Ch. 83

The group of zombies seemed to deliberately avoid her when spraying smoke. The zombie virus in the bodies of those mutated zombies had not been completely eliminated by the experiments, so they could still understand her orders.

The moment Lou Ai regained consciousness, she first used her consciousness to detect her surroundings. She seemed to be in a moving bumpy car, surrounded by humans lying all around. She did not open her eyes rashly, but first recalled in her mind the large group of zombies she faced, the zombies' various movements and habits. The smoke seemed to have hollowed out part of the flesh and blood from the center of the waist, and a bag containing gas was installed. The whistle would guide the zombies to press the button to release the gas.

During a fight, perhaps you can avoid being stunned by destroying the button.

While Lou Ai was thinking, she squinted her eyes, opened her eyelids a little, and looked around quietly.

She was now inside a pickup truck, with Chen Youbo and the others piled around in the truck's compartment, taking up most of the compartment. However, Chen Zouying was not among the people who had fainted. There was only a short young man sitting in the rear of the truck's compartment, watching over them.

In his hand he held an iron rod as thick as a baby's arm, which he gently swung.

The truck was bumping along, and when it clanged over a ravine, Lou Ai heard the roars of zombies coming from outside. Lou Ai took the opportunity to spread her consciousness and affect the zombies outside. After she upgraded to level three, the number of zombies she could control was twice that of level two. Most importantly, Lou Ai discovered that she seemed to be able to observe the outside world through the eyes of the zombies.

The scene outside was vaguely reflected in Lou Ai's mind.

Tang Chunqiang was sitting in the driver's seat, and there was no one in the passenger seat. The rest of Tang Chunqiang's brothers were staying in a small van in the back. The car had already passed the main road and entered the village. Lou Ai noticed that the houses in the village all showed signs of habitation.

But the pickup truck didn't stop. It drove for a distance and finally passed through the quiet woods not far from the village and stopped in front of a few two-story buildings. There was a wooden sign in front of the building. It was already blurred, but the words "xx Research Institute" could still be seen. This should have been a research institute before? ?

When the pickup truck stopped, a simple and honest man came out from the direction of the gate. He was one of the three men who came to stay overnight that night. The man was fully armed and had a gas mask on his chin.

As soon as Tang Chunqiang got out of the car, he shouted, "Brother!"

"You're back? Is everything going well?"

"It went smoothly!" Tang Chunqiang said with great joy, "Guess who the woman the boss wants is? She's the super powerful female psychic I told you about, the one who gave me nightmares. I didn't expect that I'd catch her now. Next time I see her, it'll be that woman's turn to give me nightmares."

"Good job! That's how you should be. How can you let a woman scare you?" The eldest brother smiled naively with approval in his eyes.

"Boss, has the experiment not been finished yet?" Tang Chunqiang asked.

"No, didn't you see I was wearing a gas mask? This lab is not a place for humans to stay. Only the people doing the experiments like it here." The eldest brother complained, "One meal is full and the other is hungry. There's not even a cook. If I wasn't waiting for those people to perform the supernatural surgery, I would have applied for a shift change long ago."

"Okay, these bad days are almost over. Let me drive these zombies in first. Those psychics should wake up soon. I'll lock them up first, and then inspect the results of the boss' experiment." Tang Chunqiang said.

"Wear a mask when you enter the room. The room is filled with smoke because of the boss."

Lou Ai pulled her consciousness back from the zombie's mind. As soon as she returned, she felt as if her avatar had just been loaded with a few firecrackers that had popped off, and she felt dizzy.

At this time, Wei Jun, Chen Youbo, Zheng Chun and a group of people in the truck also woke up one after another.

The boy who was guarding them knocked on the floor of the carriage with an iron rod, making a thumping sound.

The voices of Zheng Chun and the others suddenly faded away.

An Xu's voice, transmitted through his supernatural powers, rang out: "Has everyone been searched? All the marked stickers I saved are gone. Have your things been taken away as well?"

Lou Ai looked around and indeed did not see her backpack, but she had stored all her important things in the space. She also put An Xu's stickers in the space after she found that it did not affect its use.

"Come down! Longzi, get all the people down!" Tang Chunqiang shouted.

"Okay." The man who was guarding them responded, opened the trunk door, and drove Lou Ai and her group out of the car.

Lou Ai followed Tang Chunqiang's movements and walked inside, passing through the three two-story buildings facing the gate. They walked towards the row of warehouses at the back. As they walked, two masked men joined the team guarding them.

Lou Ai stood in the middle of the team, and one of the men stood right next to her.

As he was walking, Lou Ai suddenly felt something was stuffed in her hand.

She calmly lowered her eyes and looked down. It was a red bird with glue on its butt. The shape looked familiar. She raised her head and looked at the man next to her. The man pointed to the code on his chest.

Lou Ai: "..." She compared the man's body shape and the shape of his eyes, and made a reasonable judgment. This man is Meng Yuanxi? So this little red bird is hers?
