Ch. 56

Dong Chengyi had quickly mixed in with his group of men when the sudden change occurred. After his body became transparent, he quickly took off his clothes.

When he felt that he would not be discovered, he stood there quietly observing Lou Ai's one-sided massacre, with no intention of helping.

These subordinates were recruited by him after he came here, and all in all they have been together for just over a week.

Instead of wasting energy on saving people, these experimental subjects would rather let the remaining people take the opportunity to strengthen their impression of him.

Dong Chengyi had a good plan. This girl was very strong, but his invisibility could not only shield his body shape but also his breath, restraining most supernatural powers. He would wait until the girl killed half of the people, and then he would come out to save them, which would make his subordinates more loyal to him.

Dong Chengyi touched his chin, but did the zombies' loss of control have anything to do with the girl in front of him? The zombies obviously don't attack the girl.

Lou Ai dodged the fireball that was emitting scorching heat, blocked the flying sand with the machete in her hand, and felt the direction of Dong Chengyi in surprise. What was Dong Chengyi doing? She could sense the faint heat coming from Dong Chengyi, and the heat had been standing in the corner for a long time without moving.

Lou Ai used the machete in her hand to block the hoe that was swinging towards her, and then she turned around and cut the neck of the earth-type mutant in front of her.

The sand in the psychic's hand had not yet completely condensed into shape, but turned into fine sand and fell to the ground. When the wind blew away, no trace remained.

"Roar!" The zombie next to her blocked the knife from behind for Lou Ai. The blue-gray scale armor was shining, and it was completely unharmed. The zombie opened its mouth wide to meet the man's fingers holding the knife, and bit them, leaving two bloody holes in the man's fingers.

——Crunch, the sound of zombies biting could be clearly heard in the warehouse.

"Boss, where is the boss?" In the chaos, one of Dong Chengyi's men remembered Dong Chengyi and asked loudly like crazy, "When I joined Dong Chengyi's team, Dong Chengyi told me that he would protect me in the future and would protect the safety of his men at the first time if there was any danger. Where is he now?"

"Damn it, could Dong Chengyi have run away?" At this time, corpses with their necks slit fell down one after another, and Dong Chengyi's team became more and more agitated.

Some people can no longer withstand the aggressiveness of the armored zombies and are about to abandon the team and escape.

"Why are you panicking? Hold on. When our team comes back, we will win." At this moment, Dong Chengyi's voice sounded calmly, "You were beaten back by such a little girl? It's really embarrassing for me." While speaking, Dong Chengyi kicked a zombie away and saved the man who had just scolded him the most harshly.

The man's pupils constricted, and after a while, he finally breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Dong Chengyi with deep gratitude.

But this gratitude turned into horror in just a moment.

Dong Chengyi felt the sound of wind and grabbed the machete that was coming towards his neck. The blade rested on his palm and blood dripped all over the ground.

He had no idea when this woman came over.

The strong smell of blood made the surrounding zombies restless.


Lou Ai succeeded in her move and retreated bravely, hiding behind several zombies that were rushing towards the bloodstain.

She sniffed the smell of blood in the air. Not only did the zombies find the direction indicator, she could also lock onto Dong Chengyi more accurately. This man actually wanted to use her to train his men. Did he ask for her opinion?

When the zombie battle on Lou Ai's side was in full swing, Lin Ze also woke up, untied the soldiers lying on the ground, woke them up, and lined them up.

No matter how many zombies Dong Chengyi's men killed, Lou Ai would transfer the same number of zombies from outside.

The number of zombies in the warehouse always remains at around eight.

Dong Chengyi was chased all over the warehouse by the zombies stimulated by the smell of blood. When he didn't notice, the front and back doors were completely blocked by the awakened soldiers, allowing only the zombies to come in. It was strange, weren't these zombies his men? They were even more well-behaved and obedient than when they were under his command.

“—Beep, beep, beep.” Dong Chengyi picked up the whistle and blew it again.

"Roar!" The zombies in the warehouse were provoked and chased even more ferociously.

"Lou Ai, leave a few of them alive for me." Lin Ze shouted, "I will interrogate them."

"Damn it, it's all this b#tch's fault." Dong Chengyi realized that he was being tricked. He looked ferocious, turned around, picked up a beer bottle on the ground, and rushed towards Lou Ai. In this situation, unless he could defeat this b#tch, he would never be able to escape.

While sprinting, Dong Chengyi left the zombies chasing him far behind.

Lou Ai cut off the arms of Dong Chengyi's surviving men and tilted her head to avoid the beer bottle thrown by Dong Chengyi.

The bottle hit the ground with a bang and shattered into pieces.

Lou Ai turned her head away. Apart from his invisibility ability, Dong Chengyi relied on his powerful strength. Unfortunately, her strength was also better than his.

Lou Ai grabbed Dong Chengyi's fist, pressed it down, and kicked Dong Chengyi in the chest.

The moment Dong Chengyi made contact, he knew that his strength was no match for Lou Ai's. His eyes rolled rapidly and he quickly grabbed the clothes at Lou Ai's collar. This kind of strength could tear the clothes into pieces. After all, she was a woman, and she couldn't just ignore the clothes on her chest.

Lou Ai's expression became even colder. Rubbish! She put her left hand on the back of Dong Chengyi's hand and clenched it tightly.

Lou Ai had never calculated her own strength specifically, but after the second purple moon, she could crush a ten-centimeter-thick iron cabinet.

"Crackle, crackle." The bones creaked when they were squeezed.

Dong Chengyi's hand finally fell off Lou Ai's clothes. Lou Ai stepped heavily on Dong Chengyi's chest. Dong Chengyi spat out a mouthful of blood. His palm, which fell to the ground, became swollen and purple-red in just a few minutes.

Lou Ai picked up a bundle of hemp rope from the ground and wrapped Dong Chengyi tightly.

"Whatever you want to know, just ask and I will tell you right away." The few remaining subordinates of Dong Chengyi saw Lou Ai looking at them, swallowed their saliva, and immediately said.

"Damn it, traitor." Dong Chengyi cursed with a weak voice.

At this time, there were more than a dozen zombies wandering outside the warehouse, howling because of the smell of blood in the warehouse. Inside the warehouse, there were corpses lying all over the floor, both humans and zombies. Lin Ze killed the remaining zombies in the warehouse, and the soldiers were guarding the warehouse door in a daze.

Meng Yuanxi came over at this time.

He was standing at the door in a clean white sports suit, his light brown eyes clearly reflected the sunlight, yet seemed indifferent.

He took a look at the situation inside the warehouse and turned and left.

Dong Chengyi saw Meng Yuanxi and shouted, "Professor Meng, save me!!"

When Meng Yuanxi heard this, he quickly passed through the wandering zombies and rushed out.

Dong Chengyi: “…”

Lou Ai stood up suddenly and shouted to the stunned Lin Ze: "Captain Lin, I'm going to chase them. You keep an eye on them here. I'll take the zombies away. Don't worry, I'll bring them back."

Lin Ze looked at Lou Ai's back as she ran away, wanting to say something but stopping himself.

Who cares? At worst, after Lou Ai brings Meng Yuanxi back, he will secretly let him go.
