Ch. 78

The people from the reserve team and the officers who came in with Chen Zouying suddenly looked at Lou Ai with strange eyes.

Du Chu went to her immediate superior, the big boss, to question her unfair treatment. You can imagine what the scene would be like. It would be strange if she wasn't scolded by her boss. This girl looks pretty but she really doesn't know how to deal with things!!

Lou Ai remained unmoved by the sympathetic looks from the people around her and looked at Chen Zouying angrily.

"Lou Ai, where did you hear that?" Chen Zouying stopped the person next to him from asking questions and asked with a serious face, "I don't know where you heard that from. Quickly clear up the false information in your mind. I sent the second reserve team out on a mission because I value you. In this world, only in danger can we grow. Those who survive will be the pillars of our capital base. Besides, I will do this mission with you."

Lou Ai blinked, "It was the people from the No. 3 reserve team who said that after they picked out all the meat from the dishes, they said that the children in our team didn't need to supplement their nutrition, and if we went on another mission, the children would be gone. So, isn't this a curse that the teenagers in our team would die at the hands of zombies?"

"Besides, I have not only heard from the people in the No. 3 reserve team that the No. 2 reserve team was excluded." Lou Ai looked aggrieved and said again, "The army also said that they would invite me. If that's the case, why would I stay in the special power team? The treatment in the army is not worse than that in the special power team, right?"

Chen Zouying glanced at the people in the No. 3 reserve team and saw at a glance the three big guys with piled-up plates. He stared at them coldly for a moment, making the three sturdy young men's faces tense.

"Let's not talk about anything else, just the food. We specially ask an aunt to cook it. How can their army's big pot meals compare with ours? What's more, the death rate of the army on a mission is much higher than that of our special power team. I have been an instructor in the army, and I know the situation in the army very well. They exclude outsiders more than us. If you want to go there, you might as well stay with us for a while."

"Am I right?" Chen Zouying patted Lou Ai's shoulder and consoled her in a friendly manner.

"Then... you're right." Lou Ai looked thoughtful and apologized immediately, "I'm sorry I got emotional today. Today is my first day in the Superpower Team and I couldn't even get a hot meal. I couldn't get used to it for a while and it really ruined my mood."

"I understand!" Chen Zouying said quickly, "If there really is no food, just come to our regular team members' area to get some. We regular team members can't eat that much food anyway."

"Is it okay?" Lou Ai turned around and said in surprise, "Zheng Chun, stop hitting the food over there, come hit this side."

"Yeah." Zheng Chun was a step slower. When Lou Ai was speaking, Chen Youbo and Xia Lu had already quietly walked to Lou Ai and entered the area where the regular team members were getting their meals. The meals for the regular team members were stir-fried dishes, and just from the appearance, they were much better than those for the reserve team. This was originally intended to be put in the restaurant as a comparison to motivate the reserve team members, but unexpectedly it stimulated them first.

"Let's go get some food. You're not that old. Why do you come to your elders just for a piece of meat?" Chen Zouying laughed and ignored the incident. He put his arm around Lou Ai's shoulders and led her to the place where the food was served.

Lou Ai smiled shyly, with shyness all over her young face.

After Lou Ai finished ordering the dishes, she left Chen Zouying and sat down at the seat in the restaurant occupied by Zheng Chun and the others.

"Why are you all looking at me? Eat. I came here with great difficulty. Don't you want to eat?" Lou Ai met the gazes of the people at the table and calmly picked up some white rice.

"Are you and Captain Chen related?" Lou Ai broke the deadlock and Zheng Chun immediately asked.

"No, we just met not long ago." Lou Ai said.

"Are your parents or relatives in high positions?" Bai Yangche also asked.

Lou Ai shook her head: "Why do you ask?"

Bai Yangche smiled bitterly, "When our reserve team first started to suffer unfair treatment, we asked Captain Chen about it. We were all arrogant and our tone of questioning was not very good, but we ended up getting even more violent abuse. Captain Chen has a very bad temper. If it wasn't because of your relatives and we just met, I can't think of what else it was because of it."

Lou Ai paused holding the chopsticks and took a mouthful of rice as if nothing had happened. She was just testing the waters just now. When she had just arrived at the special power team and was not familiar with the environment at all, she was promoted to the reserve team in such a hurry to go on a mission and was given a lot of arrangements like rushing to a train. If at this time, Chen Zouying didn't care whether she left the reserve team or not, all the speculations from the above would be overturned.

But the reality is that Chen Zuoying doesn't want her to leave the reserve team.

Is the purpose of bringing Xia Lu up here really to prevent them from getting hurt?

Lou Ai glanced at Xia Lu, who was praising her with sparkling eyes at this moment: "Maybe it's because Sister Lou Ai is so good. Of course, good employees deserve the best treatment!"

Zheng Chun shook his head and pretended to be profound: "Children are innocent."

"Don't think about why. You will understand in the future. Lou Ai's actions are unpredictable, but she never does anything without confidence." Chen Youbo said, "The food for the official team members tastes delicious."

When Lou Ai and her friends were halfway through their meal, Yan Lengyu finally arrived, sat down and started eating.

"Captain, do we have a conflict with the Third Reserve?"

"Yes, it's Zhang Jun, the captain of the No. 3 reserve team. His sister's boyfriend used to be in our team. During the last mission to explore the Daxing warehouse, he was burned to death by cult members there." Yan Lengyu replied.

"It's not just the No. 3 reserve team. The No. 4 reserve team also often quarrels with us and always wants to win over our new members. I don't know what they are thinking." Zheng Chun said with a sneer.

Lou Ai nodded helplessly. It seemed that the No. 2 reserve team was almost surrounded by enemies in the entire special power team.

"I originally wanted to give you some more time to familiarize yourself with the task, but now it seems that it is not necessary. Come to the conference room after dinner and I will tell you about this mission." Chen Zouying finished his meal quickly and before leaving the restaurant, he came to the people from the No. 2 reserve team and said.

Chen Zouying finished speaking and walked out. The next moment, whispers of discussion were heard in the restaurant.

There were more and more people looking at Lou Ai furtively, and after a while, the discussion became louder.

"I don't know where Lou Ai comes from. Is Team Two going to rise?"

"I've only heard that she's good at fortune-telling, but I didn't expect her connections are so strong!"

"I heard that Lou Ai defeated more than 60 people in the training camp. She is more powerful than Instructor Huang!" Lou Ai took in the discussions around her and nodded slightly.

After dinner, Lou Ai and others went directly to the meeting room.

The big screen in the conference room was on. Chen Zouying was already sitting down, along with three or four people that Lou Ai didn't recognize, strangers she hadn't met at lunch. There were also a few staff members standing in front of the big screen, fiddling with computers.
