream, but then in the week before the purple moon, I started to have dreams in a cycle, dreaming about the apocalypse again and again. The direction was different but the ending was the annihilation of mankind. As the days of the apocalypse gradually increased, I dreamed of various endings of annihilation."

Lou Ai swallowed, and for the first time, discomfort showed on her face, the true predictive ability emerged.

"The forum posts you posted before also appeared in my dreams. I searched them and found that you wrote very well. I investigated your information and used some hacking techniques to help you cover up technically." Meng Yuanxi said, "I finally saw the truth after a long period of collapse. I have been following you."

Lou Ai blinked in surprise. She hadn't been able to tell at all when she first saw Meng Yuanxi.

"Until the day when the Purple Moon began, hope appeared in my dream that night, breaking the eternal end of annihilation. At that time, I couldn't see the face that broke the difference, I just knew it was a girl." Meng Yuanxi said, "After that, I was disappointed in my dreams again, until two weeks ago, I dreamed of that girl again. Although the world in my dream was also completely destroyed this time, I saw the girl's face clearly, it was you."

"Me?" Lou Ai was surprised.

"Yes, the girl's actions in the dream overlap with yours." Meng Yuanxi said, taking out a curve chart, "This is the action plan I made. Ninety percent of your actions and the girl's actions in the dream are consistent."

"So what was the outcome you predicted when hope appeared?" Lou Ai flipped through the drawings.

"You wiped out Changchun's zombie army. We got the zombie vaccine from Changchun. The zombie virus became a complete and controllable infectious viral disease and was included in all elementary school textbooks. In addition, the score for physical education in elementary school courses was increased, ushering in an era of martial arts training for all the people." Meng Yuanxi said seriously, taking out a notebook and said, "This is where I record the number of times you and Changchun appeared in my dreams. L is you."

Lou Ai opened the notebook. She and Chang Chun appeared in Meng Yuanxi's dream in turns, creating a state of increase and decrease. The only world marked with success, Chang Chun was in a state of death.

"In the dream two weeks ago, it was still you and Chang Chun, but there was one difference. You were not a zombie in my dream that day, but Chang Chun was. I remember one day I had a dream in which Chang Chun developed many inventions that could cause the destruction of humans and zombies. He used his zombie abilities to create an enhanced zombie virus and a zombie vaccine, and spread the zombie virus to the entire world. As a result, all humans were wiped out by mistake."

Not a zombie? Lou Ai's pupils shrank. If she wasn't a zombie, would she still fight so hard for the zombie vaccine?

The answer is definitely no. She might also work hard for the zombie vaccine, but it will definitely not be like it is now. The zombie identity not only brings her various hardships and motivation, but also brings her infinite sense of security in surviving in the wild.

"Once successful and once failed, these are the only two or three times that zombie vaccines appeared. In the rest of the dreams, there was no trace of zombie vaccines." Meng Yuanxi said, "So I concluded that because Changchun is a half-zombie human, he is the key to researching zombie vaccines. I had a long talk with my father and later came to the Changchun base. I revealed all the inventions in the dream to Changchun in advance. Changchun is indeed a research madman. The two of us worked together to research all the inventions in advance and apply them to the world."

"I watched the real world gradually overlap with the world of victory in my dream, and it developed faster and better than the world in my dream. Various processes rapidly advanced the state of the three years in my dream." Meng Yuanxi said with light in his eyes, full of expectations for the real world. "The current state of each base is much stronger than I expected, and we are much more confident in facing the three purple moons."

"No wonder..." In this way, Meng Langlang and Wei Jun's explanations were clear. The first time they faced a hero who could save the world, they were of course afraid that she would get hurt or even die suddenly. If a hero were to die, there would be no hope. "But I'm not a hero, and I don't want to be a hero."

Lou Ai shook her head. She didn’t want to bear the fate of everyone.

"I know, but this is your psychological test. I answered it for you based on your condition. You just need to follow your heart. We are also making changes to the rest." Meng Yuanxi said as he took out a report.

Lou Ai opened the final results, and the test results were: 99% of the degree of being hard on the outside but soft on the inside, 68% of the degree of being at odds with each other, and 77% of the degree of liking the opposite sex...

“???” Is there something weird mixed in with this result?

"Okay, this topic can be perfectly concluded." Meng Yuanxi said, "What are your plans next?"

Lou Ai received a huge amount of information and was a little slow to react for a while: "How do you mean to return to the base? Our reputation in the base must have been affected by Chen Zouying. I don't want to be wronged in the base and hide like a rat for the rest of my life. It would be best if I could clear my name at a special time. I came to you for this matter."

"The purple moon at a special time?" Meng Yuanxi frowned and asked, "How can I help you?"

"Can you change your voice?" Lou Ai asked, "It's a bit difficult for you. Come with me. Let's pretend to be people from Changchun Base and talk about Chen Zouying's upgrade in Changchun Base."

"That's too risky. Your voice will appear in the recording, and those with abilities that are sensitive to sound will be able to distinguish it easily." Meng Yuanxi said, "Then I'll record it separately. In addition to the recording, I also have Chen Zouying's written documents and his hair and blood samples in the laboratory. You can take them all. This way, it will be safe."

"Okay." Lou Ai felt relaxed for the first time.

"The third purple moon, the plants in the base are growing rapidly. I judged that this is the most dangerous upgrade. The green vegetation on the ground of the capital base is not buried with cement. This time, there is not only a threat outside the city, but also danger inside the city. You want to go back in a special way? Do you have any way to save other people's lives?" Meng Yuanxi analyzed.

This time, Lou Ai not only felt relieved, but she felt as if even her underwear had been stripped off her entire body.

Lou Ai said unconfidently: "All things are interdependent and mutually exclusive. I have seen in a dream that mutated plants will temporarily stop attacking when encountering the blood of zombie animals. Although the attack can only stop for a moment, it is enough for the people of the special power team to eradicate the mutated plants." This method of attack was seen by Lou Ai in a small base in the south. The difference was that the zombie animals at that time were more difficult to deal with than ordinary mutated plants, so this method of attack only circulated in a small range.

"Have you ever done experiments in your dreams? Do you have any data? Can you write it down?" Meng Yuanxi asked.

Lou Ai shook her head. Seeing that the heat in Meng Yuanxi's eyes had cooled down, she couldn't help but give Meng Yuanxi a copy of the papers with formulas that she had distributed everywhere.


"I recorded all of this in my dreams."

"Awesome!" Meng Yuanxi's eyes sparkled.

Lou Ai found that when she was with Meng Yuanxi this time, the sense of estrangement was much less. No, it should be said that Meng Yuanxi unilaterally became closer to her and treated her as his own.

Meng Yuanxi folded the paper, put it in his pocket, walked meticulously to the side of the test bench, and motioned Lou Ai to record over there. Lou Ai saw Meng Yuanxi playing two roles and narrating the thrilling process of Chen Zouying's upgrade. Various data comparisons, as well as the sound of the experimental bottles shaking gently in the laboratory were all revealed in the recording, forming a perfect and conclusive evidence.

There was amazement in Lou Ai's eyes. Meng Yuanxi was indeed a genius as others called him.

"I imitated the voice of an assistant researcher. It's not professional enough, but it can fool ordinary people." Meng Yuanxi said, putting on the gas mask. "I will go out first. While I teach them a lesson, you can take the opportunity to leave."

"Okay." Lou Ai said, moving her ears and pulling Meng Yuanxi's arm, "No, the sound outside has disappeared. In this situation..."

"The worst case scenario is that Changchun's experiment ends early, and he comes out and sees the chaotic scene outside. He will definitely confirm the situation on my side as soon as possible, and researchers from other laboratories will also be called out by others." Meng Yuanxi said, leaning close to Lou Ai's ear, "In this way, I will be your prisoner. Changchun still has a certain degree of trust in me, and he still has some experimental content to explore with me. He will keep my life, and you take the opportunity to leave."

"If he finds out, everything you have done here will be in vain, right?" Lou Ai asked.

"You can't tell, because we don't know each other." Meng Yuanxi said as he took out a small tube of yellow liquid from his drawer and injected a portion of it into his body through a needle. "This is a muscle relaxant and diazepam. This is what I gave to the people outside, but the dosage is much larger than mine."

The potion took effect very quickly. As Meng Yuanxi was talking, his body uncontrollably went limp and he closed his eyes.

Lou Ai was startled by the tall figure that suddenly fell down. Meng Yuanxi showed too much trust in her.

Lou Ai had no choice but to tie the legs of the tall man, who was more than a head taller than her, to herself. She tied Meng Yuanxi from behind, and in order to prevent him from hanging down to the ground, Meng Yuanxi's neck was just resting on Lou Ai's shoulders and had a tendency to hang down. Lou Ai could hold Meng Yuanxi's neck by just stretching her right hand backwards.

"Bang!" The door was kicked open by someone outside!

Tang Chunqiang stared at Lou Ai's actions in amazement. Lou Ai raised her head and met Tang Chunqiang's gaze. She grabbed Meng Yuanxi's neck, leaving only a trace of strength to prevent Meng Yuanxi from being strangled to death.

"Get out of my way, or I'll strangle your superior to death. I've understood your situation. You won't give up your researchers who have made many contributions just for an experimental subject like me, right?" There was a hint of nervousness in Lou Ai's voice. She fully mobilized her deductive cells and made preparations to become a human being who was pushed to the extreme.

Tang Chunqiang stood at the door hesitantly. Seeing that Lou Ai was really about to strangle Meng Yuanxi to death, he quickly waved his hands: "Don't strangle, be gentle, can't I step back?"

Lou Ai pinched Meng Yuanxi and walked outside, and saw Chang Chun standing in front of the door of Meng Yuanxi's room. Chang Chun's skin was pale because he had not seen the sun for a long time. His black hair was exactly the same length as the one he saw in the conference room. It should not have grown again after the end of the world. His arms were covered with a lot of blue-black zombie flesh.

"Get out of the way, or I'll strangle him to death. You should know how strong I am. I can strangle him to death." Lou Ai said, looking through Chang Chun and his human subordinates to the many zombies behind them.

There were two very familiar faces among them.

If Xia Lu was here, he would recognize the person in front of him at a glance. It was Sanshi who had been dead for a long time. There was also a skinny little zombie. Lou Ai also remembered his appearance. He was the little zombie who tricked her into eating a zombie crystal core on the chassis of the group of rats.

So Sanshi turned into a zombie?

How did the two of them get together?

Are they doing well?
