Ch. 13

The feeling of goosebumps still lingers in her mind.

Lou Ai clenched her fingers and turned to look at the military.
The army was very quiet. She didn't know whether they really didn't notice the malicious intent or they were pretending to be quiet in order to appease the masses.
Until that creepy malice reappeared, Lou Ai tensed her body, rubbed the pink diamond watch on her wrist, and looked towards the stairs.
The direction of the malicious intent seemed to be the second floor of the supermarket.
Lou Ai stood up. Yang Yang and the others hadn't come down yet. Chen Youbo, who had a conflict today, and his team hadn't come down either. There was no sign of the security team that the bald-headed man mentioned. Could something have happened?

"Girl, are you going to the toilet?" The old lady greeted with a smile, "Go quickly, we'll keep a seat for you. You must have been holding it in all the way. The toilet is just over the stairs, turn right inside. As soon as I entered the door, I took my girl to the toilet first. It must be uncomfortable for you to hold it in until now."
"Thank you for your kindness."
After Lou Ai finished speaking, she stood up and hurriedly turned towards the toilet.
The first floor of the supermarket was mostly rented out chain restaurants. The KFC near the main entrance had a door leading directly to the street. She turned around and memorized all the windows, vents, and locked glass back doors before heading towards the stairs.
When she got closer, she could see clearly what the officers were doing. They were looking at a map of the city and dividing it into several routes to Qiang'an County.

Among the officers gathered together was the one who went to pick up Xia Xing in the previous life. Lou Ai calmed herself down, walked forward and knocked on the table.
"Hello, can I go up?" Lou Ai asked, pointing at the stairs. The ears on the bear's hairband trembled in the cold wind at the door. "I have a few friends in the room on the third floor. I'm afraid they don't know you're here. Can I go up and see?"
"Lou Ai?" One of the slightly fat officers stood up and called out Lou Ai's name. He smiled and explained, "I'm a psychic with a very good memory. I've seen the tablet we registered on, and that's why I met you. How many friends do you have in total?"

Lou Ai nodded. She had long guessed that the military management might not be so disorganized. After all, this was the first apocalypse after the Purple Moon, and it was far less chaotic than later. "There are five people in total, all in their teens. They were taking interest classes here at the beginning. When I left, I told them to wait for me here."
"What are their names? Is there one called Xia Xing?" the officer from the previous life asked hurriedly.
"There's someone named Xia Xing." Lou Ai nodded.
"It's the child from your teacher's family!" An officer joked with a smile, "We have been looking for him all this time, and finally you have found him. Hurry up and take the child up to look for him."
"I'm afraid we can't go up directly. I'm a psychic, and I feel there's a powerful enemy upstairs." Lou Ai said, "He has strong ill intentions towards us."
"Impossible." A slightly younger soldier stood up and said, "Before letting anyone in, I have sent people to search up and down several times. The zombies have been cleared out. There are only a few teams up there taking care of supplies."
"And you know my special ability, right? My special ability is reconnaissance. If there are really zombies coming in, how could I not notice it?" The young soldier retorted unconvincedly, "Could this little girl's special ability be higher than mine?"
"Stop talking nonsense, kid. You don't even know that there is the person that Captain Wei is looking for. How dare you say that you have searched for him several times?" The slightly fat officer patted the back of the young soldier's head. He looked at Lou Ai and said, "I'm sorry, little girl, if it is really the case you said, we can't let you go up to find your friend. Tell us the location of your friend and we will send someone up to find your friend, okay?"
Lou Ai nodded: "Of course, enter the training class on the third floor, the corridor on the far left, the second to last room, there is the word storage room on the door."

"Okay, we'll send someone over right away. You go wait over there for a while." The slightly plump officer pointed to the place where the people were resting and discussed.
As Lou Ai walked, she looked back at the officers' actions. It was Captain Wei who personally led his men to look for them.
The young soldier who had just refuted her was still muttering to the slightly fat officer with an unconvinced look on his face.
"Girl, are you acquainted with the soldiers over there?"
Lou Ai came back and just sat down next to the old lady, a middle-aged woman next to her asked, "Do you know how the base is arranged? Little girl, come sit over here. I have a coral fleece blanket, it's warm."
"Hey, who are you?" The old lady was unhappy.
"I don't know those soldiers, I just went to ask them for help to save my friends." Lou Ai said, "My friends are on the third floor, they have already gone up to look for them."
"Is that so?" The middle-aged woman nodded. She lost interest in Lou Ai and complained, "You are wearing cosmetic contact lenses. In today's environment, you have to wash your eyes after wearing these. Isn't that a burden?"
"What's it got to do with you?" The old lady was angry.
"Yeah, it's not a burden to you, right?" After Lou Ai said that, she saw the middle-aged woman turning her head away embarrassedly.

"Girl, don't pay attention to them, they are just country gossips. It's okay for a little girl to love beauty." The old lady grumbled, "You never know when this world will end. My eldest granddaughter is at the age of loving beauty. At this age, she should dress up. Who knows when she will be gone."
There was only a little girl of five or six years old left next to the old lady, who was sleeping. The rest of her family members might have died in this apocalypse.
"Well, I wear contact lenses, and I can see clearly with them on." Lou Ai explained, "I would like to take them off, but I am extremely nearsighted and cannot live without glasses."
"Oh, this is a bit troublesome." The old lady sighed, reached out her hand to take out a heat patch from her bag, tore it open, and handed it to Lou Ai, "Here, put it on to keep you warm, girl, and don't be so tense, your friends will be fine." The old lady patted Lou Ai's thigh, "The army will go and find them, they will definitely be able to save your friends. How can we ordinary people not trust the army!"
"Thinking back, the hardships during the riots were much worse than they are now. Now the army distributes free porridge every morning. The hardships were mental, but before, we suffered physically." The old lady said generously, "We survived before, but it's a joke if we can't survive now!"
"Yes." Lou Ai nodded and carefully placed the warm baby on her belly, "Thank you, Auntie."
"It's fine…"
As she was speaking, the little girl woke up and the old lady quickly tucked the blanket around the girl.
"Grandma, I'm hungry." The little girl smiled at Lou Ai and looked at her grandma in a soft voice.

"You're hungry. Let Grandma find out if there's anything delicious." The old lady said as she rummaged through her bag. Lou Ai took a look and saw that there wasn't much in the old lady's bag. There was only half a pack of instant noodles, a few candies, some clothes, and some money wrapped in a white handkerchief.
She took out two loaves of bread and some milk from her bag and handed them to the little girl: "Here, eat more."
"Oh, no, that won't do. Food is so precious nowadays." The old lady quickly refused, "I still have food here."
"It's okay. This milk will expire soon if you don't drink it." Lou Ai stuffed it directly into the little girl's arms, "I still have food."
The little girl glanced at her grandmother and thanked her happily: "Thank you, sister."
The apocalypse had lasted for more than ten days, and most people had stayed at home without any extra food. Even those who had gone out to look for food had very little. The act of a few people pushing and passing bread around inevitably made people envious and sad.
Ignoring the envious looks from the people around her, Lou Ai opened a piece of chocolate, broke off half and handed it to the little girl, then took a bite herself.
She relaxed her brows and smiled, saying that the chocolate was not that bitter.
"Auntie, my friends are here, I'll go over to see them." Lou Ai saw Yang Yang and the others being brought down by Captain Wei, so she told the old lady and walked over.

"Sister Lou Ai." The guy with the flat head saw Lou Ai and called out first.

Yang Yang and his friends were registering. Seeing such a large-scale army, some of them couldn't help but relax. After seeing Lou Ai, they smiled even more excitedly.
The flat-headed man threw a backpack to Lou Ai: "Sister Lou Ai, here are the supplies we prepared for you."
"Thanks." Lou Ai nodded, and suddenly saw that the bag that the bald guy was carrying was twice as big as the ones Yang Yang and the others were carrying.
"Look, your friends are all safe. I told you there's no danger upstairs, right?" The young soldier came over and said casually, "My ability won't deceive me." Lou Ai ignored him and unzipped her bag to take inventory of the supplies.
Suddenly something strange happened. Lou Ai paused, threw away her bag, grabbed the young soldier and retreated.
"Ahhhh f#ck." Chen Youbo fell in front of Lou Ai. A thin layer of ice formed on his hands and feet, which made slight crackling sounds as he rolled.
Chen Youbo rolled over and stood up quickly, with purple electricity flashing on the machete in his hand.

Lou Ai looked up and made eye contact with the yellow-haired zombie on the second floor. In an instant, he understood what the yellow-haired zombie meant: devour, advance!
