Ch. 1

"Huff, chi, huff, chi."

Lou Ai was panting and running hard, pulling her father Lou Qiangguo and Lou Jun.

Not far away, the newly built city wall exudes the luster of loess. The buildings rising from the barren grassland were once the dream and hope of countless people.

But the sudden wave of zombies made all this a luxury.

They will be able to enter the city soon, and they will be safe once they get inside the city.

"Crack, crack, crack." The stench of zombies came from behind.

Lou Ai's legs and feet felt weak, and the only thing left in her eyes was the abandoned city with the heavy iron gate.

As long as she could get in there and rest for a while, her superpowers would be relieved and she would be confident that she could clear out the group of zombies chasing them.

"F#ck." Lou Jun was tripped by the rubble and cursed subconsciously.

The zombie behind him pounced on him excitedly, saliva with a strong fishy smell dripping down.

Lou Ai turned around and punched the zombie on the head, forcing it to take two steps back, then dragged Lou Jun up.

Seeing that the prey was about to disappear, the zombie rushed forward with all its strength. This zombie was a speed-type zombie, and its speed at that moment far exceeded that of other zombies.

It seemed to Lou Jun that in just a blink of an eye, the zombie's cheek covered with rotten flesh came closer.
He was so frightened that his heart stopped and his hands and feet were cold.

"Junjun!" Lou Qiangguo shouted, and without thinking, he grabbed Lou Ai's hand and pushed her back, then pulled Lou Jun up and ran towards the city gate.
Lou Ai's pupils dilated, the sound of zombies biting rang in her ears, and the intense pain spread from her neck to her whole body. It hurt, it hurt so much. Tears welled up in the corners of Lou Ai's eyes. She watched with tearful eyes as her father subconsciously looked back at her, then was frightened by the zombies that surrounded them, turned around and ran away quickly.
There was no trace of guilt in his eyes.
The resentment and anger remained in Lou Ai's mind and were swallowed up by the zombies.
There was darkness inside her consciousness, as if it was still and then slowly turning.

"Hey, wake up, wake up, Lou Ai, mom is calling you."
When Lou Ai opened her eyes, she saw Lou Jun’s face. She punched him and then sat up suddenly.
"F#ck, are you crazy?" Lou Jun covered his nose and sat on the ground, "My nose is bleeding!"
"You are the one who is crazy, aren't you?"

You just hurt me, and now you dare to come close to me?
Lou Ai immediately observed the surrounding environment. She was stunned when she saw it. The large wardrobe and low cabinet with carved wooden patterns, wasn't this the small attic where she had lived for several years? The low cabinet was a relic left by her mother. The dark red blood stains on the bed sheet were stained when she had her period, and it didn't wash off after washing with hot water.
"Just wait for me. I'll teach you a lesson when we get to school."
Something was wrong. Lou Ai clenched her weak arms.
Lou Jun's face is still the same as before the apocalypse, with white and plump flesh on his cheeks and his whole body plump, which is completely different from his appearance in the apocalypse when he was skinny and bony.
Lou Ai watched Lou Jun leave angrily, then stood up and searched the entire room.
Lou Ai found the cell phone and the time displayed on it was: March 3, 2031.
Has she returned to the ninth day before the end of the world?

Lou Ai clenched her cell phone tightly, the pain of being bitten by the zombies seemed to still linger on her body.
"Ai Ai, have you bullied your brother again?" Qin Shi's loud voice came from downstairs, "Come down and apologize to your brother, and wash the dishes while you're at it."
Lou Ai went downstairs. The stairs also had the same wooden hollow patterns as before the apocalypse.

Qin Shi was standing at the bottom of the stairs, with the same chubby face as Lou Jun: "Jun Jun, come here and show Ai Ai your nose. I've said it before, you're just too wild. Look how you beat your brother. Apologize quickly and clean up the dishes later."
Qin Shi was the woman her father Lou Qiangguo married after her mother passed away.
What’s funny is that their child, Lou Jun, is actually one year older than her.
"I'm sorry, I'm a wild child." Lou Ai thought about her past. If it were in the past, she would definitely apologize and wash the dishes as the woman asked.
Qin Shi felt a chill in her heart when she was looked at by Lou Ai. She glanced at Lou Qiangguo and forced a smile: "Okay, what wild kid, children just don't know what they mean. You don't have to wash the dishes. I'll go turn on the dishwasher."

Lou Jun rolled his eyes at her. He was sitting with Lou Qiangguo watching TV.
Lou Ai sat on the sofa and peeled an orange to eat, while Lou Jun and Lou Qiangguo were discussing traveling to H Province before the winter vacation was over.
"Ai Ai, are you really not going with us?" Lou Qiangguo, who was born with a smiling face, asked with a smile.
"Hey, don't disturb Ai Ai's studies. Ai Ai is in her third year of high school this year. She will go to school in two more days. This is an important time for her." Qin Shi stroked the diamond ring on her hand and interrupted Lou Guoqiang with a smile on her face, "Let's just give her enough living expenses. Ai Ai can cook and do other things."

"The child must want to go." Lou Qiang looked at Lou Ai lovingly.
Lou Ai stared at Lou Qiangguo for a long time and said, "I'm not going. Just give me living expenses now. Give me more. This is my Alipay. Transfer it to me directly."
Lou Ai remembered that at the end of her previous life, she was also left alone in Province S. Her cell phone was still usable at the beginning of the end of the world, but she didn't receive a single call.
Fortunately, she tried her best to find Lou Qiangguo at that time, thinking that her father was good to her and she couldn't be an ungrateful person.
"Okay, okay." Lou Guoqiang was not angry. He took out his mobile phone and was about to transfer money.
Qin Shi stopped him: "Ai Ai, Auntie will give you cash later. There are too many temptations on mobile phones now. I usually give your brother living expenses in cash."

"It's okay. I won't be tempted." Lou Ai narrowed her eyes and swallowed the orange peel. The sweet fruit aroma burst in her mouth. The plump and sweet taste brought her back to the world. "Besides, we don't accept cash for tuition anymore."
The smile on Qin Shi's face was a little distorted: "Then I'll send it to you on your phone."
"Well, how much will you give me, Dad?" Lou Ai looked at Lou Guoqiang. Qin Shi would deduct a lot from her living expenses, forcing her to work. She used to swallow it silently, but not now. Isn't it cheaper for Lou Jun?!

"Is one thousand yuan enough?" asked Lou Guoqiang.

"I also need to buy exercise books and various books, and form a study group with my classmates to play together. I can't just let them treat me." Lou Ai said.
"Well, that's a bit little. I'll give you two thousand." Lou Guoqiang nodded.
Qin Shi forced a smile and winked at Lou Jun.
Lou Jun secretly made an OK gesture, and smiled as he put his arm around Lou Qiangguo: "Dad, you have to give Lou Ai living expenses, can you give me some too? One of my roommates bought a laptop, but I don't want the laptop, can I just buy a pair of shoes?"
"Okay, it's a big holiday, it's hard for you to buy a pair of shoes. How much?" Lou Guoqiang said directly.
"It's not much, only 800 yuan. It's a pair of very nice shoes, really. It's a limited edition, so it has collection value and will appreciate in value in the future."
"Okay, here you go. Don't act like a spoiled child when you're that old." Lou Guoqiang transferred the money to Lou Jun first, and then scanned Lou Ai's Alipay code. "Ai Ai, I just transferred the money to Jun Jun. Dad doesn't have 2,000 yuan left. How about transferring 1,800 yuan to you? It should be enough if you spend frugally.

Facing Lou Jun's smug look, Lou Ai chewed over these words, looked at the 1,800 yuan that had been deposited into her account, and nodded: "Okay, if you think it's enough, then it's enough."

Lou Qiangguo smiled soothingly, "It will definitely be enough. Ask Aunt Qin to give you some cash when you leave."
"Okay." Lou Ai stood up, took two more oranges and put them in her pocket, and walked upstairs to the small attic.

The city H where Lou Qiangguo was traveling had a large population, and the place they were traveling to was right in the city center. The intensity of the zombies' attacks was much stronger than in the remote rural towns in Province S.

At that time, when she finally found them, Qin Shi had already passed away.

Lou Qiangguo and Lou Jun, on the other hand, were just guarding a mouthful of steamed bread and swallowing their saliva as they started fighting with others.
For two years, she relied on her water-related abilities to support the two grown men.

She didn't expect to raise a pair of ungrateful people.

She wanted to see how Lou Qiangguo and Lou Jun would live without her support.

Lou Ai returned to her small bedroom, locked the door, dragged the small cabinet next to it over and placed it at the door, then walked to the window and carefully checked the window lock. Then she looked around the space where only one person was, breathed a sigh of relief, and sat on the bed in a daze.

After a while, she turned her gaze to the low cabinet left by her mother.
She leaned over and saw rubber bands, music boxes, key chains, pearl necklaces, and thick photo albums. The low cabinet was full of treasures her mother left her.

But when the end of the world came, she was exhausted from keeping herself alive, so she didn't have the time to look for her mother's belongings. When she was being chased by zombies, she sometimes thought back and was filled with regrets.

Lou Ai opened the photo album and traced the photos with her finger in it.
She and her mother were cut from the same cloth, with a full forehead, willow-shaped eyebrows, big almond-shaped eyes, slightly drooping corners of the mouth, and round lips, like what people often call a world-weary face.
However, she lacks a bit of girlishness, while her mother was a great beauty who also had a girlishness when she passed away.

"Lou Ai, when I'm out playing, don't touch the sneakers in the shoe cabinet. These are limited editions, and each pair is priceless." Lou Jun pulled the suitcase and pointed at the sneakers in his room, muttering, "If one pair is different from the one I had before I left, I'll beat you up."
"Ai Ai, please lock the doors and windows when you are alone at home, and never let strangers in. I have a lot of jewelry in my bedroom, it will be terrible if we get robbed." Qin Shi instructed. She especially treasured her jewelry boxes, which were her lifeblood.
"Ai Ai, study hard at home alone." Lou Qiangguo patted Lou Ai's shoulder, his casual suit inadvertently revealing the famous watch on his wrist, "Let's go."
Lou Ai nodded and closed the door.

There are only six days left until the end of the world.

She stood by the kitchen window, watching Lou Qiangguo take Qin Shi and Lou Jun into the online taxi, opened the refrigerator and unpacked a box of ice cream, then went to open Qin Shi's bedroom door. Qin Shi's bedroom was actually locked. This was not to protect against thieves, but to guard against her!

After finishing her ice cream, Lou Ai found a hammer and broke the door open.

——Bang, bang, bang.

Qin Shi's treasured jewelry, Lou Jun's shoes, and her father's watch, all of which are valuable, she had her eyes on them.
