Ch. 3


Lou Ai was awakened by the sound of zombies outside the window.
When she opened her eyes, the whole world seemed to have changed.

She could now even count how many spider silk threads there were on the spider web in the corner. Everything around her was clearly imprinted in her eyes. This feeling was very different from the feeling of awakening her supernatural powers in her previous life.
And now she is very... calm, so calm that it is scary.
Lou Ai found her cell phone. She didn’t know what was going on, but her body was very stiff.
Just getting up took her longer than usual.

Could it be that this time she did not awaken the water-related power?
What kind of supernatural power can make a person's body become stiff?
Lou Ai recalled the people with amplified powers that she had seen. They were very strong, but also much faster than those who had not awakened their powers.
Lou Ai didn't think much about it and looked down at the push messages from various groups on her phone.
—Ahhhh, the end of the world is real, it’s real. There are a few zombies outside my door and they keep banging on it. What should I do? The police station’s phone line is no longer accessible.

—I have one here too. I have blocked the door with a big wardrobe and am hiding in the bathroom with my dad.
—Hahahaha, I’ve awakened my superpowers!!

—My mom turned into a zombie.

—My dad… too.
—My son just learned to crawl and now he is banging his head against the door outside.
The word "collapse" was floating in every group.
Someone in the group specially mentioned her. Lou Ai opened yesterday’s class group and the boy who had quarreled with her yesterday tagged her.
—@LouAi, thank you. Thanks to you, my girlfriend Zi Yue and I went home when the purple moon came. I also awakened the fire ability, and my girlfriend also awakened the water ability.
—@LouAi, will there be a zombie vaccine?

—@LouAi, there will be a zombie vaccine, right?

Lou Ai looked through the chat records in the group again. Her classmates discussed it for a long time and firmly believed that she might be a master who lived in seclusion in the city. Her usual introversion and lack of communication with others were also signs of a master. She could calculate when the doomsday would come, so she could definitely calculate whether the zombie vaccine would be successful.
Lou Ai smiled. The year she died, the government had been organizing people in various places to look for PhDs in biology and virology for several years. The zombie research laboratory had been disbanded and reorganized several times, and the progress of developing the zombie vaccine was clearly displayed on the indoor display screens of major human bases.
Looking at the progress bar, she felt more heroic when fighting zombies.
Lou Ai replied in the group: "Yes, there will be."
After Lou Ai finished speaking, no matter how people in the group @ed her, she remained silent.
She charged her cell phone, got up, put on her sports clothes, and went to the bathroom to wash her face and brush her teeth.
Strangely enough, she didn't have much of a bowel movement.

Lou Ai squeezed some toothpaste and looked up at the mirror the next second. She was stunned. The face in the mirror was still the same, but the pupils of the eyes in the mirror had become exactly the same as those of zombies, as sharp as needles. If you didn't look carefully, you couldn't even notice the pupils. The white of the eyeballs occupied the entire eye.
She had encountered a psychotic zombie once in her previous life. The zombie looked almost the same as she does now, except that there was no disgusting rotten flesh on her face.
The toothbrush in Lou Ai's hand fell onto the sink.

Impossible, she clenched her fist and punched her reflection in the mirror.
"Swish." The mirror shattered around the fist.
Red and black blood flowed from the back of her hand, and the smell of blood increased tenfold.
The same blood as zombies.

"How can this be? It's impossible. Is there something wrong?"
"Is it because it's different from the previous life? Bullsh#t!"
Lou Ai washed the blood off her hands with water for a long time. Looking at the pairs of white eyeballs on the broken mirror, she collapsed and rushed downstairs into the storage room.
Zombies' sense of taste is different from humans'.
The pantry contained all the food she had collected over the days.

She opened a pack of bear biscuits, took a bite, and put it down. Do you know the smell of rotten eggs? These cookies were like the smell of rotten eggs magnified ten times, with bitter sugar, expired butter and cream, and the smell of burnt baking.
She unpacked a packet of instant noodles in disbelief and tasted the strong taste of wheat bran fried in gutter oil.
Gummy bears, with a bitter, rotten persimmon flavor.

Compressed biscuits have a throat-burning smell of low-quality paint.
Ham sausage, what she was biting was a seafood sausage, as if rotten fish and shrimp that had been kept in the refrigerator for several months were made into ham sausage and sold.

Chocolate has a strong bitter taste, no fragrance, only bitterness.

Canned meat tastes relatively better, but has a strong fishy smell.
Lou Ai stood in a storage room filled with strange smells. She threw the snacks in front of her to the ground, then squatted on the ground with her head in her hands.

Why? Why?

It shouldn't be like this?! It shouldn't be like this!
Lou Ai sat in the storage room until the sun went down.
In a trance, she stood up stiffly, picked up the wooden gun, pushed open the door and walked out.

There were a few zombies scattered around their holiday villa. The gatekeeper, the housekeeper who led the way, the waiter, the girl at the front desk, and the couple on vacation were all wandering around the street in the villa. Several zombies were happily chasing a puppy with twisted limbs.

Lou Ai quickly chased after her and patted the receptionist girl who had less blood on her body.
The little girl's pretty face had turned blue and purple, and her chin was bitten by someone, leaving a large piece of fishy black meat. After a few days, the meat rotted and became what people call zombie flesh. The mutated flies often flew around the rotten flesh.
Lou Ai took the non-pointed end of her gun and poked the zombie girl with an expectant look.
Seeing the little zombie girl stupidly not knowing how to come over, Lou Ai got anxious and poked her a few more times: "Come here!!"
"I am a human being, human! Don't you specialize in eating humans?"
"Come over here and eat me!"
"Look at all the collagen on my face, it's delicious!"
"I'm giving you face, do you want to eat me?"

Perhaps it was Lou Ai's action of poking the zombie that finally angered the zombie girl. "Hiss... Gag... Er" an angry roar like coughing up phlegm sounded, and the zombie girl took two quick steps to catch up with Lou Ai.
Lou Ai showed a look of joy and pierced the zombie girl's head with her backhand.

"Uh... grahh." The zombie girl made the last sound and fell down. Her needle-sized pupils dilated a little and became the size of small soybeans.
Lou Ai used the dagger in her hand to smash open the brain and found a transparent hexagonal crystal block in the brain.
This is zombie crystal, it is non-toxic and is a special substance that was not absorbed during human evolution.

Both mutants and zombies can evolve by absorbing zombie crystals.
Lou Ai used the same method to find the remaining zombies in the villa area.
When the moon was high in the sky, Lou Ai sat in the living room, looking at the six crystals sparkling under the light, feeling dejected.
No matter how she deceives herself, it can't change this fact... she failed to evolve and turned into a zombie.

Psychic zombies are a very famous species of zombies. They can control ordinary zombies to protect themselves. They are intelligent. High-level psychic zombies can even understand human language. They are also the first targets of attack by every psychic.
If she wanted to survive, she thought about it and found that she only had two choices.
First, stay in the zombie group, upgrade quickly, become a zombie king-like existence, command all zombies, live in seclusion, live alone, and quietly wait for the development of human bases and the development of zombie vaccines, and then she will return to human society.
But does this really count as being alive?

Lou Ai was devastated as she considered the second option, which was relatively dangerous.

She would disguise herself, blend into human society, and with the help of the experience she had gained from her rebirth, she would move into the best base and hide herself in the city. After the zombie vaccine is developed, she would immediately use her connections to find the vaccine and cure herself.
It seems simple, but in the base of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, there are endless psychics and healing people. If she makes a slight mistake, her identity as a zombie will be easily discovered.
The base will never allow itself to disappear, and her death is inevitable.
Lou Ai clenched the platinum necklace around her neck.
Don't be a coward. Don't be a coward.

Don't let fear dictate your choices.

Now think calmly.
Lou Ai closed her eyes and calmed down for a few minutes, then slammed the table and stood up. She thought, with such a good life, she should just go and have some fun in human society.


Before Lou Ai's excitement could even begin to dissipate, the table under her hands collapsed under the weight.
Lou Ai: “…” What a mood spoiler.
Lou Ai squatted down and picked up the crystal cores that she had scattered on the ground.
However, what is the psychic people like in the end times on a daily basis?

The number of people who have awakened psychic powers is much smaller than that of other powers, but they have various unique abilities such as exploration, vigilance, space, and controlling zombies. Every psychic is a treasure in the power team, and female psychics are even bigger treasures.
Therefore, the psychics that Lou Ai met all lived capriciously and beautifully.
In her previous life, when she was on a mission at Maple City Base, she had the good fortune to have a brief contact with a pair of twin sisters, both of whom had psychic abilities.
"Sister Xiao Ai, I'll treat you to a strawberry lollipop!"
"Wow, Sister Xiao Ai, there are skirts for sale here. This is a brand I couldn't afford before the end of the world, but now it's cheap for me. Look, isn't it beautiful?"
Like her sister Meng Langlang, like every young girl, is full of expectations for beautiful things.

"Brother, it's the end of the world, and that man is still asking me for a breakup fee. Do I owe him that?"
"Of course not, brother. Let's go back to the room tonight and have a party for just the two of us. Is that ok, little brother?"
The younger sister Meng Linlin is very queen-like. She acts humble and coquettishly in front of the man she supports, but kicks him away if she doesn't like him.

She once deeply envied these two people and felt that they would definitely live until the end of the world.
Unexpectedly, one day, news came that two people had killed the person in charge of Fengcheng base.
It is said that the method used is brutal.
When the two were about to be shot in public, Lou Ai stood in the crowd and listened to the people around her expressing their surprise. If she hadn't encountered a zombie siege, she would probably have just sighed like the people around her: What a pity, she is still a little girl, how could she be so stupid as to kill the person in charge of the base.
But when zombies surrounded the city, in a scene that was like hell on earth, it was these two people who took the lead, stood at the front, and opened up a way of escape for countless people, including her.

Lou Ai knows what she is doing. These two people are too powerful and she can't pretend to be like either of them.

But these two people have proved with facts that no matter how violently they kill zombies, cute girls who like cute clothes and accessories, and beautiful women with curvy figures, can all make people let down their guard. She can't pretend to be the latter, but she can try the former.
